Chapter 773 Dragon's Sorrow
Chapter 773 Dragon's Sorrow
At the bottom of Wanshou Cliff, all the monsters that used to roam around in arrogance all lay quietly on the ground, their bodies trembling, as if they were in awe and fear of something powerful.

"Did you really feel the demon spirit in her body?" Nan Fengjue was so excited that he couldn't describe Nan Fengjue's current mood.

Looking at his virtuous behavior, Ying Long twitched his lips and said, "If the child didn't have a demon in his body, how could I have been beaten so badly?"

He was blown away with one palm, this kind of embarrassing thing never happened to him, even when Nan Fengjue was using the power of the demon spirit, he would not lose so badly.

Of course, there is another reason why he was beaten so badly. He has been sealed for 1 years, and his cultivation base has long since degraded. It would be good if his cultivation base is half of it now.

However, I have to admit that the power in that girl's body has completely exploded, even if his cultivation base is all there, he is not her opponent.

There were times when he was beaten so badly by a cub, and he was defeated again and again.

Tens of thousands of years later, the cub has grown up, and his current cultivation level is probably even more devastating.

Originally, he wanted to take revenge, but after thinking about his own freedom and safety, he decided that it would be better to stay in the world to recuperate.

"Ah Ying, I'm going to find her, she must be my daughter." Nan Fengjue stood up excitedly and was about to rush out.

He walked to the entrance of the cave, stopped suddenly, and his expression changed from agitated to dignified, "With her current strength, she can't control the demon at all, I'm afraid she will be backlashed, Ah Ying, I have to take her back to the underworld. "

Only in the Underworld, in that environment, can he help Feng Yunyao control the demon spirit in his body better, and then he will teach her the martial arts of the Nanfeng family.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to go to the Nether Realm." Ying Long had a complicated look on his face. He conjured up a teapot and poured a cup of tea. While drinking the tea, he looked at Nan Fengjue, who had not yet recovered from his body, "Since you exhausted your cultivation base to save Yue Xi, After being sealed, the underworld was taken over by a colorful phoenix, and I was subdued by him back then, that kid is amazing."

"Seven-colored divine phoenix?" Nan Fengjue frowned slightly, "Is it the divine phoenix transformed from the seven-colored glazed stone on the border of the southern sky?"

"Well, it's him."

"He's only in his teens, how could you be defeated by him?" Nan Fengjue said incredulously.

He is Ying Long's good friend, no one knows Ying Long's strength better than him, how could he be defeated by a young phoenix that just hatched.

Ying Long's cheeks twitched, it wasn't that he was defeated, but that he was beaten helplessly. That guy is simply a perverted existence, thinking about him makes his face dull.

"The seven-colored glazed stone has existed on the border of the southern sky for tens of millions of years. It absorbs the aura of heaven and earth there day and night. It has already contained a unique power in its body. It is normal that I cannot beat him."

These words are the truth. Of course, it is to save face for myself, so as not to be so embarrassing.

Listening to his words, Nan Fengjue's face became more serious, "If this is the case, I will definitely not be able to go to the Nether Realm, so I can only go to Yuexi."

Thinking of this, a beautiful face appeared in his mind, and Nan Fengjue's resolute face softened a bit.

His child is not dead, which proves that Yuexi is still alive. What he doesn't understand is how the child can be wandering in the world, and it still uses an ordinary body.

Could it be that Yao'er was his child and Xi'er had to raise her in the world because Yao'er was squeezed out by those bastards?
But it's not right, according to the time calculation, the child should be [-] years old, and she still uses the body of an ordinary mortal.

Back then, Xi'er was fatally injured while pregnant with a child. Even if he exhausted his cultivation and almost lost his soul, he could only keep Xi'er alive. He was not even sure whether she could survive.

He lost his cultivation and was severely injured, and was sealed in the world. Xi'er put her Purple Spirit Holy Cauldron and Dragon Spirit Whip beside him, as his lonely company for thousands of years, and it was precisely because of her thoughts , so that he will not be completely swallowed up.

"Looking for Yuexi is a good way, but with your current appearance, not to mention that you can't defeat those old things in the Sanctuary Realm, whether you can reach it is a problem." Ying Long looked at Nan Fengjue who had just condensed his body, " If the demon spirit is in your body, it may allow you to recover faster."

It's just that once the demon spirit changes hands, it's very difficult for it to return to its original owner.

Nan Fengjue suddenly laughed, "I was imprisoned for ten thousand years, and I was confused. I originally thought that the reason for the demon spirit to leave the body was because my body was destroyed and my cultivation was exhausted. Now I realize that my child is still alive. It’s just passed on to the next generation.”

Back then, Yuexi was injured so badly that it was very uncertain whether she would survive, let alone the child in her womb.

"Ah Ying, take me back to the Nether Realm. Only after returning to the Nether Realm can I recover faster." Only after recovering can he help the child and see Xi'er faster.

Hearing this, Ying Long suddenly raised his head, and said angrily: "Didn't I say that there is that cub sitting in the underworld. If you and I go, he will definitely not let us go. Fortunately, I will be sealed again. Anyway, you can’t die, but you, your body is still not healthy, if you are slapped by him, you will probably burn your soul and soul.”

Regardless of the young age of that cub, even he can't bear the strength of the fight, not to mention that now that 1 years have passed, the cub has grown up, and his cultivation is probably even more terrifying.

Nan Fengjue lowered his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice: "We don't enter the Nether Realm through the main entrance, there is a secret passage in the barren mountain of the Nether Realm, and we can enter from there."

"Drilling a dog hole to get in?" Ying Long's lips twitched slightly. The majestic former Emperor of the Underworld now wants to enter the underworld by drilling a dog hole. The secret way is equivalent to the dog hole that humans call.

Nan Fengjue glared at him, and was about to say something, when suddenly, the sky was filled with golden light, and a desolate dragon chant sounded.

All the monsters that were crawling on the ground started to commotion, as if they had encountered some catastrophe, they fled around, and some even collided with each other, or bumped their heads on a rock, and were directly knocked unconscious.

The entire Myriad Beast Cliff presents a panic scene of the end of the world.

"The mournful cry of the dragon, how could there be the mournful cry of the dragon here." Nan Fengjue stepped out of the cave, looked at the golden sky, his eyes flickered with worry, "Golden dragon, it must be Yao'er, something must have happened to her! "

Xi'er is a yellow dragon, and it is possible to give birth to a golden dragon. It is rare to meet a golden dragon in ten thousand years, let alone this is a mortal world.

She screamed so sadly, she must have encountered something sad and distressing.

Thinking of this, Nan Fengjue's figure moved slightly and disappeared in place in an instant.

"Hey, don't go, no one can hurt her with her current cultivation." Ying Long also flew out.

(End of this chapter)

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