Chapter 801 Nine Devil Caves

Chapter 801 Nine Devil Caves

The Nine Devil Caves are used by the underworld to punish the heinous people. There are nine holes in total, and each hole is full of murderous intentions. It is extremely dangerous and guarded by fierce beasts for tens of thousands of years. Anyone who enters can come out alive. Very rare.

They are here to choose a concubine, not to die, and wealth and wealth are not as important as life.

After Manager Yi made the announcement, everyone fell silent.

The reaction of the crowd was all expected, choosing a concubine to throw people into the Nine Devils Cave, I don't know what my lord is up to.

Director Yi said gently: "Your Majesty said that you will not force everyone, and whether you can enter the Nine Demon Cave is completely voluntary. However, not entering the Nine Demon Cave is tantamount to giving up the choice of concubine. Let's go now. If there is no money, you can find Gui in private." Granny takes it."

Of course, His Majesty didn't say it so euphemistically, and he didn't even ask for money. He felt sorry for these beautiful girls who made this trip for nothing, so he gave some money.

"Okay, those who decide to continue the game please stand on the right, and those who give up stand on the left."

Underworld Emperor sat there with his chin in his hand, his deep eyes hidden in the mask drooping slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking, as if the matter of choosing a concubine had nothing to do with him.

All the beauties were silent for a moment, looking at Underworld Emperor, who had a strong aura and an outstanding figure, gave up but was reluctant to enter the Nine Demon Cave. In the end, reason overcame emotion, and they walked to the left one by one.

Soon there were many people standing on the left, but the right was empty.

"Hmph, a bunch of cowards, aren't they the Nine Demon Caves? There's nothing to be afraid of." Chao Jin said sarcastically, and stood proudly on the right with her chin up.

She must come out of the Nine Demon Cave, conquer the Underworld Emperor who is feared by the world, and make all women envy and jealous of her, especially Feng Yunyao!
Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look at Feng Yunyao who was still reading the Feilong post, her eyes were full of provocation, "Hey, Feng, be afraid, get out of the sanctuary as soon as possible, and don't come to our underworld to embarrass yourself again. "

God is so unfair, this woman turned out to be the daughter of the first Emperor of the Underworld, this is not what makes her the most angry, the most abominable thing is that she defeated her without blood suppression, this is the greatest thing in her life This time, she must wash away her previous shame, not only to come out of the Nine Devils Cave unharmed, but also to be the first person to leave the Nine Devils Cave.

Feng Yunyao ignored Chao Jin's provocation, closed the flying dragon post and walked to the right calmly, but this time she didn't look at Emperor Ming.

People have to bear the responsibility of living. Mother has sacrificed too much for her, and she can't let her always be disappointed and give.

Underworld Emperor would not admit that he is Di Jiushang, maybe he has his own difficulties or maybe he really forgot her, no matter what, he is still alive.

The main purpose of entering the Nine Demon Cave this time is to strengthen her own cultivation. She is not strong enough now, and the sanctuary is not a peaceful and prosperous time. Yuelan is not the only one staring at the position of the holy master. Only when she is strong enough can mother be assured.

Chao Jin didn't get a response, and she was very upset after being shut down, but no matter how upset she was, she didn't dare to take the initiative to provoke trouble in front of Underworld Emperor, curled her lips in disdain, and turned her attention to Underworld Emperor.

To be honest, she didn't have much affection for Underworld Emperor. Her father asked her to participate. This man was indeed excellent, and he was fascinated by him. Even at all costs, she felt that only Underworld Emperor could be worthy of her.

However, the main reason for her to participate in the concubine selection is the supreme Empress Dowager, who is envied by thousands of women.

She must win this time, especially Feng Yunyao, must defeat her!
Qing Shu hesitated for a while and came out, standing on the right.

Then Gong Lianxue also stood on the right, she raised her hand towards Feng Yunyao and said, "Your Highness, how about we cooperate?"

She came to choose a concubine because her grandfather insisted on her coming, and she couldn't resist her. She only had awe but not admiration for His Majesty—nothing.

It was colder than ice, and she was not capable of warming that stone heart, and she was self-aware about this.

Originally, she wanted to compete casually and find a free time to leave later, but after the battle with Feng Yunyao, she realized how big the gap between herself and the princess was.

Although the Nine Devils Cave is used to punish the treacherous and evil people, it is also a good place to exercise. If she can come out of the Nine Devils Cave, her strength will definitely be improved. After all, their cultivation base in the underworld It is the faster the Vietnam War improves.

She didn't believe that Your Majesty would really throw them into the Nine Demon Cave and leave them alone. After all, they were criminals, and they were only here to choose concubines. How could they send their own people to death for the sake of choosing a concubine? No matter how cold-blooded and ruthless Your Majesty is , he will not really leave them alone.

What's more, among the fifty, only one is from ordinary people. I thought Feng Yunyao was the same, but I didn't expect her status to be beyond their reach. How could so many noble ladies let them die? .

Feng Yunyao nodded her head indifferently and said nothing.

After that, more than a dozen beauties came over one after another. Although the Nine Devil Caves were full of murderous intentions, the concubine of the Underworld Emperor was very attractive, and most of them who could stand on the right were the same as Gong Lianxue. Regardless of their life or death, and people in the underworld are more aggressive, even the daughters are all unyielding masters. In the end, 32 people stood on the right and chose to continue.

Director Yi was very satisfied with this number, so he just said, how can the children of the underworld be such cowards.

He cleared his throat and said: "A total of 32 people choose to continue to participate in the war, no, continue to participate in the selection of concubines, and those who choose to continue to participate in the selection of concubines should not be afraid. Once entering the Nine Demon Cave, if their lives are endangered or if they want to give up, they can shout loudly." 'I give up' and I will let you out."

As soon as these words came out, the beauties who chose to give up regretted so much that they wanted to slap themselves a few times. If they had known that they would be able to go out halfway, they would not have given up, but it was too late to regret it.

Those who chose to continue to participate were greatly relieved. If they guessed right, His Majesty would not let them go. After entering the Nine Demon Cave, they just need to try their best to participate in the competition.

After the announcement, Underworld Emperor left and didn't say a word except talking to Feng Yunyao.

Since entering the Nine Demon Cave is not a separate challenge, everyone started looking for a partner, so the chances of breaking through would be greatly increased, after all, there are many people.

The most powerful of them belongs to Feng Yunyao, but her identity is too sensitive, and she is on the opposite side of Emperor Hades, getting too close to her may leave a bad impression on Emperor Hades, after all, breaking out of the Nine Demons Whether Dong can be a concubine or not is up to Emperor Ming, except for Gong Lianxue and the woman named Ruan Luo who came from the common people who came to find Feng Yunyao, everyone else stood by Chao Jin's side.

Qing Shu smiled lightly and said to Chao Jin, "My cultivation level is not as good as that of Jin'er's sister, please take care of Jin'er's sister."

Her words of belittling herself and praising Chao Jin made Chao Jin very useful, and Qingshu's status was equal to hers, and she was also a talented woman who was famous in the entire underworld, so she could make a noble girl who was as noble as her take the initiative to show her favor, She still has a lot of face.

"Even if Sister Qingshu follows, I have the Thousand Machine Beast Net given by my father in my hand. As long as it is a beast under 10 years old, it is not a problem."

Qingshu's eyes moved slightly, as expected, the Scarlet Demon King was the richest, and even the fetish of Qianji Beast Net was given to Chao Jin, the second generation ancestor. The biggest danger in the Nine Demon Cave is the fierce beast, and Qianji Beast Net is there , is equal to winning half, as long as the luck is not too bad, it is not a problem to get out of the Nine Demon Cave.

Afterwards, Director Yi led the crowd to the Nine Devils Cave, which was not in the Imperial Palace, but at the foot of the Nine Devils Mountain on the outskirts of the Imperial Capital.

"Although the Nine Devils Mountain is for punishing sinners, our previous Emperors of the Underworld would all enter the Nine Devils Cave to practice, especially the First Venerable, he entered and exited the Nine Devils Mountain nine times, and stayed there for several years. , it’s not that he can’t get out, it’s that he doesn’t want to come out, he stayed inside and knocked down all the beasts inside before he was willing to come out of the Nine Demon Cave.” When Mr. Yi said this, he couldn’t help but look at the To Feng Yunyao in the crowd.

Both parents are blessed with outstanding talents, so how can they be their daughters? I hope this little Highness can gain something after entering the Nine Demon Cave. .

When Feng Yunyao heard Mr. Yi's words, the corners of her lips curved slightly. As expected of Uncle Nanfeng's style, I don't know how he is now. His physical body should be fully grown, so he should return soon. He should be able to Let's go to the sanctuary, after all, the underworld has changed hands, and Uncle Nanfeng is not a person who is greedy for power and position.

After going around and around, the soul who was pestering her for her blood turned out to be her father.

Outside the Nine Devil Mountain, there are layers of enchantments surrounding it. This enchantment is to prevent people from entering by mistake. There are hundreds of thousands of beasts in this mountain, and any one released at will can harm a city. Where is life.

Open the enchantment, and when you enter the Nine Devil Mountain, there will be a cold and dark breath rushing towards your face. This breath makes everyone's blood boil and the pores are even wider. It is a fatal oppression for the outside world, but it is not good for the underworld. Something like aura.

If it wasn't for choosing a concubine, everyone would want to sit on the ground and absorb cultivation.

"After a while, everyone can rest assured to enter the Nine Demon Cave. The five elders and the Red Demon King and the Red Ghost King are all there, even the ghost is there. They will protect your safety. If you can't bear it, just say 'I give up', and they will give up on their own." I will let you out." Director Yi still said in a peaceful voice.

Hearing that the Scarlet Demon King was there, Qingshu's eyes brightened up a little. With her grandfather by her side, her odds of winning were higher, and her grandfather would definitely help her secretly.

Gong Lianxue didn't take it seriously, even if there was a ghost, she wasn't too happy and complacent, she came here for experience, it's best if her grandfather doesn't help her, she has to go out with her own strength.

"Where is my father, why is he not here?" Chao Jin was suddenly dissatisfied, the other two kings were there, but her father was not there, how could this happen, she doesn't care if her proud father helps her, but Whether to come or not is another matter.

The Scarlet Ghost King has no daughter and granddaughter, so it is fine for him to come, but the granddaughter of the Scarlet Demon King is Qingshu. Although Qingshu is in her camp, she does not want Qingshu to step on her head and leave the Nine Demon Cave before her , and Gong Lianxue, she was with Feng Yunyao, Ming Xiang's helping Gong Lianxue was equivalent to helping Feng Yunyao, how could she be reconciled to this.

(End of this chapter)

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