Chapter 659

Chapter 650 Nine Daughter-in-law's face is still to be given

As he said that, Xiaobai still didn't forget to make an ally, "Xiao Xuanxuan, what do you think, is the master and His Highness Pluto the best match?"

Lan Yunxuan looked at Feng Yunyao and then at Emperor Jiushang, and he also felt that they were the most suitable, but he felt that His Highness Pluto would not enter the Heavenly Sacred Kingdom. Could it be possible for his sister to marry to the Tianxuan Kingdom? What I don't want to see, after much deliberation, I still think Shao Jinyu is the most suitable.

Lan Xinyue was also very surprised, she never thought that Emperor Jiushang came to Tiansheng Kingdom to marry Yaoyao.

The most outstanding young man from Tongtian Continent came to her and said that he wanted to marry her daughter, but what he came was not a surprise but a fright.

As far as she knew, before Emperor Jiushang disappeared, Lord Tianxuan had trained him as the future Lord, and he had never appointed a crown prince in so many years, and now that His Royal Highness Pluto is back, he is afraid that the position of crown prince must belong to him.

When Yaoyao marries him, she must go to Xuantian Kingdom with her. This is not what she wants to see, and the elders' house will not allow Yaoyao to marry far away. They obviously train Yaoyao as a future queen.

So, this Emperor Jiushang is not a good match for Yaoyao.

But how to refuse, maybe it will cause big trouble for Yaoyao, maybe even make an enemy, it is still a strong enemy.

When Lan Xinyue was thinking about how to politely reject Emperor Jiushang, the palace servant's voice sounded again, "Mr. Qinglan, Miss Qingyan is here."

Lan Xinyue breathed a sigh of relief, and said hastily, "Hurry up, please come in, Mr. and Miss."

Fortunately, Qinglan and Qingyan came in time, otherwise she really didn't know how to answer Di Jiushang, I hope he can see what she meant, give both parties a step, and stop begging to marry Yaoyao.

Di Jiushang sat upright, his expression was indifferent and his emotions could not be seen.

"Brother Jiu, you've been rejected." Di Xingrui seldom saw Di Jiushang's deflated look, and he felt a little gloated about his misfortune, but he was worried about him in his heart, and it was a very distressing thing to not get the approval of his future mother-in-law .

Feng Yunyao obviously noticed it too, but she didn't feel anything, no matter who Ah Jiu will be or become in the future, it will be her man.

Qinglan and Qingyan walked in. They were also the top young men and women in Tongtian Continent. Not only their appearance and ability, but they were also the children of Dean Qing. Just because of their identities, they could walk across Tongtian Continent.

The man is handsome and gentle, and the woman is glamorous and glamorous. Standing together and walking together, they look like characters walking out of ink paintings.

"Qing Lan sees Her Majesty the Empress." Qing Lan bowed to Lan Xinyue and bowed, but Qingyan didn't say anything, just bowed to Lan Xinyue as a junior.

Lan Xinyue didn't think anything of Qingyan's arrogance. After all, she was the daughter of Dean Qing. It was rare for Mr. Qinglan to have such a proud capital. With such a status, it was rare to be so humble.

"Welcome to my little girl's banquet, please be seated."

Qing Lan followed the palace people to their seats, but Qing Yan didn't, but walked towards Emperor Jiushang.

"Brother, you don't mind if Yan'er sits here." Qingyan smiled at Yanyan, walked up to Di Jiushang, and made a gesture to sit down.

Before Emperor Jiushang could speak, Feng Yunyao flew out and grabbed Qingyan's arm: "Miss Qingyan, your seat is over there, and there are two seats for His Highness Pluto."

"It's okay, I don't want to eat." Qingyan shook her hand away, not intending to walk away.

Feng Yunyao smiled and said: "Even if Miss Qingyan doesn't eat, she can't hinder others from eating. One more person is too crowded. Besides, if word spreads, it will be said that our Heavenly Holy Kingdom can't even provide a table for banquets, so that guests Sitting crowded together, isn't it to say that the Heavenly Holy Kingdom is too stingy, and I hope that Miss Qingyan will not embarrass our Heavenly Holy Kingdom."

Qingyan's face was slightly cold, and she said in a cold voice: "If I want to sit here."

Seeing that her attitude became tough, Feng Yunyao looked at Di Jiushang with a half-smile, "It depends on whether His Highness Hades is willing to let you sit."

The words he said were deliberately aggravated, and he almost said directly to Di Jiushang, "Do you dare to let her sit here and try." '

Di Jiushang looked at her warning gaze, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, and immediately said three words, "I don't want to."

If you are angry, you will be angry, but you still have to give your daughter-in-law face.

Feng Yunyao was very satisfied with his answer, raised her eyebrows at Qingyan and said, "I believe Miss Qingyan is not deaf."

Qingyan knew that Di Jiushang would not give her face, between her and Feng Yunyao, he would definitely choose Feng Yunyao without hesitation, she was just not reconciled, but unexpectedly she was in a mess.

Even so, Qingyan's face was indifferent, as if she didn't hear Di Jiushang's disgust, she smiled gently and said to Di Jiushang: "Since senior brother doesn't like to squeeze seats with others, Yan'er won't bother you, let's find another opportunity later get together."

After finishing speaking, he lifted his chin slightly, and walked gracefully to Qing Lan and sat down in front of Qing Lan.

Feng Yunyao did not return to her original seat, but sat down directly beside Di Jiushang, and asked shamelessly, "His Royal Highness Pluto, can you let me sit here, this plate of shrimp is more delicious, I'm gone."

With her actions and her words, others were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

They could see that the princess of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom clearly had a crush on His Royal Highness Pluto, no wonder she came out to prevent Miss Qingyan from sitting next to her senior brother, but this behavior and words were a bit too aggressive.

Just wait to be slapped in the face, Di Jiushang doesn't even give face to his junior sister, how could he give it to a princess who has no real power? As for why Di Jiushang suddenly asked Feng Yunyao to marry him, they don't know what the reason is, but What is certain is that His Royal Highness Pluto will never marry Feng Yunyao just because he likes her, maybe what Feng Yunyao wants.

Everyone was waiting to see Feng Yunyao being shot flying by Emperor Jiushang.

Di Jiushang didn't answer her, didn't even look at her, but took a handkerchief to wipe his hands, squeezed a shrimp and began to peel it.

Those plain and slender fingers peeled the prawns gracefully, which was pleasing to the eye and greatly increased the appetite.

Emperor Jiushang didn't eat the peeled prawns, but put them on an empty plate, and put the empty plate in front of Feng Yunyao.

Anger is anger, but you can't let your daughter-in-law go hungry.

Feng Yunyao picked up the peeled shrimp with peace of mind, dipped some sauce into her mouth.

The peeled prawns tasted better than she gnawed with the skin on.

Seeing this scene, everyone was so shocked that they could not wait to roll their eyes. His Highness Pluto peeled shrimp for Feng Yunyao!
What's going on, could it be that Di Jiushang really fell in love with Feng Yunyao?
No way, if a good girl like Miss Qingyan doesn't like it, why must she fall in love with a princess who has no real power.

Seeing their interaction, especially seeing Di Jiushang painstakingly peeling shrimp for Feng Yunyao, Qingyan who was opposite could no longer control her expression, wishing to crush the teacup in her hand.

"Don't be angry, no matter how much you like him, he's someone else's man." Qing Lan was drinking from a glass, her lips full of sarcasm.

(End of this chapter)

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