Chapter 639
Chapter 630 IX I'm Going to Show off
After the lottery is drawn, the game begins.

The first day is for the two competitions of martial arts and alchemy, and the second day is for the other three.

In the beginning, there was a martial arts competition. The largest number of people participated in the competition, a total of 38 people, divided into two large groups. Each group sent a student, and whoever lost would be eliminated.

The remaining sixteen people were divided into two groups, and so on until there were only two people left.

In the first round, sixteen were eliminated to advance to sixteen, and those eliminated were given twenty points.

In the second round, eight people will be eliminated and eight will be promoted, and those who are eliminated will be given [-] points.

In the third round, four were eliminated and four were promoted, and those eliminated were given forty points.

In the fourth round, two players will be eliminated and two will be promoted, and those who are eliminated will be awarded fifty points.

In the end, the remaining two will battle it out. The final winner will get 2 points, while No.[-] will get [-] points.

The three items of refining alchemy and cultivating spirit casters are ranked according to the level of the refined things.

However, everyone is divided into four grades, and the scoring is still the same as in the martial arts competition. No.1 is still 2 points higher than No.2, and No.[-] is [-] points higher than the fourth round contestants. Subsequent points are less than [-] points, so that there is no zero point for each item.

Of course, according to the rules of this competition, No.1 will directly pull away the ones behind, so getting No.1 is the most important thing.

The rules for taming beasts are similar to those above, and are judged according to the level of the tamed beasts.

Tuoba Junhe had an attitude that he was determined to win. He not only wanted to get the first place, but also left them far away, so that his adoptive father could know how powerful he was.

Before the competition, it is necessary to draw lots. The two groups that have been divided will draw lots. Whichever group catches the lottery will be drawn by that group.

Feng Yunyao and Tuoba Junhe were divided into a group, and their group got the right to draw lots.

The invigilator took the sticks and began to draw lots for the contestants.

This invigilator is still the same person who drew the options for the competition last time, Feng Yunyao looked thoughtfully at the black bamboo stick in his hand.

This bamboo stick holder is made of black iron. It looks nothing on the outside, but the person's hand is always dragging it down instead of holding the barrel pole...

Soon he walked towards Feng Yunyao, put his hand under the bamboo tube, and handed the lottery bucket to Feng Yunyao, "Girl, it's your turn."

The corners of Feng Yunyao's lips hooked slightly, and suddenly her hand quickly reached the bottom of the bamboo stick.

When the invigilator reacted, Feng Yunyao had already pulled out a stick from the bucket of bamboo sticks.

"You..." His angry words almost came out of his mouth, but fortunately he still had a little reason, which made him endure it forcefully.

Feng Yunyao held the stick and shook it at the invigilator, and sneered at the invigilator, "Just now, did you have Ji Hui's name in this tube?"

"...Nonsense." The invigilator said with a sullen face, and rushed to the next drawer.

"Ayao, who are you drawing?" Jiang Mo leaned over and looked at her bamboo stick, "Qi Hai, I know him, he is a student of Jiaxuan Academy, this time your luck has finally come, His major is casting, and his cultivation is at most Xuanzong, and you can shake him off the stage by stomping your feet."

For Xuanzong to Xuansheng, it is not as easy as an adult hitting a three or four-year-old child, there is no comparison.

Fate, Feng Yunyao smiled lightly, with a hint of sarcasm on her lips, if she hadn't seen that the bamboo tube had a mechanism, she would definitely be facing Ji Hui now.

She and Ji Hui both faced each other in the first round. No matter who wins or loses, it will be a fierce battle. The one who loses can only get the lowest [-] points in the discussion and elimination, and the one who wins is also exhausted. He was exhausted, his physical strength was almost exhausted, and when he faced Tuoba Junhe, his chances of winning would be very small.

This calculation is really sound, but unfortunately the facts are often not satisfactory.

Tuoba Junhe looked towards her, and saw that she was holding a lottery in her hand, and her eyes were downcast, showing no expression.

She pretended to be quite calm, and she must be dying of anger in her heart.

He only needs to watch Ji Hui and Feng Yunyao lose both sides in the fight, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman.

At the beginning of the match, the seven of them did not compete with Ruan Chengyu. All six of them were there, but they were not opponents.

Because this is a friendly match, and the competition is based on personal strength, you can't use your guardian beast and contract beast in the competition, and once you use it, you will lose.

Lin Lang and Jiang Mo easily knocked each other out of the competition ring and won the first round.

Luo Li was lucky, the one who was drawn was a student who majored in nurturing spirits, and that student's cultivation level was not as good as Luo Li's, and the winner in the end was Luo Li.

As for Mu Yan, he is currently at the middle rank of King Xuan, and the opponent he draws is at the lower rank of Emperor Xuan, two ranks higher than him.

Then a ridiculous scene appeared.

"Stop, what are you running for!"

"You don't care about me, I'm going to run."

Mu Yan ran wildly on the martial arts arena, avoiding that person's tricks all the time, his lightness kung fu is very good, and after being trained by Feng Yunyao, it can be said that he is still very good at dodging other people's attacks.

His opponents are so angry that they want to strike. Are you sure this is a contest, not a race?
"Are you still a man, have the guts to stop." The man slapped him, but Mu Yan quickly dodged it.

"Of course I'm a man. If you don't believe me, I'll show you some place after the competition is over."

"..." He wants to strike!
At this moment, the invigilator said coldly: "Mu Yan, if you just dodge and don't fight, you will be sentenced to lose."

If you keep chasing like this, you won't be able to tell the winner until dark. Does anyone else need to compete?
"Just hit." Mu Yan suddenly pointed in one direction, "Look over there."

The students who competed with him couldn't help but have black lines on their foreheads, as if he was a three-year-old child.

Seeing him stop, he unceremoniously gave Mu Yan a slap.

Mu Yan quickly mobilized his profound energy to resist, but was still hit, and flew out of the body, falling towards the competition platform.

Everyone thought that Mu Yan had lost, but the moment Mu Yan fell, he held on to the competition stage so hard that he didn't let himself fall.

As long as the feet do not touch the ground, the part of the body is still on the stage, it is not considered a loss, "I haven't lost yet, my hands are still on it."

"..." You are no different from losing. If you are like this, you will definitely not win. If you insist on climbing up again, you will be beaten again.

Mu Yan flew up with all his strength, and raised his chin towards the man, "Young master won't admit defeat like that."

"Really, then I'll beat you until you admit defeat." The student's anger was provoked by him. He originally wanted to slap him away and end the competition as soon as possible, but he didn't expect this guy to be so shameless. Then he beat him up first, so that he can understand what restraint is, and what it means to be a man with his tail between his legs.

Next, Mu Yan was pressed and beat, finally annoyed Mu Yan, "Fucking father is going to show his power."

"Fat." Mu Yan was punched in the face again.

"You're still slapping your face, I'll fight with you." Mu Yan was furious when he thought that his handsome face, which everyone loves and loves flowers, has two marks that are the same as those on the ball's eyes.

Gather all the profound energy together and shout, "Ice-sealing-shu!"

Before the student could react, his whole body was frozen.

(End of this chapter)

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