Chapter 653 Too bad, the master is stunned
Chapter 650 The third is bad, the master is stupefied
"Very powerful." Feng Yunyao gave her a thumbs up, and then saw that Tuoba Junhe's face had turned black into a pan.

Unexpectedly, Yu Le could really tame a tenth-level spirit beast, and that Ruan Chengyu was a ninth-level beast master. Even without Yu Le, it would be difficult for him to get the first place in the beast control category.

The next step is Yuling. Ji Hui walked over and smiled at Feng Yunyao: "Miss Feng, you have to work hard. All the next competitions are over, and we only need to look at your results."

His current score is currently the first, with a total of 220 points.

Feng Yunyao nodded lightly at him, and went to the arena.

Although the Seventh Elder explained the midnight knowledge to her yesterday, Feng Yunyao still has no understanding of the casting technique.

At present, the third-level tools can still be done, but the final scores of the third-level metalsmiths are not much different from those of the zero-based metalsmiths in the competition.

Just when she was thinking about how many grades of utensils to forge, she heard Mu Yan's ruffian-like voice, "My lord, I've finished it."

Mu Yan handed over the duckling he made out of a piece of soft iron to the invigilator.

Seeing this little duck, everyone burst into laughter.

This is more ridiculous than handing in a blank paper. Even if a dagger is made of soft iron, it is better than a duck.

Mu Yan said disapprovingly of other people's laughter, "Although my young master's duck is a bit ugly, it can be kept at home to ward off evil spirits."

"..." Please, can you shut up, especially for the students who are competing, can you let others have a good competition.

Feng Yunyao decided to give it a go, picked some things she needed from the place where the materials were placed, and started casting.

When she took out the Fire Spirit Stone, it made everyone envious and jealous. It was the Fire Spirit Stone. Using it to control the fire, even if it couldn't be increased by one level, it could still make the best casting utensils.

The steps of casting are also crucial, a slight mistake may destroy the whole utensil.

Feng Yunyao picked up a piece of iron and was about to put it into the stove, when she heard a warm voice, "Miss Feng, your steps are wrong, the white iron should be behind the black iron, otherwise it will affect the appearance of the utensil, and the white iron There is a certain amount of corrosion to the core of the utensil, and if it is too close, the quality of the cast utensil will be greatly reduced."

When Feng Yunyao heard the words, she put the white iron back, replaced it with black iron, and bowed her hands to Qi Hai who was not far away, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Qi Hai smiled shyly, his smile was very clean.

The reason why I reminded her was because during the martial arts competition, she let him end with dignity, and didn't hurt him at all, so it was reciprocal.

Feng Yunyao concentrated her attention, but she was not very familiar with casting technique, and with too little practice, there were many places that were somewhat tricky.

However, fortunately, the Seventh Elder explained something to her last night, which made her more useful in today's competition.

In the end, a sixth-level tool was refined, which caused an uproar to everyone who knew her, especially the students of Xuanhuang Academy.

You must know that not long ago she blew up a house because of the casting. Everyone in the academy knew about it, and she became the talk behind everyone's tea and dinner. I didn't expect that it took only a month to refine the sixth level. Equipment, this progress is too fast.

You must know that eighth-level casters can become college teachers.

Qi Hai has refined eight-level utensils, and he is undoubtedly one of the best casting utensils.

Although Feng Yunyao was not outstanding in casting, she got sixty points.

If she wants to surpass Ji Hui, she must get No.2 in Yu Ling, which is seventy points.

Because there were two competitions in the morning, and it was already noon after the end, Lan Yunxuan immediately asked people to have a banquet in the palace, and had them eat in the palace, and then the next competition of spiritual cultivation.

After the meal, the students were given a rest.

Tuoba Junhe had someone carry him to Feng Yunyao, and he sat there smiling at Feng Yunyao and said, "Congratulations, Miss Feng, but it seems that you will be the next one to nurture the spirit." It's not that easy anymore, I heard that you have only reached the fifth level of Spiritual Nurturing Art, and I'm only at the seventh level of Spiritual Nurturing Art, so this time, you will definitely be the first in a single item."

He scored 230 points in the martial arts competition, 1 points in beast control, and as long as Yu Ling won the first place, he would get [-] points, and the overall and No. [-] in Yu Ling were still his.

Feng Yunyao leaned on the platform pillar, with a faint smile on her lips, "As far as I know, Zhuang Xiuwen from Tianqi Kingdom is also a seventh-level spirit cultivator, it's not certain whether you can get No.1 Woolen cloth."

Zhuang Xiuwen Xiuxuan took the fourth place. As for the other item, beast control, he didn't know how to control beasts at all, so that item only got [-] points for friendship, and the last item of spiritual cultivation was his. strengths.

As soon as she said this, Tuoba Junhe's face turned extremely ugly. It is true that Zhuang Xiuwen's spiritual nurturing technique is the same as his, which is at the seventh level. If Zhuang Xiuwen performs supernormally, the quality of the spiritual grass bred is better than his , then No.1 belongs to Zhuang Xiuwen.

"Look at your complexion. Why are you so energetic? You must have taken some forbidden drugs." Xiaobai had already come from Lan Yunxuan, jumped on Feng Yunyao's shoulder, and came to help her family The master scolded me.

No way, who made the owner's mouth stupid, it can't work without it.

As soon as it said this, it directly poked Tuoba Junhe's heart, "Nonsense!"

"Tsk tsk, I'd like to remind you. If you take too many banned drugs, you will easily become a fool. Alas, why are you so warm-hearted, and even reminded a bad guy." After Xiaobai finished speaking, he looked annoyed and regretful. .

Tuoba Jun was so angry that people hurriedly carried him away. He came here to blow Feng Yunyao's self-confidence, but he was ridiculed by this little beast instead.

Soon, the last item - nurturing the spirit will begin.

Each contestant chooses the corresponding level of spiritual grass according to his own ability. It is like if you are a fifth-level spiritual cultivator, you have to get the fourth-level spiritual grass. If you upgrade, you can only get [-] friendship points.

Everyone will have two spirit grasses, and the extra one is to prevent it from being smelted. Yu Ling is easy to refine and waste when challenging high-level spirit grass.

Tuoba Junhe and Zhuang Xiuwen took the sixth-level spirit grass, Feng Yunyao looked at the fourth-level spirit grass, then at the fifth-level spirit grass, and finally chose the sixth-level spirit grass.

"Ayao, aren't you a fifth-level spiritual cultivator?" Luo Li was very confused about her choice, and if she didn't have a child, her grades would be the lowest.

If she really wants to fight, she should also choose the fifth-level spirit grass. If she skips two levels directly, the risk is too great.

"If you don't try it, how will you know it won't work?" Feng Yunyao smiled while holding the sixth-level spiritual herb.

Luo Li seemed to be infected by her, originally wanted to pick a fourth-level spiritual herb, but chose a sixth-level spiritual herb instead.

He knew that he couldn't make seventh-level spiritual grass at all, and he only hoped to help her share some malicious eyes from others.

Sure enough, seeing that he was holding a sixth-level spiritual herb, the people who originally laughed at Feng Yunyao were replaced by Luo Li, after all, Luo Li was even worse than Feng Yunyao.

"You don't need it, change it to level five." Feng Yunyao took away the spirit grass in his hand, and replaced it with two level five plants for him, "We'll see if we can grow level six spirit grass."

It is very difficult for Luo Li to refine a sixth-level spirit grass, and even a seventh-level spirit grass is impossible. If he can refine a sixth-level spirit grass, he may be able to get a comprehensive ranking. If he rushes to the seventh level, he will only lose his prize. chance of ranking.

Luo Li looked at the spirit grass in his hand, nodded heavily, "Okay, I won't let you down."

After selecting the spirit grass, the contestants returned to their respective positions and began to raise the grass.

Nurturing spirits is not something you can cultivate if you want. The first time Feng Yunyao failed, she directly destroyed a sixth-level spirit grass.

Seeing this, Tuoba Junhe smiled very dissatisfied, she might be able to succeed with a fifth-level spiritual herb, even if she couldn't get the overall first place, Feng Yunyao's score tied for second with Ji Hui, which made her greedy, He had to rush to the seventh-level spirit grass.

Tuoba Junhe refined a seventh-level spiritual grass, but the quality was a bit low. Zhuang Xiuwen also refined a seventh-level spiritual grass, but the quality of his spiritual grass was obviously better than his.

Not reconciled, he picked up another plant and continued to cultivate the spirit, but because he was eager for quick success, he directly refined and destroyed the spirit grass.

There was only one spiritual herb of poor quality at the seventh level, and if he wanted to win Zhuang Xiuwen, he would have to upgrade this seventh-level spiritual herb to eighth.

But with his ability, he couldn't do it at all. Could it be that he just gave up?
At that time, he can only get No.2, his total score is only 220 points, while Ji Hui's is [-] points.

No, he definitely wants to take the overall first place!

I don't believe it, he still can't break through the eighth level.

Tuoba Junhe picked up the seventh-level spiritual herb, and with a ruthless heart, he started to attack the eighth-level. This scene made everyone focus on him.

It's a pity that things depend on people's actions. Not only did Tuoba Junhe fail to make a successful impact, but he also refined the only remaining spiritual herb. Because of excessive mental power exhaustion, he passed out directly and was carried out by his subordinates.

Feng Yunyao calmed down, picked up the second spiritual herb and started nurturing the spirit.

Everyone feels pity for Feng Yunyao. If she takes a level five spirit grass, as long as she refines a level six spirit grass, No.2 will be hers, and she will be number one overall, but she insists on rushing to the seventh level. class.

Alas, I'm afraid it won't be long before she will be the second one to be carried out.

Feng Yunyao ignored other people's weird gazes, gathered all her energy, and reached the peak of her own profound strength. If her mental strength was insufficient, she would use her profound strength to bless her, and almost all of her energy was concentrated on her head.

At this moment, her face slowly turned red, more and more red, and the spirit grass in her hand also began to change. The white spirit energy lingered around the spirit grass, and soon turned into a seventh-level spirit grass.

"My God, she really succeeded in educating her. It seems that her quality is no worse than Zhuang Xiuwen's." Thinking about educating spirits, there will be two No.1s.

But the strange thing is that Feng Yunyao didn't intend to stop, the continuous spiritual energy was still lingering on the spirit grass, and her face seemed to be congested with blood, which looked terrible.

"Oops, master is in a daze." Xiaobai hurried over, circling around in a hurry, not daring to wake her up, "What should I do, if I can't, I'm going to find the elder."

Xiao Bai made a choice in time, and rushed towards the elders' house like a bullet.

The little witch spirit staying in the holy cauldron sensed the difference from its master, threw away the small shovel and ran out from inside.

"Guji Guji." When it was over, the master was dazed.

Otherwise, the owner will become a fool.

The little Wu Ling opened his mouth and bit Feng Yunyao's finger, then stretched out a small finger of his own, frowned and took a lot of courage to bite the skin on it.

Pressing his finger on Feng Yunyao's finger, muttering silently, it looks very funny.

(End of this chapter)

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