Chapter 786
Chapter 786
The fragrance of clouds is light and misty, transpiring and elegant, as if covered with a layer of white gauze, like a dream.

The white buildings hidden in the light mist are elegant and noble. Even the maids walking among them hold their heads high, exposing their slender and graceful necks, showing pride while walking.

The maid in white entered the hall in an orderly manner with a food plate made of colored glass.

The hall has long been filled with men and women in fine costumes, more handsome men and beautiful women, and any one you pull out will be stunning in the world.

There were three seats set up on the high platform, and the middle-aged man sitting in the middle had a face as gentle as jade without anger, even though he had the face of a middle-aged man, he was handsome at this age. This man was the god of the God Realm. emperor.

On his right is Yuexi, the holy lord of the sanctuary. She is dressed in a black robe and crowned with the queen's golden crown. She has a gorgeous and beautiful face, but because of the strong aura around her, the men present dare not take a second look.

There are many beauties of all kinds in the hall, but they all lose color when they are in front of her.

On the left side of the god emperor is an equally exquisite jade chair, but the owner of this chair has not yet arrived.

"Wow, there are so many beauties here. Master, look at that one who looks as cold as ice, that one that is unparalleled in beauty, and that one that is so cute and beautiful."

Standing on the shoulder of the Gu Jiaolong who had transformed into a human form, Xiaobai stared at all the beauties with wide eyes.

Gu Jiaolong frowned slightly, and patted it on the head depressedly, "Xiaobai, can you be more reserved, don't disgrace the master, no matter how beautiful the women here are, they can't compare to the master."

"Cut, Xiao Jiaolong, you are doomed. If you chose a male when transforming, you definitely wouldn't say that." Xiao Bai glanced at Gu Jiaolong's heroic and hard face, expressing his sympathy.

Gu Jiaolong doesn't take it seriously, in her heart, the master is the most beautiful woman, and she is also the one she wants to protect for the rest of her life.

Gu Jiaolong glanced at Feng Yunyao who was walking in front, and the corners of her cold lips slightly raised. The most correct choices she made in her life were two, one was to endure the master, and the other was to transform into a woman for the master.

Feng Yunyao walked into the main hall and walked straight to Yue Xi who was sitting at the highest place, showing no interest in the things and people around her, not even leaving a glance in her eyes.

Her arrival caught the attention of everyone, and all the people who were pushing cups all looked at the woman who came in suddenly.

Dressed in white clothes, with only a low-quality pear-blossom-headed jade hairpin stuck on her head, her flowing black hair was casually scattered behind her back, and the simple attire did not conceal her peerless face at all.

Everyone guessed Feng Yunyao's identity one after another, how could such an outstanding person not be known by the world, but no one recognized who she was.

However, the only thing that is certain is that to be able to attend the banquet on the birthday of the god emperor, she must be a nobleman in the three realms.

Yue Xi, who was drinking tea casually and listening to the God Emperor's speech, saw her come in and her eyes lit up.

But before she could speak, the high priest who was sitting at the bottom of her head immediately jumped out of his seat, his old face was wrinkled with joy, and walked quickly towards Feng Yunyao.

"Young Monarch, you are here. The old minister thought you suddenly changed your mind and would not come." The high priest walked towards Feng Yunyao to his seat.

Feng Yunyao nodded to him indifferently, as a greeting.

Hearing the high priest's words, everyone immediately knew Feng Yunyao's identity.

Everyone knows that Sanctuary found their young monarch a year ago, but because of her body, she never showed it to others.

Looking at it so carefully, the young monarch of the sanctuary is seven or eight points similar to Yue Xi, and even his demeanor is somewhat similar. He really deserves to be a mother and daughter.

Yuexi got up when she saw her coming, a motherly smile appeared on her cold and beautiful face, "Yao'er."

Her smile made those men who inadvertently glanced at her freeze instantly, more amazement than surprise.

You must know that Yue Xi has never seen her smile since she became the Holy Master, and she still smiles so kindly now, as expected, no matter how cruel a woman is in front of her own children, she is still a mother.

"Mother." Feng Yunyao walked in front of her, bowed to her, and called her in a calm voice.

"You..." Yuexi lost her composure when she called out 'mother', and almost knocked over the teacup in her hand in excitement.

The daughter finally called her mother, which was the best voice she had ever heard in her life.

"Good girl." Yuexi smiled like a flower, took Feng Yunyao's hand and pulled her to her side, raised her eyes to look at the crowd, the smile on her face disappeared instantly, and she became that domineering and cold empress again, It was as if the smile just now was a dream.

"Everyone, this is my beloved daughter and the future Holy Lord of the sanctuary. I hope you can take care of my son. I am very grateful."

As soon as she said this, there was an uproar.

Although Feng Yunyao is Yuexi's only daughter and the young monarch of the holy domain, it would be too hasty to announce Feng Yunyao as the future holy lord the first time she was shown to others.

What's more, Yuexi is not the only member of the Sanctuary royal family. Although Yuexi doesn't have any brothers or sisters, she also has cousins.

Although they are not the orthodox Huanglong, they are Qinglong who are second only to Huanglong, especially Yuexi's elder brother. He has a son, Yuelan, who is also an outstanding figure, and has always shown himself as the successor of the Holy Lord.

However, Yuexi has always been unwilling to make him the young monarch, she felt that she would definitely find her daughter.

"Your Majesty, this is the God Emperor's birthday banquet. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to announce this matter. I hope your Majesty will take it back." Yue Xi's elder brother Yue Sheng's face changed drastically when he heard her words, and he hurriedly stood up, objecting righteously. .

Sitting beside him was his son Yue Lan, who also showed a lot of dissatisfaction on his sinister and handsome face. He glanced at Feng Yunyao, and his narrow eyes were full of disdain, "Aunt Huang, I know that you love your daughter dearly, but You can't blindly ruin the future of the Sanctuary. As far as I know, Cousin Yunyao used to be a human race. No matter how powerful she is in the human race, she might not even be as good as a three-year-old yellow-mouthed child here. I'm not convinced."

Because Feng Yunyao is a golden dragon that is rare in ten thousand years, those old men are excited. The golden dragon is a legendary existence, and even I feel that the position of the Holy Master is hopeless.

It's just that more than a year has passed, and Feng Yunyao has not shown a strong side. Due to physical reasons, he may not even be as good as a maid, which also rekindled his hope.

He has been the proud son of heaven since he was a child. Could it be that he can't inherit the great rule because he is Qinglong? He refuses to accept it!

"Your Majesty, please think again. Although the Young Sovereign is a golden dragon, she has been living in the human race after all, and her cultivation level is not good enough. Or we can discuss this matter later."

The person who spoke was the Second Elder of the Sanctuary, who is also a highly respected person in the Sanctuary.

(End of this chapter)

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