Chapter 798 Blood Suppression

Chapter 798 Blood Suppression

Feng Yunyao got off the stage and returned to her seat.

At this moment, a murderous aura suddenly came from behind her, her eyes moved slightly, and she struck back with her backhand.

Chao Jin, who was about to attack her, flew out of the crowd like a kite with a broken string, hit the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Overthinking one's abilities." Xiaobai took a piece of watermelon and sat on Feng Yunyao's shoulder, gnawing it leisurely.

Chao Jin's hands were pressing the ground with blue veins exposed, and his face was distorted by anger.

"Damn untouchable, I'm going to kill you!"

All her life, she has been admired by many stars, but she has never been abused like this, her pride does not allow her to bow her head!
Suddenly, Chao Jin got up angrily, exhausted all her cultivation and sacrificed dozens of icy daggers, and stabbed towards Feng Yunyao.

There are still many people between her and Feng Yunyao, these daggers passing through the crowd will definitely stab others, but at this moment Chao Jin doesn't care about it at all, she only wants to kill Feng Yunyao.

The beauties standing between them hurriedly dodged, and among the beauties present there were only a few who were higher than Chao Jin, how could these beauties dodge.

The light in Feng Yunyao's eyes darkened slightly, a powerful force burst out, and the dagger turned and stabbed at Chao Jin.

Dozens of daggers were about to stab Chao Jin, at this moment, a force stronger than Feng Yunyao came from the side, wrapped the daggers and took them away from Chao Jin's direction.

"What a vicious girl!" A voice resounding like a bell came, and a black shadow quickly flew over and landed in front of Chao Jin.

Chao Jin was overjoyed when he saw the visitor, "Father!"

The Scarlet Demon King raised his hand, and Chao Jin, who was lying on the ground, stood beside him.

Seeing his little daughter being hurt like this, the Scarlet Demon King showed anger, and looked at Feng Yunyao who was standing there.

Cool and Huaguang, with an outstanding temperament, even standing among a crowd of outstanding beauties can make people see her at a glance, making others a foil.

For some reason, he actually felt a little familiar from this girl, and felt that her aura was somewhat similar to His Majesty's, but different.

"Father, she stole my daughter's Xuehua Sword, humiliated her in public, and killed her for me." Chao Jin glared at Feng Yunyao angrily, with pride in her fierce words.

Her father is one of the three kings in the Nether Realm, apart from His Majesty, the father is the only one, and the father can crush this pariah to death with his bare hands.

The Red Demon King was taken aback when he heard the words, and then darkened.

Unexpectedly, this woman was able to snatch the Xuehua sword from Jin'er. Although Xuehua sword did not recognize Jin'er as the master, after his training, few people except Jin'er could take it away. ,

However, insulting his daughter was unforgivable, and there was always a price to pay.

The Scarlet Demon King secretly released powerful coercion to Feng Yunyao, but said solemnly and calmly on the face: "Girl, hand over the Xuehua sword and leave the underworld, and this king will spare you."

"Father, why didn't you kill her!" Chao Jin was very dissatisfied with the Red Demon King's actions, and she wanted this woman who humiliated her to die!
The Scarlet Demon King glanced at her, ignored her, and continued to exert pressure on Feng Yunyao. He said he would let her go, but he didn't really want to let her go.

With his cultivation base, he can easily kill a person with just the coercion he releases without using hands. Of course, for his reputation, he will not kill in public, but in order to avenge his daughter, he also wants to make this ignorant The wild girl pays the price.The price to pay is the severing of tendons and the loss of cultivation!
Chao Jin also saw Feng Yunyao's strangeness, and immediately understood that her father had secretly attacked this lowly man, and she said that her father loved her so much, so why didn't she avenge her, the stinky woman is waiting to die !
At the moment when the Red Demon King's coercion hit, Feng Yunyao did not make enough resistance, and her body did feel a little uncomfortable. However, the Red Demon King's coercion circulated in her body and was quickly fused by her body.

After merging the power from the Red Demon King, not only did he feel no discomfort, but he also took the Shiquan Dabu Pill, and his body felt refreshed.

Soon the Scarlet Demon King felt that his cultivation base was constantly being lost, and then a powerful coercion overwhelmingly overwhelmed him.

The power of this coercion is not as strong as him, but it suppresses him firmly.

The Red Demon King was shocked.

Blood pressure!
He was suppressed by the blood of a little girl. You must know that even the current emperor of the underworld could not suppress him with his blood in the underworld. After all, the underworld emperor does not belong to the underworld.

The only one who can suppress the three kings with blood is Xianmingdi, but he has long been transformed, how could it, how could it appear on a little girl.

Who is she?
The Scarlet Demon King suddenly remembered something, with a look of panic on his face, he hurriedly took back his coercion, but there are some things that can be taken back if you don't want to do it, how can you take back what you let out easily.

In the end, the Scarlet Demon King barely stopped being eaten by Feng Yunyao with his half-body cultivation.

This is the horror suppressed by the blood of the royal family. As a race in the underworld, you must not attack the royal family. Otherwise, even if your cultivation base is not wiped out, you will lose more than half of it, and you may even die. This is why the people in the underworld People are warlike but no one dares to rebel.

The person in front of him is the Nanfeng lineage of the royal family, and also the young monarch that the Sanctuary has just found.

As one of the three kings, how could he not know about the past love history between Holy Master and Emperor Xianming? Furthermore, Holy Master has never had another man for many years. Most of her daughters are the children of Emperor Xianming Nan Fengjue .

With half of the blood of the Nanfeng royal family, how could his coercion hurt her, and how could he turn him back like this? It might not be as simple as having half of the blood of the Nanfeng royal family, but the demon spirit would also be inherited by her.

In the past, the one who got the demon spirit was the Underworld Emperor. According to the rules, this young monarch of the sanctuary should be their Underworld Emperor, but now the Underworld Emperor has someone else, and his cultivation base is extremely powerful.

When they fought, this girl was definitely no match for Emperor Hades, even if her own mother, Yuexi, came over, she would not be able to defeat Emperor Hades, Emperor Hades did not belong to the realm of the underworld, and her blood suppression had no effect on him at all.

Thinking of this, the Scarlet Demon King stood still and clasped his fists towards Feng Yunyao, "I don't know if it's the Young Monarch who has arrived. I have offended you just now, and I hope the Young Monarch will forgive me."

Because of Emperor Hades, he couldn't switch to the authentic Nanfeng royal family, but he didn't dare not disrespect her if he had blood to suppress him, so he could only be called by her sanctuary status.

His sudden change of attitude made everyone very puzzled.

I thought that the Scarlet Demon King would teach Feng Yunyao a good lesson, but I didn't expect him to be so polite, and that attitude completely put him below the first class.

What's the situation, the Red Demon King, one of the three kings, would bow his head to a poor woman. Is it because they have auditory hallucinations in their ears or the Red Demon King in front of them is a counterfeit.

"Father, what's wrong with you?" Chao Jin was very puzzled, and pulled the Red Demon King hard.

"Don't make trouble!" The Scarlet Demon King glared at her, took her hand and walked up to Feng Yunyao, and said with a smile, "Young Monarch, my little girl is ignorant, she just bumped into Young Monarch, I hope Young Monarch will forgive me."

"Father!" It's fine if you don't help her avenge, but even dragged her to apologize, Chao Jin stomped angrily, "How can you apologize to a pariah?"

"Shut up!" The Scarlet Demon King scolded Chao Jin angrily, "She is the young monarch of the sanctuary, and she is also the daughter of Emperor Xianming, please apologize quickly."

"She, she..."

Chao Jin was greatly surprised, and looked at Feng Yunyao in disbelief, how she was just a pariah and became the daughter of Emperor Xianming in the blink of an eye.

As a member of the Nether Realm, she knew that the blood was suppressed, no wonder her father couldn't hurt her, it must be suppressed by her blood.

If Feng Yunyao was a poor man, she would definitely not accept it, but if she was the daughter of Emperor Xianming, she would have nothing to complain about even if she lost, because blood was suppressed after all.

However, she never seemed to suppress them with blood.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was reckless just now." After Chao Jin apologized, she stood behind the Red Demon King and dared not say anything more.

Even if the current Underworld Emperor is very powerful, Feng Yunyao cannot be the Underworld Emperor, but she is not something she can offend, just suppressing her with blood can kill a large family of her.

Feng Yunyao stroked her dantian, she was very surprised by this unexpected joy, she didn't know much about the underworld, this Scarlet Demon King's cultivation was far above hers, but she could absorb his cultivation I use it for my own use, and there is no rejection at all, just like tailor-made.

It's just that she doesn't seem to be able to absorb it actively, it only works when he attacks her.

Feng Yunyao didn't talk to the Scarlet Demon King, but looked at Wei Nanny and said, "Wei Nanny, what should I do next?"

The Scarlet Demon King was very upset at being ignored, but he didn't dare to say anything no matter how upset he was.

"Ah? Oh." Rao, Wei Mama, who had seen the big world, was also shocked by Feng Yunyao's identity. She didn't expect that this girl was the daughter of Xianming Emperor, and the real future Emperor of the Underworld.

No wonder Emperor Hades made things difficult for her. It turned out that it was because of her status. After all, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

However, as the daughter of Emperor Xianming, why does she have to be Emperor Mingdi's concubine?No, a beauty trick, their princess must want to use a beauty trick to defeat Emperor Hades.

Madam Wei made up her mind, and when she looked at Feng Yunyao again, she respected Feng Yunyao a lot, and bowed to Feng Yunyao: "This old slave pays homage to Your Highness."

"I'm not your Highness, so you don't need to be polite, Mammy." Feng Yunyao helped her up and continued the topic just now, "Mammy, how do you compete next?"

She wanted to finish the competition quickly so that she could see him.

When Mother Wei heard this, she recalled her analysis just now, her face became serious, she pulled Feng Yunyao aside, and said in a low voice: "This old slave knows that His Highness wants to win the throne through beauty tricks, but with His current strength, it is not at all possible." The opponent of the lord, please listen to the old slave and hurry back to the sanctuary, anyway, His Royal Highness in the sanctuary is also the future holy master, so why bother with the lord."

She is an old man from the Emperor's Palace and has served two Emperors of the Underworld. She still has a lot of affection for the descendants of the Emperor Underworld, so she naturally does not want anything to happen to this little princess.

How could Feng Yunyao not know what was going on in her heart, she smiled lightly and said: "Nurse is too worried, I am not here for the position of Emperor Underworld, I am really here to participate in the concubine selection."

Mammy Wei saw that she did not seem to be lying, but she did not let go of her frown, "But Your Majesty seems to have a bad attitude towards His Highness because of His Highness's status, and His Highness may not be able to fulfill his wish."

To make things difficult for the princess like that, how could he let the princess be his concubine, let alone the queen of the underworld.

"It's okay." Feng Yunyao disagreed, "Nurse, when will the next competition take place?"

Mother Wei regained her composure when she heard the words, and said, "The 50 people selected will be judged by His Majesty himself."

"Really?" Feng Yunyao couldn't help but raise her brows, her plain expression showed a bit of joy, "Let's go now."

"..." No wonder she didn't want the position of Emperor Underworld. Judging by her expression, she must have fallen in love with Emperor Underworld, and she didn't even want the throne.

(End of this chapter)

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