Chapter 758

Chapter 750 Removing the Evil Curse

"Miss Feng, Imperial Master, we are discussing how to get rid of Dean Qing." The head of the Liu family said.

"Get rid of Dean Qing?" Feng Yunyao sneered, "What do you plan to do?"

Her words immediately stumped everyone.

"This...haven't thought it through yet." Patriarch Liu said with a little embarrassment, "We brought you two here to discuss this matter, and we hope you can help us come up with a solution."

"Yes, both of you are smart people, and your strength is superior to ours. I believe you will be able to come up with a way to get rid of Dean Qing." The head of Tianqi Kingdom said.

Others also responded one after another, thinking that as long as Feng Yunyao and Di Jiushang were around, they could come up with a complete plan.

It's just that they forgot, not to mention Dean Qing's strength, now they don't know where Dean Qing is, so what do they think.

Feng Yunyao and Di Jiushang looked at the crowd indifferently and listened to their discussion without saying a word.

"Miss Feng, you were able to seriously injure Dean Qing, and now that the Imperial Lord is here, I believe that with the strength of the two of you, you will definitely be able to defeat Dean Qing and get rid of him completely." The head of the Tianqi Kingdom proposed.

"Yeah, I also agree that Miss Feng and his wife will go to eradicate Dean Qing."

After one or two openings, others responded one after another.

"To get rid of violence and bring peace to the good, I believe that the two of you must be obliged, and I will help you later."

Feng Yunyao smiled lightly, "You guys are asking me, Ah Jiu, and Dean Qing to fight, and then, you're not thinking well."


Although everyone thought so, it would be too embarrassing for her to speak out so nakedly.

They did this mainly because they were afraid that after Dean Qing's death, with the strength of Feng Yunyao and Di Jiushang, if they had the desire to unify the Tongtian Continent, they would have no power to resist.

If they were seriously injured in the fight with Dean Qing, it would be a good thing for everyone, and it would solve the danger in the future.

They calculated well, but Feng Yunyao and Di Jiushang were not fools, they even saw their thoughts clearly.

"Ah Jiu and I are going to retreat for a while, as for how you want to get rid of Dean Qing, you can do whatever you want."

After Feng Yunyao finished speaking, she pulled Di Jiushang to stand up and left.

For her, the most important thing is to get rid of the evil curse on Di Jiushang, and everything else has to be postponed.

What's more, she doesn't know where Dean Qing is hiding, so it's not worth the candle to take the initiative to find him.

After Ah Jiu's poisonous curse is removed, I believe that with her and Ah Jiu's strength, they can still compete with Dean Qing.

After they left, only the people in the room looked at each other in blank dismay, and then everyone became dissatisfied. Of course, they didn't dare to speak loudly.

"This Feng Yunyao is going too far. If I have her cultivation, I would ask her to get rid of Dean Qing."

"That's right, she and Di Jiushang are the only ones who have the highest cultivation here, and they should kill Dean Qing for our safety."

"We only let the two of them go. It's a bit too much. After all, Dean Qing has a lot of orcs in his hands." Of course, many people still think this approach is inappropriate.

Dean Qing is threatening their lives, and eradicating him is what everyone should do.

"We also want to, but let's not talk about beating Dean Qing, we can't even beat half-orcs." They lost miserably in the Tiansheng Kingdom Palace.

"We have a lot of people, so we can't solve Dean Qing if we go together." Someone said brazenly.

"Forget it, let's find out the whereabouts of Dean Qing secretly first, and we'll talk about attacking him later." After all, Feng Yunyao and Di Jiushang didn't say they would help them either.

A meeting ends in failure.

After Feng Yunyao left with Emperor Jiushang, she went to a deserted city. This deserted city has not been developed yet, and it is quieter inside.

She directly took him into the holy cauldron.

"We are here to undo the vicious curse on you first."

"Okay." Di Jiushang nodded.

Feng Yunyao helped him diagnose and treat first, and then wandered around the holy cauldron.

"Ah Jiu, this Holy Cauldron has only been opened to the fourth floor. I don't know what else is there. I want to try it."

Her current cultivation base is already at the middle level of Xuanshen, and it is very easy to open the Holy Cauldron.

Di Jiushang glanced up, his eyes moved slightly, "Okay, I'll sit by your side for you."


Feng Yunyao then sat down on the ground, and Di Jiushang sat behind her, and he could immediately rescue her if she was in danger.

She gathered her profound energy and directed it directly into the sky.

The white profound strength was like a pillar, slowly tearing apart the top.

Soon the fifth floor opened, and the environment around them changed instantly. The fifth floor turned out to be a library with various books in it.

Afterwards, Feng Yunyao continued to open the sixth floor.

Haoran's rich spiritual energy fell directly from the sky, and there was even more light in front of his eyes...

A bead as big as the mouth of a bowl fell down. This bead was radiant and beautiful to look at.

"The sixth floor is just a bead?" Feng Yunyao couldn't help but frowned when she picked up the huge bead. She thought that the higher the thing, the better, but she didn't expect it to be just a bead.

"Let me see."

Di Jiushang took the bead to look at it, and said in a deep voice, "If you guessed right, it should be the Soul Gathering Bead."

"Soul Gathering Orb?"

(End of this chapter)

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