Chapter 729 Princess, We Got Rich
Chapter 720 Princess, We Got Rich
"The barrier outside the city was set up by Master and the elders. If we join forces, we can try it." Di Jiushang said slowly.

Feng Yunyao slapped the table and said ruthlessly: "Let's go and break all the barriers in other cities."

He really thought she was easy to bully, if he dared to give her a deserted city, he would have to pay the price.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Di Jiushang didn't intend to refute her decision at all.

"No way." The second elder was shocked when he heard it, "Princess think twice before acting, let alone we can't break the barrier, even if we break the barrier, we can't mess around, if we destroy all the barriers in the outer city , it is tantamount to offending the Qianshengyuan, and the one who will be hurt will definitely be the princess."

Qianshengyuan will definitely not let the princess go, how can their Heavenly Holy Kingdom compete with Qianshengyuan, there are only three Xuanshen in it, and there are dozens of masters above Xuanzun, they are all desperate.

Feng Yunyao also knew that she had to worry about going to the Heavenly Holy Kingdom. If Qianshengyuan really wanted to attack the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, it would not be the Qianshengyuan who attacked the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, but the other three countries.

I'm afraid that with Dean Qing's order, the other three kingdoms will immediately besiege the Heavenly Holy Kingdom. Now that her wings are not yet full, it is still difficult to protect the entire Heavenly Holy Kingdom.

So this matter is nothing more than reckless, but she is not reconciled to being played like this.

Feng Yunyao sneered and said, "Since that's the case, let's start from another place."

Leng Qing said that those people dig tunnels to enter the outer city, and they can also dig tunnels to mine things in other cities.

Of course, sooner or later she will be able to take the other cities into her hands in a fair manner.

Not long after, the three-eyed civet and Xiaobai galloped over.

"Master, we found something strange in one place, I'll take you there."

When Mu Yan heard this, he immediately drove the flying boat and set off in the direction Xiao Bai pointed out.

"The kitty said that there are many precious crystals in the ground over there. As for the crystals, it is still unclear." Xiaobai said excitedly.

The three-eyed civet has soaked in the spiritual spring water for a long time, and with the contract with Feng Yunyao, her cultivation level has risen in a straight line. As her contracted beast, she can also gain a lot of cultivation bases. Now the three-eyed civet is already a Holy beast, but it still has no force value.

However, in the treasure hunt, it has kept up with another level.

A three-eyed civet at the level of a holy beast is hardly seen in Tongtian Continent.

Soon they came to the place where they issued it. For the convenience of finding it, Xiaobai specially inserted a goose leg on it. Fortunately, there was no wind, otherwise even ten goose legs would be useless.

"Master, it's just under here." Xiaobai pulled up the goose leg, blew the sand on it, and took a bite.

It's shameful to waste food, it's never wasted.

Wow, delicious big goose legs.

Di Jiushang released the pair of white-winged tiger brothers, "Get the sand here aside."

"Yes, Master."

The two brothers directly transformed into their original bodies, and two huge white-winged tigers appeared in front of everyone.

They both took a sharp breath and let it out forcefully.

All of a sudden, the wind blew up, and yellow sand flew all over the sky, which was comparable to a sandstorm.

Feng Yunyao quickly moved everyone into the holy cauldron.

Open the Shengding Tianmen, you can see the outside scene.

"Princess, where are we now?" The second elder looked at the decorations inside the cauldron with a confused expression.

This place is like a huge room, but there is a field inside, and the field is full of spiritual grasses of various grades.

It was the first time he had seen so many spiritual herbs, and his eyes were staring straight.

"One of my portable spaces." Feng Yunyao explained quietly.

Mu Yan and the others have also entered the Holy Cauldron before, and they are not like the Second Elder here, as if 'Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden for the first time', they are all strange about everything.

"Princess, you are too powerful, to have such a treasure, the prosperity of our Heavenly Holy Kingdom." The second elder stood there not daring to move, sighing and looking at it non-stop.

"That's right, I don't even look at whose owner it is." Xiaobai said sternly.

Then, he ran to the Lingquan Pool to get a glass of spiritual water, and handed it to the second elder, "Try it, this water is absolutely first-class."

The second elder took it with both hands, took a sip, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten, "There is a lot of spiritual energy in it. Could it be that this water is fairy water?"

"What the hell is fairy water? It's spiritual spring water." Xiao Bai patiently explained to the second elder who had never seen the world.

"Ayao, let's go up and read some books." Ruan Chengyu came in once before and knew there were many good books there.

I usually borrow a few books from Feng Yunyao to read, but this time I came in again, so I naturally wanted to go up and read.

"Whatever." Feng Yunyao nodded.

Ruan Chengyu, Luo Li, and Lin Lang all went to read books. As for the second generation ancestors Jiang Mo and Mu Yan, it would be better to kill them to let them read books.

Under the leadership of Xiao Bai, the two of them and the second elder went to water the spiritual grass.

Outside, the two white-winged tiger brothers were working in full swing. Although they didn't know where the master had gone, they knew that he was around.

Soon, the two moved a large piece of sand aside, and the hole became bigger and bigger.

Feng Yunyao and Di Jiushang sat at the side drinking tea and chatting.

"Ah Jiu, do you think there is something wrong with your master?" Although Dean Qing seemed to be indifferent to the world, she didn't think he was really an expert.

Every time he looked at her, there was a special meaning in his eyes, and she couldn't tell what it was, but it was definitely not a good thing.

Di Jiushang's eyes moved slightly, and he said slowly: "You're right, Master is indeed not what the world sees him to be. When I was young, he poisoned me with evil curses many times. It's a pity that my physique is relatively weak. It's special, it can't be dropped at all."

"You know everything?" Feng Yunyao was very surprised, she thought he was still kept in the dark, but she didn't expect him to know so early.

"Yeah." Di Jiushang took her hand and played with her slender hands, "He didn't do anything bad to me except for poisoning me with evil curses, and he also taught me how to cultivate. That's why I see him as my master."

"Okay." Feng Yunyao didn't know what to say, "Qing Lan has a curse poison on his body, we have reached an agreement, I will help him get rid of the curse poison, he will help me get the spiritual fruit, now he He has helped me get the spiritual fruit, but I haven't removed the curse poison for him yet."

Regarding her words, Di Jiushang did not show surprise, and said calmly: "The poison of the evil curse is not easy to cure. You'd better not get close to Master in the future. He has already turned his attention to you."

When she first came to Tongtian Continent, Yao'er was just a little Xuanzong, and the master would not appreciate such a cultivation level, so he asked the master to take Yao'er in and bring her back to Qianshengyuan to practice.

Except for him and Qinglan, no one else has cast any evil curses. The master will teach the disciples of the Qianshengyuan, and has not harmed them. This is why he let Yao'er go to the Qianshengyuan.

It's different now, Yao'er is already Xuanzun, if the master dares to cast a curse on Yao'er, even if the people in the world cast aside him, he will help Yao'er to avenge her.

However, the master should think that Yao'er is a celestial girl, so he will look at her differently.

"Why is Qingyan not on her body?" Feng Yunyao asked casually.

"Because Master has always thought that Qingyan is a celestial girl, but now I think he should think that you are the real celestial girl."

"Me? A celestial girl?" Feng Yunyao couldn't help laughing mockingly, "What a mess, how could I be a celestial girl, don't forget that I am from the Sky Continent."

What's more, her soul doesn't belong here yet, and she has nothing to do with that celestial girl.

Di Jiushang held her hand, with complicated meanings in his cold eyes, "I hope you are not."

"Why, isn't it good to be a maid?" Although Feng Yunyao didn't think she was, she was still a little curious.

"It's not good at all." Di Jiushang looked at the two brothers who were still digging a hole outside and said, "I don't know why Master is looking for a goddess, but it is definitely not a good thing."

"Well, anyway, I'm not afraid of him." Feng Yunyao said indifferently.

Just see the tricks, why think so much, it's better to make yourself stronger, so that you have more capital to resist those who are plotting wrongdoing.

Di Jiushang smiled lightly, "I will always stand by your side."

No matter who the other party is, Yao'er who dares to hurt him, he will definitely make them pay the price.

"En." Feng Yunyao rolled her eyes and smiled very comfortably.

Soon, the two brothers outside dug to a certain extent, and Feng Yunyao led people out of the holy cauldron.

"Master, there are white crystals below." The two brothers Baiyihu came out with a lot of white crystals, and said excitedly.

Feng Yunyao took a few of them and looked at the quality. Although it is not very good, it is definitely a white crystal that contains a lot of spiritual energy.

Now they've really grown up.

Maybe Dean Qing never dreamed that the deserted city he thought was a treasure land.

"Princess, we are rich."

The second elder jumped down to have a look, and laughed wildly with excitement.

"My God, there are so many white crystals, even the best outer city pools can't compare."

That city only mined an amethyst mine, but the princess's outer city can mine white crystal, how can it not be exciting.

White spar is not only the most expensive spar, but also the favorite of mystic practitioners, because it contains a lot of spiritual energy, which can be used by people.

This is also the reason why white spar is obviously a thing of money, but it is easy for someone to take it out to buy things. If you have white spar, you don't keep it for yourself.

Afterwards, Feng Yunyao asked the second elder to transfer some people from other cities.

She drew a blueprint of the mining structure.

Mining mines often occurred in ancient times when mines collapsed and people were killed. Therefore, when mining, the structure of the tunnels dug must be firm.

After the mining matters are properly prepared, they will be handed over to the two elders for full authority.

As for Mu Yan, they all ran out to play in other outer cities.

Because this is a deserted city, they temporarily live in the outer city of another Heavenly Holy Kingdom.

There are houses to live in.

At night, Feng Yunyao asked everyone to stop mining and go back to rest, so the bustling city suddenly became quiet, and only a few people stayed at the mine entrance for night duty.

In the middle of the night, a man in black flew over like a ghost, and the night watchman died before he could make a sound.

The bamboo hat on the man in black fell a little, revealing that eerie face, which turned out to be Tuoba Qing's face upon closer inspection!

(End of this chapter)

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