Chapter 633
Chapter 630 Three, This Life Is Enough
She originally thought that she would never hear him speak again in this life, after all those imperial doctors said that he couldn't wake up, but Yaoyao had such ability to pull Ah Xiao back from the gate of hell.

"Ah Xiao, did you hear, you will wake up soon and see our daughter." Lan Xinyue told Feng Xiao with tears.

Not long after, the death row prisoner Feng Yunyao wanted was brought over.

The condemned prisoner had already been knocked unconscious, but his physique was relatively strong, his face was rosy, and he seemed to be a very healthy person.

Afterwards, Feng Yunyao took his pulse, and everything was in good health.

"What's wrong with him?" Feng Yunyao asked the guard who brought the death row prisoner over.

"He raped a girl from a neighbor's house, and killed the girl's family and the girl. A total of six lives were taken. The crime is heinous. He planned to behead him tomorrow."

Such a person really deserves to die, Feng Yunyao woke up the condemned prisoner.

The condemned prisoner opened his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw. The luxurious and beautiful big house, the furniture and decorations inside looked very expensive.

In front of You Qi stood a girl as beautiful as a fairy, prettier than all the women he had ever seen in his life.

If he could spend a night with such a girl, he would die immediately.

"Beauty, she's so pretty, it would be nice to spend the night with my master." The death row prisoner showed Feng Yunyao a lewd smile, if not for his hands and feet being tied up with ropes, he would have rushed forward at this moment.

Anyway, he was going to die, and he would only make money if he could touch such a fairy-like girl before he died.

"Yaoyao, stay away from him." Lan Xinyue quickly pulled Feng Yunyao behind her, glaring at the death row prisoner.

Seeing Lan Xinyue, the condemned prisoner's eyes lit up again, "Yo, I didn't expect the old one to be so beautiful. If you don't let the young one go, the old one will come to accompany you... Ah!"

He hadn't finished his insulting words when Feng Yunyao kicked him in the crotch. That miserable cry made people feel horrified.

Blood flowed from his pants, and he would never be able to bully a woman again after this kick.

The death row prisoner clutched his lower body, screaming in pain.

Feng Yunyao simply popped out a silver needle and directly sealed his vocal cords.

I thought that even death row prisoners should be given the most basic respect, but now there is no need, this kind of person really deserves to die.

Lan Xinyue was a little surprised by her sudden action, and then smiled with satisfaction.

As a future empress, how can she be merciful? If she has no means and is too soft-hearted, she will end up worse than her in the end.

"Does he have any family?"

"Yes." The guard said quickly, with timidity in his eyes, the kick just now was too cruel, where did this woman come from to strike so cruelly.

"Tell me about his family's situation." Feng Yunyao said quietly.

"He has a wife and a son. The son is only seven years old. However, his wife and son are also pitiful. They were beaten by him all day long. Just a few days ago he broke his wife's arm. His son was even worse. According to his neighbors, last year he hung his son from the roof and was almost beaten to death. Also, he was not only lustful but also a gambler, and all the money his wife earned for other people's darn was used by him to eat, drink and whore Bet, before the murder, because his son was still handsome, he planned to sell it to Chu Guan, and he found a buyer for his wife, and even negotiated the price. Wives and children exist like demons."

His hometown is in the same village as this death row prisoner, and he knows something about his deeds. He is really a villain.

The news that he was sentenced to death spread to the village, and the neighbors all applauded. Such a person's death is not a pity.

What Feng Yunyao hates the most is this kind of man who has no ability, and vents his anger on his family when he gets home. In addition, he kills his neighbors, this kind of devil is not a pity to die.

"You go and ask his wife for me. I want his heart. If she agrees, I will give their mother and son a sum of spar and buy some fertile land for them."

A death row prisoner must die if he commits such a crime, but his body belongs to his family, and his family's consent is still required.

"Okay, this subordinate will ask."

The guard saluted Lan Xinyue and left in a hurry.

"Yaoyao, what do you want his heart for?" Lan Xinyue was puzzled.

"Father's heart has been completely necrotic and needs to be replaced with a good one. I plan to use the heart of this death row prisoner to replace it with Daddy's body."

"Exchange... the heart." This is the first time Lan Xinyue heard that the heart can be exchanged, "The heart of the condemned prisoner is not your father's internal organs, can it be replaced by your father?"

The human heart is not a dead thing outside, it can be transferred at will.

Feng Yunyao knew that this was difficult for the ancients to accept, so she nodded, "Yes."

She glanced at the death row prisoner who had passed out on the ground, and said, "Don't kill this death row prisoner. Now my father's body is too weak for a heart transplant. I'll help him recuperate for a while."

"Yaoyao, do you mean to stay in the Heavenly Holy Kingdom for a while?" Lan Xinyue's eyes lit up when she heard what she meant.

The Friendship League is only two days away, and she thought that after the league ended, Yaoyao would leave with the other students of Xuanhuang Academy.

"Well, Daddy's body is important."

Lan Xinyue was happy and relieved, "Yaoyao, mother will contact Lanxuan Academy for you, you should go there to study first."

"No need, I'll go back to Xuanhuang Academy when Dad's health is almost recovered." Feng Yunyao shook her head.

"The teachers of Lanxuan Academy are no worse than Xuanhuang Academy. You can go in and study at ease. As for the place in the Four Kingdoms Contest, I will help you get it." Lan Xinyue was reluctant to leave her. If she could stay in Lanxuan Academy, In this way, they are much closer. If you want to see her, you can go to the academy at any time.

"Mom, I don't plan to change colleges." Dean Ye and the others are very kind to her, she can't just leave, not to mention Mu Yan and the others are also there, and she also likes the atmosphere of Xuanhuang College.

Lan Xinyue also knew that it was better to stay in a familiar place than to change to an unfamiliar environment. Xuanhuang College was also one of the four major colleges.

Moreover, most of the elders and teachers of Lanxuan Academy belong to the Tuobaqing faction. If they knew that Yaoyao had something to do with the royal family, they would definitely not treat Yaoyao kindly. She just wanted to keep her daughter by her side, so she forgot about it She is selfish.

"Okay, mother will support you no matter what you do, I hope you can come to Heavenly Holy Kingdom to see mother and father, as well as your brother Xuan'er." Lan Xinyue gently brushed a strand of hair on Feng Yunyao's forehead. With her hair pinned behind her ears, her eyes were full of reluctance and helplessness.

The gentle fingertips rubbed against her forehead, it was very warm, Feng Yunyao pursed her lips and said: "I will study in Xuanhuang Academy this year, Tuoba Qing's family will let them dance for a while, when I have progress in my studies Cheng will come back and clean them up."

(End of this chapter)

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