Chapter 721 Who dares to touch my children!
Chapter 720 Who dares to touch my children!
The next day, before dawn, someone knocked on her door hastily.

"The princess is not well, and His Royal Highness is gone."

Feng Yunyao opened the door and saw the little eunuch next to Lan Yunxuan. He was very flustered. Seeing her open the door, he seemed to see a savior. His Highness's house is empty, and His Highness's people have disappeared."

Feng Yunyao's complexion couldn't help but darken, she raised her foot and was about to go out, when she suddenly thought of something, she glanced at the little eunuch thoughtfully, "Where are my father and mother?"

"Back to the princess, Your Majesty and the imperial husband are sending people to look for it."

"That means my parents didn't ask you to notify me."

As soon as she said this, the eunuch couldn't help tensing up, and hurriedly said: "Princess, forgive me, slave. The slave is afraid of something happening to His Highness, so he decides to ask the princess for help. Princess, you should hurry to find the little highness. The slave is afraid that he will have something wrong." Danger."

He eagerly looked left and right, wanting to leave, but he didn't dare to.

Feng Yunyao kicked him to the ground suddenly, stepped on him, squatted down, "Where is Xuan'er?"

"My lord, princess, I don't know this servant, please spare me, princess." The eunuch struggled hard, but he was trampled by Feng Yunyao, unable to move.

Feng Yunyao took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth, then moved her feet away from him.

Looking indifferently at the eunuch who kept crying and suffering, it was as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Master, how do you know that Xiao Yunxuan's disappearance is related to him?" Xiao Bai stood on her shoulder and asked suspiciously.

It knows this little eunuch, and usually likes to tell some jokes to make Xiao Yunxuan and it laugh, but it didn't expect to join forces with outsiders to deal with such a cute little Yunxuan.

"Now that the game is coming up, my parents will ask Di Jiushang for help, and they won't come to me."

After Feng Yunyao finished speaking, she looked coldly at the eunuch who was convulsing in pain on the ground, "Where is Xuan'er?"

"Slave, I don't know, but someone gave me a bag of amethyst stones and asked me to tell you."

"Sold your master with a bag of amethyst stones, you deserve to die." While Feng Yunyao was speaking, the eunuch's head had already been separated from his body.

Grabbing Lan Yunxuan at this time was nothing more than trying to lure her out and miss this competition.

Feng Yunyao's hand holding the dagger was a little tighter, and the cruelty in her eyes was evident.

"When Feng Yunyao comes out, lead her to the back of the mountain." Qingyan sat there, slowly making tea.

The disciple standing behind her said respectfully, "Miss, don't worry, a trap has been set up there. Even if Feng Yunyao can't be killed, she can be trapped for a while. If so, she will miss the time of the competition."

"Hmph, I hope so." Qingyan raised her eyebrows slightly, with a smug look on her lips.

She can't get No.1 in the Four Kingdoms Competition, and Feng Yunyao, a woman, can't even hope to get it!

At this moment, the door was violently kicked open.

Then, her neck was pinched by someone.

Feng Yunyao pinched her neck and pressed her directly on the table, "Where is my brother?"

"Bold, Feng Yunyao quickly release the young lady..."

Before the disciple finished speaking, he was stabbed through the heart by a sword and fell to the ground dead.

"Where is my brother?" The cold voice was still so indifferent, but it contained a strong killing intent.

"Ahem, Feng Yunyao, holding me hostage is a capital offense!"

Even though her neck was pinched, Qingyan's attitude was still very arrogant.

"Let me ask you one more question, where is my younger brother!" Feng Yunyao's hand tightened a bit more.

Qingyan's entire face turned red from being pinched, and she couldn't even get angry.

"Yes, behind Dongshan."

I thought Feng Yunyao would let her go after she said this, but she didn't expect her to hold her neck directly and quickly flew out of the room.

When she got outside, Qingyan called for help, but her neck was strangled, so she shouted very softly.

But the scene of Feng Yunyao pinching Qingyan's neck was still seen by a passing disciple, who hurried to find a rescuer.

After arriving at the back of Dongshan Mountain, it seemed to be very peaceful here, but it was full of organ formations. Once she broke in, she would be deeply trapped in it.

"Feng Yunyao, you hurt me, wait to be sanctioned by the elders of Qiansheng." Qingyan didn't want to give in even if her neck was pinched by the most hated woman.

Feng Yunyao said sarcastically: "I don't know when the adopted daughter of the principal of Qianshengyuan became more precious than the princess and prince of a country, let alone you are the adopted daughter of Qianshengyuan, even if you are the daughter of the heavenly king Lao Tzu, how dare you Move my brother, and I will make your life worse than death!"

After finishing speaking, he directly threw Qingyan to a place.

"do not want!"

Qingyan was startled immediately, and wanted to fly out, but Feng Yunyao followed up with a slap, directly hitting her into the depths of the trap set up.

As soon as she fell in, her whole body seemed to be swallowed by something and disappeared, leaving only a miserable cry.

"You are here to taste the trap you have set."

Feng Yunyao turned her head and said to Xiaobai who was following: "See if there is anyone around who is Xuanzong."

Regardless of Lan Yunxuan's small size, his current cultivation has reached the elementary level of Xuanzong, and his future attainments will definitely not be low.

Xiao Bai listened with his ears sideways, then pointed in a direction, "Xiao Yunxuan is over there."

Feng Yunyao followed Xiaobaizhi's direction and found the unconscious Lan Yunxuan in a cave.

She checked for him first, and made sure that he was just fainted by the medicine, and the rest was fine, so she felt relieved.

Then, he walked out with Lan Yunxuan in his arms.

At this time, many people have come here, including Di Jiushang, Lan Xinyue and his wife, as well as Dean Qing and Qing Lan.

Seeing her coming out, Di Jiushang hurried over, "Yao'er, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's someone else who has something to do." Feng Yunyao handed Lan Yunxuan to Lan Yi.

Lan Yi took Lan Yunxuan carefully, and then knelt down on the ground, "Princess, it's because this subordinate fell into someone else's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, which put His Royal Highness in danger. This subordinate deserves to die."

"Get up, no matter what happens in the future, you can't leave." Feng Yunyao knew Lan Yi's character, so she wouldn't doubt him.

Only then did Lan Yi stand up holding Lan Yunxuan, and then walked to Lan Xinyue and Feng Xiao.

Lan Xinyue and his wife were relieved to see that the siblings were fine.

"Who the hell is harming my son?" Lan Xinyue patted Lan Yunxuan's head and said extremely angrily.

Feng Yunyao glanced in the direction of the trap, "Her goal is targeting me."

"Do you want to miss the game?" Lan Xinyue asked.


Lan Xinyue became more and more angry, "Who the hell is plotting against my children!"

At this moment, Dean Qing came out holding Qing Yan, who was covered in blood and dying.

Although Qingyan was seriously injured, her consciousness is still there.

When passing by Feng Yunyao, she stared at Feng Yunyao, the hatred in her eyes was surging, "You...wait!"

"Shut up!" Dean Qing threw her to a disciple with a sullen face, "If you don't think it's embarrassing enough, if you're not honest enough, I'll get you out of the Holy Academy."

Obviously, what he said was an explanation to Tian Shengguo, but he didn't intend to punish Qingyan at all.

Lan Xinyue and Feng Xiao were immediately dissatisfied.

"Dean Qing, she framed my son and daughter, so let's just forget about it!" Lan Xinyue asked sharply, changing from her usual gentleness.

At this time, she didn't care about being the dean of the Holy Academy, she just wanted to seek justice for her daughter.

Dean Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, and cast a cold glance at Feng Yunyao, "Qingyan lost half of her life, and she has already received the punishment she deserved. Your Majesty the Empress must forgive and forgive others."

"It's her own fault for getting hurt. No one else is to blame. The trap she set up is her own fault. Now we are counting the harm she did to my children!"

When Lan Xinyue thought that Yaoyao almost came out with injuries like Qingyan, she wished she could cut Qingyan into pieces!
"That's right, please ask Dean Qing to give my children justice!" Feng Xiao also stood up forcefully and asked for an explanation for his daughter, and he must not just let it go.

Dean Qing lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then said coldly: "Qingyan framed the princess and the crown prince of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, from now on, I will sever the father-daughter relationship with her and drive me out of the Qiansheng Academy!"

As soon as he said this, everyone couldn't help but sighed.

Even Qingyan couldn't believe what she heard was true, "Father, you can't, you can't let me go."

She struggled to get up, but she was so injured that she couldn't move at all.

Without the title of Miss Qianshengyuan, she is nothing, she should not fall from the clouds back to the soil again.

Dean Qing walked over, helplessly and hated iron and steel, and said: "I have taught you since childhood to be upright and to be worthy of your own conscience, but what have you done? For the sake of love between men and women, you have disregarded morality, Designing to frame the princess of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, you should be a good person after you leave the Qianshengyuan, and don't make another big mistake."

The other people who said these words were also moved. Dean Qing is still a kind person who thinks about the common people in the world. He always teaches his children to be righteous. However, Qingyan is bad in her bones, even if she teaches, it will not help.

Qingyan knows that if she is not expelled from Qianshengyuan today, Tianshengguo will definitely not let it go.

Just go out, anyway, she still has value to her father, I believe he will never give up on her.

"Daughter is wrong, I hope that in father's lifetime, daughter will still have the opportunity to perform filial piety in Qianshengyuan."

Qingyan struggled to get down from her disciple's arms, lay down on the ground, and kowtowed a few times with difficulty.

Seeing her weak appearance, everyone present felt sympathetic, and some even began to blame Tian Shengguo for being too cruel. After all, there was nothing wrong with Feng Yunyao and her brother, but it was Qingyan who had fallen. With all the injuries, can't they be spared and spared? They must be killed.

Feng Yunyao's face was condensed, obviously dissatisfied with the result.

She pursed her lips, thinking of something in her mind.

Qingyan stood up tremblingly from the ground, but before she could stand up, a powerful force hit her directly.

Her body was like a dilapidated kite, hitting the ground heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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