Chapter 767
Chapter 760 Seven Scramble
The moment his lips were pressed against his neck, Di Jiushang's body froze suddenly. He didn't know how much perseverance he used to keep her from pressing down.

"Yao'er, you..."

Clearly knowing that this is not possible, she is not yet sane, but he can't push her away.

Feng Yunyao was biting the flesh on his neck, but her hands pressing on the bed were tightening with all her might.

"Push...push me away."

The hoarse voice came to Di Jiushang's ears, and the color in his eyes disappeared instantly, leaving only coldness in his eyes, and he sat up holding her.

Putting his hands on her back, he continuously sent profound energy into her body.

Feng Yunyao sat there, sweat dripping from her face, her eyes were tightly closed, as if she was fighting against something in her body.

At this time, a sharp voice came from her ear, "It's a pity, it's just one step away. Why are you being reserved? I didn't do this to let you get him sooner."

"Go away! If you dare to touch him again, I won't spare you!" Because Di Jiushang helped her suppress the demon spirit in her body, Feng Yunyao regained a trace of reason.

"Hahahaha, what ability do you have to punish me, a girl with a low level of cultivation? Even the emperors of the past generations can hardly control me completely." The somewhat piercing voice of the demon spirit accompanied by Jie Jie's laughter kept disturbing Feng. Yun Yao's mind.

Feng Yunyao bit her lower lip, and her body trembled a little, "Is that so, it's all gone, if you dare to hurt the people around me, I will die with you!"


"I don't have a child yet, you can only stay with me now, if I die, you don't even want to live!"

"You, you dead girl!" The demon spirit was annoyed, and it said angrily, "If you dare to hurt yourself, I will kill all the human beings you care about, including your little lover, who will be scattered and never reincarnated. "

After the death of the host, although it will not disappear, it will be punished by the contract. After that, it will be struck by lightning every day until the next host that can carry the demon appears, otherwise it will die.

Feng Yunyao firmly grasped the quilt with the hand on the side of her body, "If you dare to do what you did before, I will dare to kill myself, if you don't believe me, you can try."

"...Damn girl." Seeing that she wouldn't let her in, the demon spirit weakened his arrogance, "Okay, okay, I won't touch your little lover, you said you liked him for so long, and you haven't seen him yet?" If you got it, it would be a disgrace to our underworld, as long as the underworld emperors of all generations liked to take it directly, even your mother was snatched by your father back then, how come your generation has become so useless."

"My mother?" Listening to what it said, Feng Yunyao knew that the parents it was talking about were definitely not Lan Xinyue and Feng Xiao, but someone else.

"That's right, your father is the Emperor of the Underworld, your mother is such a noble woman, your father snatched her right away." The demon spirit's words were full of contempt for Feng Yunyao.

It was still very dissatisfied and moaned, "You are so good, how could fate choose you, I really can't figure it out."

"If you dislike me, you can get out of my body." Feng Yunyao said coldly.

The demon spirit couldn't help being stunned, "You, you actually despise me! What right do you have to despise me, I'm a demon spirit, I deserve to be in the realm of the underworld!"

"Che, you are a disaster to me, you'd better get out of my body quickly." This feeling of not being able to control my body is really uncomfortable.

Moreover, this demon spirit is not only perverse, but also very cruel.

If you let it stay, something will happen sooner or later.

"You think I want to follow you, you're a loser, I have no other choice." The host doesn't mean that it can find whoever it wants, it's chosen entirely according to its fate.

Feng Yunyao frowned even tighter, "How can I make you leave me."

"It's easy, you can have a baby with your little lover, just pass me on to him."


After Yun Yao struggled to finish these three words, she collapsed into Di Jiushang's arms as if collapsed, but the color of her pupils was still silver-gray.

"Yao'er, are you okay?" Di Jiushang hugged her, and gently wiped the sweat off her face with his sleeve.

Feng Yunyao didn't answer him, not because she didn't want to talk to him, but because she couldn't speak.

She has lost the ability to dominate this body, and it is very difficult to speak every word.

She can only talk to the demon with consciousness.

"Demon Spirit, weaken your control over my body."

"I can't control this either." The demon said that there was nothing he could do to help him, "It's also difficult for me to control myself a lot of the time. Your strength is too weak now, and you can't take back the dominance of your body. Unless your strength becomes stronger, I won't I'll give it back to you."

"Yao'er, relax." Di Jiushang hugged her and patted her back lightly. What he can do now is to try his best to relieve her pain.

Feng Yunyao tried to fight for her body, but in the end she was exhausted physically and mentally, but she couldn't regain the sovereignty, so she simply gave up the fight.

As long as the demons don't mess around, she can ignore it for the time being. Now she needs to recharge her energy and regain her sovereignty when she has enough energy.

Di Jiushang saw that her eyes looked tired, and his heart ached. He hugged her, leaned against the bed rail, lowered his head and kissed the top of her head, "I'm here, go to sleep."

"En." Feng Yunyao gently closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Somehow, this thing had a familiar feeling in his mind, but he was sure he had never heard of it before.

Feng Yunyao was sleeping, her brows were tightly furrowed, as if she was very uncomfortable, her eyelids moved as if she was about to wake up.

Di Jiushang quickly sent profound energy into her body, and she calmed down after a long time.

The night is getting darker, and the blue lake under the moonlight is beautiful, like a spring girl covered with a layer of tulle.

The cabin next to it also looked very peaceful and quiet, and everything returned to calm.

Suddenly, a shrill cry sounded.



With a loud "bang--", Feng Yunyao directly broke through the roof of the wooden house and flew out.

The originally tidy log cabin instantly became ashes.

Di Jiushang stood up from a pile of ruins, and quickly chased in the direction where Feng Yunyao disappeared, without caring about getting rid of the sawdust on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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