Chapter 668 Mo Qingyan's Tragic Experience

Chapter 660 Mo Qingyan's Tragic Experience

"Fox?" Feng Yunyao looked at the nine-tailed Firefox that rushed out, and said in surprise.

"Feng Yunyao, it's really you." The Firefox turned into a cloud of red smoke, and then condensed into a human form, dressed in a dazzling red dress, with a pair of fox eyes slightly upturned, carrying the inherent evil charm, that appearance Even a woman feels inferior to him when she is in front of him.

Seeing Feng Yunyao was overjoyed, Mo Qingyan hurried over, "Ayao, quickly let me enter your holy cauldron."

"What's wrong?" Feng Yunyao panicked seeing him being chased, obviously someone was chasing him.

"It's too late to explain, let me go in and hide for a while."

Feng Yunyao didn't ask any more questions, and moved him into the holy cauldron.

Just then, a girl in a goose white dress ran out from behind the iceberg.

This girl's hair is silver-white, and her skin is even more white than snow. If it weren't for those dark pupils the size of copper bells, it would be hard to separate her from the snow-capped mountains.

With exquisite facial features and almost transparent fair skin, she looks like an elf who has strayed into the world.

"Where's the fox?" The girl held a dagger made of crystal in her hand, and she was panting slightly, obviously caused by long-term running.

She looked around, and then searched on the ice, but there was no footprint.

This place is full of ice, not to mention that a fox will not leave footprints when it runs away, and at a glance, it is full of stone and ice sculptures. She is so small that she can't find it wherever she hides it.

Seeing Feng Yunyao and Di Jiushang, he ran over and asked, "Sister, have you seen a fiery red fox? It has nine tails and is about this big."

As she said that, the girl gestured for the size of Mo Qingyan's original body.

"I see." Feng Yunyao pointed in one direction, "He ran in that direction."

"Thank you, thank you so much." The girl thanked Feng Yunyao, and quickly ran towards the direction she pointed.

When the girl disappeared, Feng Yunyao took Di Jiushang into the holy cauldron.

Mo Qingyan was paralyzed on the ground, and the little Wuling stared at him warily with a small shovel, it wanted to help its master keep an eye on this foreign invader.

Seeing Feng Yunyao and Di Jiushang come in, Mo Qingyan sat up, "Has that woman left?"

"Let's go." Feng Yunyao asked directly, "Aren't you in the Sky Continent, why did you come here?"

Before they came to Tongtian Continent, Mo Qingyan had gone somewhere and had no chance to say goodbye. He thought that he might never see him again in this life, but he did not expect that he also came to Tongtian Continent.

"It's hard to explain in one word." Mo Qingyan said very deeply.

He was ordered to come down to look for the golden dragon. He thought that if he found Feng Yunyao, he would be able to sit back and relax. He just needed to follow her and let her find it for him, but he didn't expect that this girl was so busy that she spent all day with a spinning top. It seems to be running around.

Counting on her to help him find the dragon, he didn't know that he would have to wait until the year of the monkey, so he left her and tried to find it by himself.

After searching for a while, there was still no clue, so he went back to look for Feng Yunyao, but he didn't expect that she was no longer in the Sky Continent, and had gone to another world. He learned this because he eavesdropped on the conversation between her grandfather and elder brother.

So he ran to wander around the foot of Tianshen Mountain, and it didn't take long for Tianshen Mountain to open a crack by itself, and he took the opportunity to rush in.

After entering the crack, he passed out, and when he woke up, he was staying in a crystal palace.

Sitting next to him was an extremely beautiful and delicate girl, holding a crystal dagger in her hand and holding one of his tails with the other.

"What a poor little thing, Ah Hua and Ah Huang both have a tail, how come you have eight more tails, it must be because of illness, but don't be afraid, my sister will help you heal."

The girl touched his smooth fur, and the crystal dagger in her hand was gesturing on the tail, placing it at the root, "I'd better cut it from the tail, so that after cutting it off, even if there is a scar, it won't be too obvious."

The cold touch made Mo Qingyan tremble all over, and he patted the girl's hand with his paw, and the girl let go of its tail in pain.

Mo Qingyan ran away quickly, this girl was too scary, she wanted to cut off all his tails, no, she should cut off his eight tails.

The nine-tailed fox is a god fox that is rare in a thousand years. This ignorant girl actually said that he had a strange disease, which is why he grew eight extra tails.

No knowledge, ignorance!

It took Mo Qingyan a lot of effort to escape from that huge crystal palace. Fortunately, he met Feng Yunyao, otherwise he would still be chased by that stupid girl and cut off his tail.

Listening to his narration, the corners of Feng Yunyao's lips twitched slightly, "So that girl didn't mean anything to you, she just wanted to help you."

"Fart, who cares about her helping me, I have no reason for my majestic fox to have its tail cut off." Mo Qingyan said angrily.

Thinking of the girl who chased after him and chopped off his tail, he was full of anger.

Feng Yunyao stopped teasing him, and said, "Did you just come here?"

"Well, it should be a few days." Mo Qingyan lay lazily on the ground, raised his hand and pulled a spiritual herb from the medicine field and bit it in his mouth.

His behavior immediately aroused dissatisfaction from the little Wu Ling, "Guji Guji."

This damned stinky fox pulled out its spirit grass without its permission, and even took a seventh-level spirit grass, which is extremely abominable.

I really wanted to rush up and take back the spirit grass, but because the strength between it and the fox was too far apart, I finally endured it.

He could only yell at Feng Yunyao twice, and looked at her aggrievedly, hoping that the master would make the decision for it.

Master, he plucked the spirit grass.

Feng Yunyao threw to it the bag of spiritual herbs that Di Jiushang gave her, "This is for you."

The little Wu Ling opened the universe bag, and the sadness of losing a seventh-level spirit grass disappeared immediately.

The spirit grass here is of better quality than the last time it, Xiaobai and the kitten stole it from the Qianshengyuan, and there are a lot of them.

Immediately dragged the bag and ran to the medicine field to plant it.

Seeing that Mo Qingyan could transform into a human form, Feng Yunyao took out the Holy Spirit Orb he gave her earlier and handed it to him, "I'll give you this back."

Now that Mo Qingyan can transform into a human form, she can absorb the aura from it, and she has also obtained a lot of aura from the Holy Spirit Bead, so it's time to return it to others.

Mo Qingyan glanced at the bead, but didn't reach out to pick it up, "It's useless to me, give it to you, just let me stay here to cultivate, and let me eat some of your spiritual herbs by the way."

He belongs to the category of god foxes, but in fact he is closer to spirit beasts in essence. Spirit grass has a great effect on spirit beasts, so it is not bad for him.

As soon as he said this, the little Wu Ling's soybean-sized eyes widened. He looked at him in disbelief and then at his master, "Guji Guji."

Master, don't promise him.

(End of this chapter)

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