Chapter 761 Death is Coming
Chapter 760 Death Arrives
Dean Qing attacked?

Feng Yunyao's complexion couldn't help but sink, how could he regain his vitality so quickly?
After the last fight, Dean Qing suffered heavy losses and was injured again. He thought he wouldn't make a comeback so soon, but he didn't expect that he dared to come again after only a few days.

"Miss Feng, what should I do, there are many orcs and a very strange person beside him." The visitor's face was pale and his voice was trembling.

"What strange person?"

"That man has a pair of dragon horns on his head. He has a dark complexion, a tall and mighty figure, and the aura around him is bigger than that of Dean Qing. Dean Qing is always obsequious to him."

He just glanced at it from a distance, but just that one glance collided with that person's gaze, and he felt that the blood in his whole body was frozen, which was really terrifying.

"Guji Guji." Hearing the person's description, the little Wu Ling quickly got out of the holy cauldron.

Master, that is Ying Long, Ying Long has run out.

Feng Yunyao also guessed that most of the people with Dean Qing were Ying Long, but how did Ying Long come out? Didn't she need her blood?


She suddenly remembered something, and her face turned dark and terrifying.

It was Nan Fengjue, who took a bowl of blood from her, because he usually asked her for blood to nourish his soul, so she gave it to him without hesitation.

Thinking about it now, Nan Feng must have used this blood to release Ying Long.

"Little Wu Ling, let me ask you what is the last name of the Underworld Emperor?" She had a vague guess in her heart.

Little Wu Ling thought for a while and said, Emperor Hades 1 years ago should be named Nanfeng, but I don't know about the later ones. After all, I have been in the world for 1 years and I don't know anything about the outside world.

south wind……

Uncle Nanfeng is really Underworld Emperor, Underworld Emperor and Ying Long are friends, once offended God Realm and Sacred Realm for Yinglong, and was encircled and suppressed by Sanctuary and Divine Realm together.

Their relationship must be very good, his friend was suppressed underground, how could Nan Fengjue not rescue him.

Feng Yunyao took a deep breath, and only prayed that Nan Feng would definitely follow, as long as he came, she would have a way to persuade him to restrain Ying Long.

It's a pity that the sky doesn't follow people's wishes, and Nan Fengjue never came.

All the people in the outer city gathered together, showing their weapons one after another, staring cautiously and fearfully at the coming person.

Feng Yunyao walked up to the front of the crowd, pursed her lips and looked coldly at the tall man standing next to Dean Qing. He had a dark complexion, two dragon horns on his head, and a tall and burly figure, about 1.9 meters tall. The lines of his face are cold and hard, and he can tell at a glance that he is not easy to mess with.

"Principal Qing, we surrender voluntarily, can we let everyone live?" She was neither humble nor overbearing, and she said the word "surrender" so humiliatingly so lightly, she didn't feel ashamed at all.

At this time, life-saving is the most important thing, and I will talk about other things later.

"Miss Feng, how can you surrender, we haven't fought yet." As soon as she said this, she was immediately opposed by others.

Although they were afraid of Dean Qing and the people standing beside him, they didn't want to surrender. If they surrendered, it would be very difficult for them to stand up again.

If we fight it out, we might still have a chance to win, let alone Feng Yunyao, she was able to defeat Dean Qing last time, and I believe she will be able to do so this time.

"Yeah, I won't surrender, I will fight to the death."

"Yes, defeat the scum of Qingyuandao..."

Feng Yunyao frowned even more when she heard the loud shouts from the people behind.

This group of people really has no brains, she is delaying time, does she know how terrifying the dragon standing next to Dean Qing is.

As long as he finds Nanfengjue, I believe Yinglong will be able to control it.

Dean Qing burst into laughter immediately, as if he heard something funny, "Hahaha, just because you want to fight this old man, you don't even know what you are."

As soon as his words came out, Ying Long's face showed obvious impatience, "Are you going to kill them?"

The reason why he helps Dean Qing is because Dean Qing has helped him all these years, and if he wants to be his master, all the creatures in the world are not qualified!

This time, I came here with him just to make a routine promise to him. After helping him solve the problem, he will go back to the place where he wants to go, so as not to stay in this world full of filth.

Dean Qing quickly put away his arrogant smile, and said respectfully: "That's right, I also ask Master Ying to help the old man get rid of them, especially this woman."

What he said undoubtedly blocked Feng Yunyao's initiative to retreat.

Ying Long glanced at Feng Yunyao, he remembered her voice, it was she was in front of the stone statue, saying that she would never save him.

"Stinky girl, today is your death day, and you!"

His death-like eyes swept across everyone, and everyone seemed to have been splashed with ice water, which was cold from head to toe.

Feng Yunyao's hands hidden in her sleeves slowly tightened, but she said in a calm and calm voice: "Master Ying, it was all a misunderstanding last time, I didn't know that you and Uncle Nanfeng were friends, if you knew, Don't say Dean Qing forced me, even if I didn't force me, I would release you, after all, Uncle Nanfeng is also my friend, we are friends who have forgotten the years, otherwise, why would I give him blood so simply."

"Are you Jue's friend?" Ying Long narrowed his eyes and looked at her carefully, "The body and soul are somewhat similar to a person, no wonder Jue regards you as a friend."

Hearing this, Feng Yunyao felt that there was something to be said, and hurriedly said: "Uncle Nanfeng was once trapped under the ghost cliff. I found him by accident, and I used my own blood to help him open the seal and save him. Because his soul body was seriously damaged at that time, and he has been nourished with my blood, he can now condense into a physical body."

"That's right, Jue's physical body is slowly forming, and I believe it won't take long to be reborn." Ying Long's voice was not as cold and hard as before, but he saw Feng Yunyao's eyes with a little more doubt and inquiry. , "Who are you and why can your blood break the seal? This is the blood-killing seal of the Sanctuary. Let alone a small human being, even those in the God's Domain can't break it."

Otherwise, he would not have been trapped for tens of thousands of years.

"I don't know either. Anyway, Uncle Nanfeng was rescued with my blood. If you don't believe me, you can call him over and ask." Feng Yunyao really didn't know.

There were so many things that happened to her that even she couldn't tell.

Ying Long began to hesitate, this girl is too weird, if she is killed, in case she has something to do with Jue...

Seeing his hesitation, Dean Qing became anxious immediately, and said anxiously: "Master Ying, this girl has a sharp mouth, she can say that dead people are alive, don't be fooled by her."

Ying Long glanced at him with icy eyes, and Dean Qing hurriedly stopped speaking, "Does this deity have no eyes? It's up to you to say."

(End of this chapter)

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