Chapter 781

Chapter 781

"Your Majesty, the Young Sovereign is awake!" The woman's excited voice spread throughout the magnificent palace.

In the high hall, the woman wore a golden dragon robe and a crown, and sat on a dragon chair. She listened to the narration of the minister below with a majestic expression.

Suddenly, hearing the maid's cry, she stood up abruptly, and before the maid had finished speaking, the person had disappeared.

For a while, the whole court was boiling.

Your Majesty has always been unwilling to get married, so much so that he doesn't even have an heir.

1 years ago, Your Majesty's body was severely injured, and he still hasn't fully recovered. Maybe he will pass away one day. By then, their sanctuary will not even have an orthodox heir. Without the orthodox sanctuary, there will be conflicts everywhere. It is not too much to go to perdition.

Finding the young monarch now, and the young monarch is a golden dragon that is rarely encountered in thousands of years, this is simply the unprecedented hope of their sanctuary.

The only worry is that the Young Sovereign came back, but she was wounded all over her body. She was dying and had been in a coma for a year, and it was not known whether she would wake up.

Hearing her wake up now, how could one not be excited.

"Young Monarch is really awake?"

"Go back to High Priest, the Young Sovereign is really awake." The maid said respectfully with her arms folded on her chest.

The high priest is an old man with white hair and a childlike face. He is dressed in a white robe and holds a staff with a dragon head.

Hearing the lady's repeated words, she had long lost her previous solemnity, and her excited lips were trembling.

He clasped his hands together and looked at the image of a mighty golden dragon behind the dragon chair, "Dragon God bless, I hope the young monarch can get through the catastrophe as soon as possible."

Seeing this, the others followed suit and prayed for Feng Yunyao, hoping that she would be safe and well.

The palace made of white jade, every item in it is made of high-quality jade, beautiful and magnificent, and there is light cigarette smoke rising from the jade incense burner, the fragrance is elegant and calming.

The only thing in and out of this gorgeous palace is that it is filled with pink curtains, curtains and bed curtains.

Yuexi felt that girls like pink, and her children should also like pink, so she arranged the palace to be mainly pink.

When she heard that her daughter was awake, she left all the ministers behind and rushed over.

Entering the palace, I saw a girl in a pink underwear on the bed, clutching her chest and curled up, half-sitting there motionless.

Seeing this, Yue Xi's heart skipped a beat, and she ran over in a hurry.

"Son, are you feeling uncomfortable?" She clearly remembered how her daughter was covered in blood a year ago.

Cramping and pulling out the dragon scales, even Long Xinjue left her body.

Yuexi's eyes were moist, and she gently hugged Feng Yunyao in her arms, her movements were gentle as if she was holding a fragile and rare treasure, and she was afraid that if she was stronger, she would break her.

"Is your name Yao'er?"

Hearing the word 'Yao'er', the girl in his arms visibly moved.

Yue Xi's eyes flickered slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

"Yao'er, my mother will still call you Yao'er in the future."

Yuexi Ruo looked thoughtfully at the girl who was still in her arms, the deep meaning in her eyes gradually deepened, she raised her hand and rubbed Feng Yunyao's hair, and continued: "Mother knows that you must have a lot of doubts, mother will slowly Tell you."

"Besides the human world, there are four other realms, the God Realm, the Sacred Realm, the Nether Realm and the Snow Realm.

For tens of thousands of years, apart from the world of snow, the sanctuary of the gods and the underworld have been in constant disputes. The gods and the sanctuary are the gods of justice. Shenyu teamed up to deal with Mingyu.

More than 1 years ago, I treated Nether Realm like other people and regarded them as monsters until I met your father. "

Having said that, Yue Xi's eyes were complicated.

"Later, I made a private decision with your father for life, and the God Realm and the Sanctuary joined forces to attack the Nether Realm. Only then did I know that your father is the Underworld Emperor of the Nether Realm, and my Junfu is your grandfather and the God Emperor. Forced the demons in the body to lose control and lose their sanity, even if Junfu and Shendi join hands, they will not be your father's opponent.

Seeing your father's death at the hands of your father, in order to save your father, I took your father's blow, and the demon spirit lost control and could only be cured by a blood sacrifice from a loved one. "

Feng Yunyao's hand on the bed suddenly tightened.

Yue Xi looked at her clenched hands, confirming the guess in her heart, and the pain in her eyes was full.

"At that time, I was pregnant with you, my body was at a trough, and when your father was at the peak of the demon spirit, I couldn't bear that palm. The soul and body were completely destroyed. After your father woke up, in order to save me, your father scattered I spent my whole life cultivating, but I couldn't even keep my body."

After Nanfeng's absolute cultivation base was completely lost, God's Realm took advantage of this to destroy his divine essence, leaving only one soul and two souls, and finally sealed this soul and two souls in the human world.

In order to keep his soul and soul, she sealed her Dragon Spirit Whip and Holy Cauldron together with him.

Yuexi thought of her former lover, a touch of loneliness appeared on her beautiful face.

"Your father didn't know you existed, so he only saved me, because you were also severely injured in my womb. Not only did you lose your complete physical body, but your soul body was also missing. In order to save you, I used Long Xinjue to fill up your missing soul body, because you are too young to fuse with Long Xinjue, your grandfather sacrificed his whole life to make Long Xinjue fuse with your soul body, now He is still retreating in Longyan Cave.

Because you have a demon spirit in your body, your body is already weak and can’t bear the demon spirit at all. In desperation, the high priest, me and the five elders used the ancient dragon soul seal, and it took nine ancient dragon souls to seal the demon spirit in your body .

Afterwards, I used a piece of meat from my belly to reshape your body. However, although the ancient dragon soul seal sealed the demon spirit, it also sealed your spiritual roots. Without your spiritual roots, you are no different from ordinary people, and you cannot bear With the strong aura of the sanctuary, I had no choice but to raise you in the human world. When I put you in the human world, the spiritual stones in the southern sky turned into a colorful phoenix. That spiritual stone has gathered the world for thousands of years. Reiki releases a huge force when it takes shape, causing time and space to be disordered, turning you who fell into the world into an unknown time and space. "

Yue Xi sighed softly, caressing the person in her arms, "Mother has been sending people to look for you all these years, but they failed every time."

"Mother said so much, not to make you grateful to anyone, but to hope that you can cherish your life, because your life is hard-won, and many people worked hard to keep it. fudge."

She said so much but didn't get a response, but Yuexi knew she was listening, so she gently placed Feng Yunyao on the bed, and pulled the quilt for her.

"Son, rest well, everything will pass."

Yue Xi touched her head before getting up and leaving the palace.

Outside, the high priest led a group of courtiers to wait, and when they saw her come out, they hurriedly surrounded her.

"Your Majesty, how is the Young Monarch?" the high priest glanced at the closed palace gate and asked.

If the young monarch hadn't been a girl, he would have rushed in long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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