Chapter 778 Soul Replenishment
Chapter 778 Soul Replenishment
It didn't understand why the demon spirit appeared on the golden dragon's body, the two were contradictory.

It's just that Xiaobai didn't have time to think, and was blown away again, and the slender dragon body rose and fell in the air, not to mention how miserable it was, but Fire Qilin couldn't stand it, and ran to hug it so that it wouldn't continue to fly in the air.

"It seems that I've lost a lot of weight recently, and I need to eat more in the future." Xiao Bai looked at his dragon body in confusion.

The outside was even more cloudy, churning in the air, thunder and lightning interspersed among them, the strong wind blew, and the thick trees were uprooted, and the monsters and spirits in the forest fled in terror.

Thunder after wave went straight to the top of the sky, splitting the entire night sky.

Layers of clouds were slowly peeling away.

Clear water and cloudy sky, rich aura transpiration, flowers, plants and trees seem to be mature, in various shapes.

Colorful birds are flying in the sky, forming formations from time to time, drawing beautiful arcs, as if they are dancing for someone.

Under a huge spiritual tree with a faint luster, a woman in a bright yellow robe leaned lazily there.

The astonishing and peerless beauty appeared dimly through the gaps in the branches. She closed her eyes, her curled eyelashes cast a shadow, and her demeanor was so elegant that even the dancing birds in the sky were taken aback and almost fell from above.

Their kings are still so glamorous, the beauty is breathtaking.

At this time, a huge thunder suddenly sounded, disturbing the peace.

The woman who was dozing off suddenly opened her eyes, her previous gentleness was gone, her dignity and arrogance made the creatures around her surrender involuntarily.

The woman stood up, squinted her beautiful eyes and looked at the distant sky, astonishment flashed across her beautiful face.

"Your Majesty, the thunder just now came from the lower realm. I don't know why the power of this thunder is so powerful. In the past, the lightning and thunder from the lower realm could not reach us."

A middle-aged man in black rushed over and respectfully saluted the woman.

"The lower realm?" The woman curled her eyelashes and moved slightly. Looking at the black clouds rising from the sky, her eyes suddenly widened, and her calm and composed expression instantly became agitated.

"The devil, it's the devil, the power of the dragon, it's the power of the dragon!" The woman was extremely excited, and there was no such thing as the calm and domineering emperor just now.

"My child, it is my child, it must be my child!"

The middle-aged man suddenly raised his head, looked at the almost crazy woman, and became excited, "Your Majesty, the power of the dragon is a power that only our dragon clan possesses, and with the addition of demon spirits, this thunderstorm may have something to do with the young monarch." .”

Although Junshang's love history is a taboo in their sanctuary, everyone knows that Junshang had an emotional entanglement with Emperor Hades of the Underworld, and even became pregnant with each other's child.

This child is the young monarch in his mouth. Ten thousand years have passed, and the monarch has never found another spouse. The next county king of their sanctuary will be cut off.

Originally, she wanted to find a capable person from the side of the royal family to be trained as the next county king, but the emperor disagreed anyway. She said that her daughter would definitely come back alive.

If it is really the young monarch, the long-cherished wish of the monarch for many years will come true, and the knot in his heart will be opened. You must know that the monarch almost lost his life because of the young monarch...

As if Mo Tiantian was split by something suddenly, it split straight from the middle, and the dazzling golden light rushed down, leveling the entire mountain and breaking all the surrounding trees.

Xiaobai and Huo Qilin, who were originally protecting Feng Yunyao, rushed over to protect her in time, and could only watch helplessly as the powerful force falling from the sky hit Feng Yunyao.

Xiaobai felt that his body was no longer his own. It took him a long time to get the intuition, but his whole body was in pain.

"Bah bah." Xiaobai spat out the blood stains in his mouth, and suddenly thought of Feng Yunyao.

Feng Yunyao was lying on her stomach in the Lingquan Pool, her face was soaked in the water, the surrounding Lingquan water was already stained red with blood, and her white clothes were covered with a layer of blood mist.


Xiaobai didn't care about the pain in his body, and ran over quickly.

"Master, what's wrong with you, don't scare me!" Xiao Bai fished Feng Yunyao out of the water, and carefully placed her on the ground.

Blood kept pouring out from the corner of her mouth, her chin, and her chest were all stained with blood.

"Master, you must stop, I, I will find medicine for you."

Xiaobai's paws were trembling with fright, he opened the Qiankun bag and rummaged inside, found several bottles and cans, picked up the bottles one by one in a panic, and finally poured out three qi tonic pills, stuffed them into Feng Yunyao's mouth.

It was just that the pill was placed near Feng Yunyao's mouth, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Looking at the changed scene above, Feng Yunyao sat up with difficulty, her pale and lifeless face became more radiant.

There are more castles in the air above, but the walls are all transparent, and you can see the things inside, books one by one, rare treasures one by one, and rare treasures and weapons, all of which are suspended in the sky, forming a ladder shape.

With so many books and so many treasures, there must be a way to bring Di Jiushang back to life.

"Oh my god, this could be some god clan's treasure house." Xiaobai was only looking up at Feng Yunyao, and the whole dragon was stunned.

If it was changed to before, it would definitely be excited. After all, there are so many treasures, and if you just take one out and sell it, it will be priceless.

But now, the master master has become like this, no matter how many treasures it sees, it is also lacking in interest.

Feng Yunyao raised her plain hand lightly, and a book fell safely into her hands.

This book is a treasure that is rare in a thousand years, and some of the experiences in cultivating the mystic are recorded in it, which makes people enlightened and enlightened.

Just putting this book outside will surely cause everyone to fight over it.

However, now Feng Yunyao is only thinking about how to save Emperor Jiushang, and when she sees this kind of book, she just throws it on the ground, and then goes to get another one.

The book she dropped on the ground automatically flew up and stayed in its original position.

In the next few days, Feng Yunyao began to read books frantically, looking for treasures in the sky. If it was just an ordinary treasure house, she would have already turned it into a mess, but as long as these things are thrown on the ground, they will automatically fly up , is still neat and tidy, without the slightest mess.

Even the little white fire unicorns joined in, flying up and down, searching non-stop.

In the process of browsing, several of them have benefited a lot, but they don't have time to sit down and study slowly.

"What should I do? I'm almost blind, but I still can't find it." Xiaobai rubbed his sore eyes, and casually threw the book in his paws up. The book naturally returned to the original place. position.

"I can't find it either." Huo Qilin took a distressed look at Feng Yunyao who was flipping through the books with her head down.

Opening the eighth floor did give the owner hope of surviving, but rummaging day and night like this is not a solution.

"Guji Guji."

At this moment, the little witch spirit jumped down from the upper corner holding a book bigger than itself, threw the book in front of Xiao Bai, opened the book, and pointed to it with its small hand, " Guji Guji."

"Dragon Heart Jue, replenish the soul." Xiaobai saw the contents of the book, glanced at Feng Yunyao, and hurriedly hid the book behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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