Chapter 646 Don't Desperate Anymore
Chapter 640 Don't work hard anymore
When Tuoba Qing called, Feng Yunyao hugged Lan Xinyue and entered the holy cauldron.

Even so, he was still hurt by Tuoba Qing's palm.

But Lan Xinyue was protected in her arms and was not harmed.

Feeling no pain, Lan Xinyue opened her eyes and found that they had changed places.

She looked at the unfamiliar environment in front of her, "Yaoyao, where is this?"

Feng Yunyao took out a handkerchief and quickly wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth, and let her sit on the soft bed, "Still in the Blue Temple, here is my holy cauldron, there is a space in the holy cauldron, we are in the space now. "

"Space?" Lan Xinyue lowered her voice immediately, "Yaoyao, can you hear us talking outside?"

"We're talking here, we can't be heard from outside." Feng Yunyao moved a table from the first floor and poured her a cup of floral dew, "As long as Tuoba Qing doesn't go crazy outside and beat us up randomly, nothing will happen , Mother Wu has gone to invite the elders, they should be here soon."

"Mother, I know." Lan Xinyue finally felt relieved. She originally wanted to use herself to win more benefits for the two children, but she didn't expect her daughter to be saved.

"Yaoyao, why do you look so bad?" Lan Xinyue asked worriedly when she saw Feng Yunyao's pale face.

Feng Yunyao's eyes moved slightly, and she said with a smile: "I guess I'm tired from martial arts competitions during the day, just take a rest."

"Blue Heart Moon!"

Outside, Tuoba Qing woke up from extreme anger with a palm strike, he regretted it, he shouldn't have killed her, if she died, she would be just a lifeless corpse.

Tuoba Qing opened his eyes, only to find that Feng Yunyao was gone, not to mention the body, and her body could not be seen, but he was relieved.

"Lan Xinyue, come out to me!"

Inside the Holy Cauldron, Lan Xinyue heard Tuoba Qing calling outside, and frowned tightly, "Yaoyao, can you move in this space? If you can move, you can leave the palace and go back to Xuanhuang Academy. You can take Xuan'er as well." Take him away, let him stay in your space, and don't let him come out in recent years."

The throne is not as important as the lives of her two children, Yaoyao's identity is unknown to outsiders, as long as she returns to Xuanhuang Academy, Tuoba Qing will not embarrass such a small person as Yaoyao, considering the interests of both countries.

If she had changed before, she would not have let Yaoyao take Xuan'er away, after all Xuan'er stayed by Yaoyao's side, not only would Xuan'er not be able to keep Xuan'er, she would even implicate Yaoyao.

Since Yaoyao has this space, let Xuan'er hide here temporarily. After a few years, when Xuan'er grows up, the world may not recognize him. In addition, after many years, Xuan'er should be forgotten .

Feng Yunyao looked at her calmly, and said quietly: "Then what about you and my father?"

"We..." There was a wry smile on Lan Xinyue's lips, "Your father probably won't live for many days, so I'll stay here with him."

Accompanying him to Huangquan, meeting Feng Xiao in this life is already enough, the only regret is not watching his children get married, as long as they are alive, they can live a happy and healthy life as ordinary people.

Feng Yunyao held her hand and said: "Mother, in the future, no matter what, I have to die, and my father still has a long life. If you are gone, what should he do."

"Long?" Lan Xinyue was excited and squeezed Feng Yunyao's hand tightly, "Yaoyao, can your father live for a long time?"

She thought it would be good for Yaoyao to make Feng Xiao live longer, but she didn't expect that she would have a long lifespan, which she didn't even dare to think about.

"Mom, if you believe in me, Dad will live a long time."

"Yaoyao, mother believes in you." Lan Xinyue hugged her in her arms, stroked her smooth hair, deeply moved.

If there is no Yaoyao, Ah Xiao might not be able to do it anymore. Today she will be beaten to death by Tuobaqing. She is impulsive. She should continue to bear it with her tail between her legs. Now that Yaoyao and Xuan'er's wings are not yet full, she can't It should be a direct conflict with Tuoba Qing.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside, Feng Yunyao hurriedly led Lan Xinyue out of the holy cauldron.

Grandma Wu walked in with two white-haired and childlike old men. These two old men walked lightly, and they walked with a spirit of immortality. It seemed that their cultivation base was not low.

Seeing Feng Yunyao and Lan Xinyue suddenly appearing in front of his eyes, Tuoba Qing was furious, "Feng Yunyao, you want to kill me and make you happy!"

He slapped Feng Yunyao, Lan Xinyue hurriedly stood in front of her, the elder who came from behind moved over in an instant, and forcibly received Tuoba Qing's palm.

Both of them belonged to the peak of Xuanzun, and the monstrous power suddenly burst out, and everything around them suffered. The originally clean hall instantly turned into ruins, and bricks and tiles kept falling from the sky.

As early as the elders came over, Feng Yunyao quickly stepped aside with Lan Xinyue in her arms, forming a protective cover to cover their heads.

The strength of the two is equal, the strong profound strength of the other party shook each of them away, vomiting blood at the same time, each was injured, but the second elder was injured more seriously, it seems that Tuoba Qing's cultivation is about to break through the Xuanshen.

"Second elder, you dare to attack this king!" Tuoba Qing preemptively blamed the second elder for the crime.

The Second Elder took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood on his lower lip, and returned to his usual fairy-tale posture, "This old man is saving His Majesty, the regent, you dare to kill His Majesty, it's really outrageous!"

He scolded sharply, as if he was fighting for justice every word, but even though he knew that Tuoba Qing wanted to kill Lan Xinyue, he didn't mean to kill Tuoba Qing.

Tuoba Qing pointed at Feng Yunyao, and snorted: "The person this king wants to kill is her, so it's possible that this king wants to kill a woman from the Tianxuan Kingdom, and you should also take care of it."

The two elders looked at Feng Yunyao, but they saw her standing aside protecting Lan Xinyue, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, which contained a bit of sarcasm.

Seeing Feng Yunyao's appearance, the second elder couldn't help being surprised, the girl's demeanor and the heroic spirit between her brows seemed like a person.

That person is their real master.

However, her mocking smile made people uncomfortable.

Seeing that the two elders were not in charge, Feng Yunyao couldn't help but sneered and pointed at the ruins on the ground and the table where Tuoba Qing smashed Lan Xinyue for the first time: "I have never had any contact with Regent Tuoba before. , Why did he kill me? Isn't it because I saved Her Majesty the Empress, did you see the shattered table? It was Tuoba Qing who beat me."

"That's right, if it wasn't for Miss Feng, I would have been killed by this villain a long time ago." Lan Xinyue stood up and glared at Tuobaqing angrily, "He wants to force me, so I will take a dagger and use my own life to kill him." Resisting, but angering him, it was Miss Feng who saved me, such a rebellious subject, why don't you just sit back and ignore him!"

The Second Elder glanced at the table that had turned into shards. The table was not far behind him. Even if it broke in front of him, it would not rot like this. Obviously there had been a fight here before.

His Majesty had a dagger scar on his neck, as if he wasn't lying.

(End of this chapter)

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