Chapter 732 Breaking with Qianshengyuan
Chapter 730 Breaking with Qianshengyuan
"Go back and tell Dean Qing that I have a temper." Feng Yunyao said coldly.

"You wait!"

Elder Qiansheng got up from the ground and knew that Emperor Jiushang was there, so he was completely innocent this time.

However, he couldn't let out the bad breath.

He has been sought after and admired by everyone for many years, and he has never been so insulted!
Since they want to fight against Qianshengyuan, don't blame them for being rude!

Elder Qiansheng gave Feng Yunyao and Di Jiushang a vicious look, and led them away.

Feng Yunyao picked up the contract paper that the Elder Qiansheng had thrown on the ground, looked at it and couldn't help laughing.

She handed the contract to Emperor Jiushang, "Ah Jiu, find someone to copy more copies of this contract and send it to the royal families and major families of the Four Kingdoms, and tell them that if the Qianshengyuan wants to annex the Four Kingdoms, it must start from heaven. The Holy Kingdom attacked and asked them if they would like to join forces to destroy the Qianshengyuan and get the resources from the outer city, or wait to be passively beaten and the country destroyed."

Di Jiushang understood what she meant, and accepted the contract, "Leave this matter to me, and you can develop mines here with peace of mind."

"Ah Jiu, I'm plotting against your master like this, you..."

"No embarrassment, whoever embarrasses you will make life difficult for me." Di Jiushang said coldly.

The master also had a purpose in accepting him as an apprentice back then. If it wasn't for his special physique, he would be like Qing Lan now. Not Dean Qing.

Feng Yunyao knew that he would always be on her side, and hearing him say that made her heart warm.

There will always be someone standing behind you silently supporting you, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, you will feel that nothing is a problem.

After Emperor Jiushang left, Feng Yunyao returned to the abandoned city.

It's time to deal with the ghost king.

"How does it feel, do you want to continue?" Feng Yunyao's quiet voice came into the ears of the ghost king who was about to be tortured to the point of madness.

He wants to die these days, wants to get out but can't get out, it is even more difficult than staying in the [-]th floor of hell.

This woman's method of torturing people is really too clever, he has understood what life is better than death.

"Don't you want to avenge your grandfather, kill me if you have the ability!" Ghost King said through gritted teeth.

If she can kill him, maybe there is still a chance of life, and it is extremely uncomfortable to be half-dead now.

Feng Yunyao sneered and said, "I cherish my talents, and I won't kill you."

Afterwards, he took out a soft chair from the Qiankun bag and sat down, and took out a teacup, and Xiaobai immediately filled it up for her with the teapot.

"Do you want to live, how about making a deal with me?"

"Don't do it." The ghost king didn't want to refuse directly. He would rather die if he made a deal with this woman.

"It's up to you." Feng Yunyao took a sip and said in a low voice, "Be my contract slave, and I will let you go, otherwise you can continue to stay in it. From now on, I will let someone stand on it for you. A tombstone, anyway, we are not acquainted with each other, so I will save face for you."

Then, she changed her voice and continued: "However, my patience is very short. After you have endured a year and a half of torture, I will use the soul-removing technique to dissolve your soul and body, which can be regarded as freeing you from the sea of ​​suffering." .”

When the ghost king heard her words, he wanted to curse.

After signing the contract slave, he will become her slave for life after life. Even if she dies, it will be difficult for him to die well.

But if he didn't sign it, he would suffer a year of torture. Not only that, she would annihilate his soul and body after one year. At that time, he would disappear from this world completely.

After thinking about it, it would be better to become her contracted slave. Although he is inferior, as long as he doesn't have bad thoughts about killing his master and doesn't violate her orders, he can still survive well.

It's just that I still feel a lot of dissatisfaction in my heart. Back then, even Ming Jun never let them become his contract slaves.

"Okay, I am willing to make a contract with you."

"Well, you must obediently listen to me in the future, and change your self-proclaimed name."

Ghost King: "..."

After the contract between the Ghost King and Feng Yunyao was successful, Feng Yunyao released him.

"By the way, don't call me the ghost king in the future, just call me the old ghost."

old ghost...

The old ghost looked disgusted, and said unwillingly: "Master, can you give me a different name?"

It's just too ugly.

Feng Yunyao raised her eyebrows, "Why do you dislike the name I gave you?"

"...don't dislike it."

"Then you should call it that."

The old ghost can only accept his fate. Anyway, he was once an elder in the Nether Realm with a high status, so how could he have been treated like this.

But today is different, this woman is not as arrogant as his former master, she is a vengeful, narrow-minded...

Before he could scold Feng Yunyao in his heart, his whole body began to ache.

"Are you scolding me?" Looking at his appearance, Feng Yunyao knew that this guy must be planning her in his heart.

The old ghost shook his head hastily, "This subordinate will never dare again."

"Actually, you can scold me, a few more words, after all, my resentment towards you has not disappeared yet."

"..." Can you show some kindness to your subordinates?

The joining of the ghost king has increased Feng Yunyao's strength a lot, one must know that he has the cultivation base of Xuanshen now.

Afterwards, Feng Yunyao got up, put the chair and table into the Qiankun bag, and waved her hands, "Let's go, let's attack the city."

"Siege?" The old ghost wondered what kind of city she wanted to attack. Aren't there deserted cities here? There is nothing to attack.

When he got there, the old ghost understood what siege was.

Feng Yunyao pointed at the gate of a city, "Open it with violence."

Hearing her words, the Second Elder hurriedly said: "The princess can't do it, this is an undeveloped city, it belongs to the Qianshengyuan, we can't touch it."

"We have fallen out with Qianshengyuan now. What's wrong with it? Besides, who stipulated that these cities belong to Qianshengyuan? They said yes? I also said that Qianshengyuan belongs to me." Xiaobai stood On the ghost king's shoulder, he hummed, "Old ghost, do it."

The second elder was very troublesome, but what he said was not unreasonable. Anyway, he had already broken up with the Qianshengyuan, and the Qianshengyuan would not let them go. In this case, he might as well give himself some benefits.

So, together with the ghost king, he began to break the barrier.

The gatekeeper outside heard the movement of breaking through the barrier forcibly, and ran over in a hurry.

"What are you doing!"

"Kill them." Feng Yunyao's cold words directly sentenced the two gatekeepers to death.

The ghost king struck with two palms, and the two Xuanzun-level masters disappeared like this.

When other countries heard the news, they also came over and looked at them in disbelief.

This woman is probably insane, and she even killed the people in Qianshengyuan!

To be an enemy of Qianshengyuan is not to seek death.

Feng Yunyao said softly: "You continue to mine your city, don't worry I won't compete for your property."

Her words gave those people a reassurance. After all, there was a monster at the Xuanzun level beside them, and the two gatekeepers were both at the Xuanzun level. They died without even hitting a move in his hands. It can be seen how terrifying his ability is.

So if you don't offend the princess of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, you can't offend her. Anyway, the Qianshengyuan will clean up her sooner or later.

After opening a city gate, Feng Yunyao was still very satisfied with the mines inside, and then continued to attack the city.

If it wasn't for the ghost king and the second elder's physical strength, she might have opened up all the cities.

However, eight cities were opened in one day.

These cities either have a lot of mineral deposits, or there are many spiritual herbs and medicines, all of which are treasures.

I don't know how it grew here, but there are so many treasures.

"Second elder, do you know why there are a lot of mineral deposits and spiritual herbs here?" Feng Yunyao asked the second elder with the most qualifications and the oldest age.

The second elder thought for a while and said: "It is rumored that a goddess once came here, and she buried an ancient treasure. Because of that treasure, the ordinary grass here has become a spiritual grass, and the stones and minerals have also become crystals. Stones or useful mineral deposits, of course, these are all legends, not necessarily true."

"There are other things like that. Does the goddess look good?" Xiaobai asked gossipingly, holding his round chin.

Second Elder: "..."

He had never seen the goddess before, how could he know if she was pretty or not.

However, thinking that she should be a very beautiful person, she nodded, "She is a unique beauty."

"Oh, how beautiful, is it as beautiful as my master?" Xiaobai pointed to Feng Yunyao, of course it was talking about her soul body, but it was the only one who could see her soul body.

Alas, invincible is so lonely...

The Second Elder looked at Feng Yunyao, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, and said involuntarily: "The princess and the goddess are rare beauties."

"I love to hear that." Xiaobai nodded his head in satisfaction, "My master is definitely a first-class beauty, you can't see it, if you see it, it will definitely make your rotten heart happy again, Second Elder Ripple."

The second elder got angry and had a headache. What does it mean that his heart is rotten? Although he is old, he has a good heart. If he doesn't know how to use words, can he not use them indiscriminately? What the hell is a spring heart.

"Princess, those cities haven't been assigned any manpower yet, I'm going to find some people to watch over." The second elder seemed to have greased the soles of his feet and ran away quickly.

If he stayed here any longer, he would be pissed off by Xiaobai sooner or later.

Without the second elder, Xiaobai continued: "Old ghost, what do you think the treasure is? I really want to do something, or old ghost, I will take you and the kitten to hunt for treasure. We are responsible for finding the treasure, and you are in charge." dig."

The old ghost glanced at Feng Yunyao, shook his head, "I can't leave without the master's permission."


Xiaobai shook Feng Yunyao's hand, hoping she would nod in agreement.

"No, tomorrow the old ghost will continue to open the city gates, I want to open all the barriers of the city gates here." Feng Yunyao said directly.

Xiao Bai didn't dare to disobey her order, so he had no choice but to let her release the three-eyed civet, Huo Qilin and little Wu Ling from the holy cauldron, and lead them on the road to find the treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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