Chapter 827 Super Invincible Successor

Chapter 827 Super Invincible Successor

Seeing that Emperor Jiushang nodded, Yuexi swallowed her saliva after making an indecent gesture that she had never done in her life.

It is really unacceptable that Yao'er has a relationship with Emperor Ming, and it is also extraordinary.

Shocked and shocked, Yuexi quickly returned to her usual elegance and seriousness, turned around, walked to the dragon chair and sat down, looking at Di Jiushang with a slightly cold gaze, "Yao'er has been back for more than a year, why haven't you come to see her?" , Could it be that you forgot about the things in the human world?"

"No, this junior has never forgotten."

Hearing what he said, Yue Xi became angry, "I never forgot why you didn't come to her. Could it be that you don't like her at all?"

Thinking of the miserable picture of my daughter, I spent a year in a daze, but the culprit who caused all this didn't like my daughter, how could I not be angry.

Di Jiushang suddenly raised his eyes and said, "She is the love of my life, and I will never have anyone else in my life except her."

As for the afterlife, he has no afterlife. One year later, he will be sealed forever in the spirit stone, completely sealing the barrier.

When Yuexi heard his words, the anger in her heart gradually subsided, "Then why didn't you come to Yao'er?"

Since he likes Yao'er so much, he should come here immediately when he hears that Yao'er is still alive.

No, when Nan Fengjue brought Yao'er back then, he said that a man in black handed Yao'er to him, and that man in black was probably the one in front of him.

The strange light in Di Jiushang's eyes moved slightly, and he pursed his lips and said, "Your junior has difficulties."

Afterwards, he briefly talked about his life experience and the matter of sealing the Wrath God.

"The God of Wrath is still alive, and has been staying at the border of the southern sky." Yue Xi frowned slightly, and her face became gloomy.

She read the ancient books, and somewhat learned that the God of Wrath almost wiped out all living beings in the world back then, and later several good gods killed it, but these gods also disappeared together, and she never thought that the God of Wrath was still alive.

If it comes out, the world will probably face catastrophe again.

"Why did you come out all of a sudden?"

"3 years ago, Fanmo broke into the border of the southern sky and found a lot of power in the spirit stone. He became greedy and began to absorb the power in the spirit stone. The original balance was broken, and the God of Wrath was awakened. I was lured by the anger god with words, signed a contract with the anger god, and was finally swallowed by the anger god. I also woke up because of Fanmo and came out of the spirit stone. My barrier to leave the seal of the anger god became weak. However, Although the God of Wrath devoured Fan Mo, his awakening power is still very weak, and I only need to strengthen the barrier every now and then in these years."

"It turns out that during the 3 years that Fanmo disappeared, he went to the border of the southern sky and awakened the evil god of anger." Yue Xi couldn't help but patted the table on the table, thinking that Fanmo was a Daoist. The person with the bone fairy wind, did not expect to be so greedy, and he and Fanqing are brothers.

After Yuexi got angry, she looked at Di Jiushang much more pleasingly, "Go on."

After talking so much, she didn't come to the point. She wanted to know why she didn't want to recognize her daughter.

"During the 1 years I was born, I would regularly strengthen the barrier, but it won't last long. Sooner or later, I will return to the spirit stone and continue to seal the wrath."

It was just an accident that he came outside, and it was his mission to return to the Lingshi to seal the angry god. If he hadn't met Yao'er, he would have no regrets returning to the Lingshi, but he was reluctant, reluctant to leave her.

Yuexi instantly understood the reason why he didn't recognize Yao'er, "You are afraid that Yao'er will be sad when you return to the spirit stone, right?"

"Well, when I was in the human world, after I died, in order to save me, Yao'er pulled out all the dragon scales on her body to reshape my golden body, and forcibly separated the dragon's heart to cast a soul for me." Having said that, Emperor Nine Shang's cold eyes were foggy, full of distress.

He was afraid that when he was permanently sealed in the spirit stone, she would do crazier things to hurt him.

Yuexi heard what Feng Yunyao did, and burst into tears, "How can this silly girl do such a stupid thing, doesn't she know that her soul and body are incomplete, and she will never live without her dragon heart , Reincarnation is a problem, and pulling out your own dragon scales is really..."

I don't know who this stinky person is like, it's too late to say anything now, I can only find a way to prevent the tragic things from happening again.

She couldn't refute Di Jiushang's actions, she could only blame this girl for being too familiar with him, she could recognize Di Jiushang at a glance, and her strong willpower, she couldn't erase her memory.

Yuexi sighed helplessly, looked at Di Jiushang and said, "After you seal it, will you not be able to come out again?"

"Well, these 1 years were originally stolen, and if you go back, you will be sealed."

"Is there no other way?" Yue Xi felt that what a stupid question he had asked, if there was a way, he wouldn't have to be so entangled.

Yao'er likes this guy so much, and she is happy to see her daughter get happiness, but he only has one year to seal him completely, which is almost like dying, so Yao'er will be a widow in the future.

Their dragon race is not like human beings who only have a few short decades. Their lifespan can reach tens of thousands of years. With such a long time, with that girl's dedication and dedication, I am afraid that they will not be found again. This is more like her.

She has a deep understanding of how lonely these 1 years are, and how she is willing to let her daughter live this kind of life again. As a mother, she agrees with Di Jiushang's approach, but it is a pity that her daughter is too smart.


Yuexi sighed, fell silent for a moment, and pointed to the back, "Yao'er is in the library, go find her."

"Thank you, auntie, and the younger generation will say goodbye."

After Emperor Jiushang left, Yuexi slumped down on the dragon chair, resting her forehead with her hand, took out a short dagger from her bosom, looked at the dagger with longing in her eyes, "Ah Jue, have you What is the solution?"

After a while, Yuexi stood up from the dragon chair, called the high priest to explain a few words, and then went out.

"My lord, where are you going?" the high priest asked casually.


Since she hasn't come to see her for so long, she should go see him.

"The Nether Realm? Let's go with you, the old minister. The past cultivation of our Sanctuary will be suppressed. What if someone in the Nether Realm attacks you." The high priest said hastily.

"No need, the evil spirit of the underworld has no effect on me." Nan Fengjue gave her a dark-breaking knife, and as long as the knife was on her body, she would be fine.

The high priest wanted to say something, but Yue Xi had disappeared.

When Emperor Jiushang entered the library, he saw Feng Yunyao was quickly flipping through ancient books, and there were already piles of books around him.

Hearing the movement, Feng Yunyao turned around to look, saw that it was him, turned around again, and continued to browse, as if she didn't see him.

Emperor Jiushang: "..."

This girl really doesn't plan to talk to him anymore.

Di Jiushang casually picked up a book and read it, then put it down again, "Don't read it, I'll take you to a place."

Feng Yunyao stopped flipping the book for a moment, but she didn't look up, she was still looking at the contents above, "Where?"

"You'll know when you go." Di Jiushang removed the book in her hand, and with a wave of his hand, the books that had been piled up beside her returned to their original places one by one, without even checking.

Only then did Feng Yunyao raise her head, and gave him a cold look, "Ah Jiu, I won't give up, and you shouldn't give up either."

Her eyes are full of determination, even if there is only a glimmer of hope left, she will persevere.

Looking at her pair of bright starry eyes, Di Jiushang's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and there was a ripple of survival in his heart.

"it is good."

Seeing him nodding, Feng Yunyao stood up, pursed her lips and said coldly: "I still don't want to forgive you."

After speaking, he raised his foot and walked outside.

Di Jiushang's raised hand just fell to nothing, endured the disappointment in his heart, and smiled helplessly, she is really a temperamental girl.

He put his hands behind his back and quickly caught up with her, and the two of them walked outside one after the other.

The place Di Jiushang took Feng Yunyao to is the Nether Realm. Feng Yunyao is no stranger to the Nether Realm. Last time he came here to kill all directions, and his cultivation base has also improved rapidly. Thinking about everything that happened now, he chose it on purpose. Concubine, even the Nine Devil Caves are specially prepared for her, knowing that she can quickly improve her cultivation through fighting in the underworld.

Thinking of it this way, the awkwardness in my heart dissipated a lot.

Di Jiushang led her into the Imperial Palace of the Nether Realm, and Director Yi was so shocked when he saw Feng Yunyao who came back with their superiors, his jaw dropped to the ground.

How could Her Royal Highness be with His Majesty? It was the first time he saw Di Jiushang without a mask. However, even without a mask in his aura, he could tell at a glance that he was their Underworld Emperor.

"The old servant sees Your Majesty, and sees Your Royal Highness the Princess."

"Boss Yi doesn't need to be too polite." Feng Yunyao raised her hand, motioning him to get up.

Director Yi took a peek at Emperor Jiushang, and saw that his gaze had been lingering on their little highness, as if he hadn't seen him, and he became more and more suspicious of the inside story.

"Yao'er, I'll take you to meet someone." Di Jiushang glanced down at the hand beside her, rubbed it together, and then held it naturally.

The familiar temperature made Feng Yunyao not want to let go, let him hold her, and followed.

Seeing them leaving hand in hand, Manager Yi couldn't help but rubbed his eyes. What he saw just now, His Majesty actually held the princess's hand, and the gentleness that has never been seen before, if it wasn't for the terrifying power from him, He even suspected that this person was not their lord.

Looking at the situation, it is obvious that His Majesty was captured by His Highness the Princess.

It's really not bad for their honorable princess, even the cold stone of the princess can cover the heat, which is very good. After the little prince gives birth to a child, the demon spirit will be transferred to the child. In this way, Emperor Hades returned to orthodoxy.

The children of the two of them should be very good, after all, there is no one in the three domains who can defeat the lord, and the little highness is a rare genius, and the children of the two are not explosive.

Thinking that in the future there will be a successor to the Underworld Emperor who can explode the sky and the earth, Mr. Yi is in a beautiful mood. He has to prepare the things needed for the wedding, and then they can get married directly.

Di Jiushang took Feng Yunyao to the underground ice storage. The inside was huge and full of ice. Even the pillars on the walls were carved out of ice. At a glance, it was like entering a world of ice and snow.

With Feng Yunyao's cultivation base, she can't feel the cold in this kind of place, but she still has a warm cloak on her body.

The two walked in for a while, and came to a huge ice stone. Di Jiushang's bare hands moved slightly, and a colorful light instantly covered the ice stone and disappeared instantly. The top of the ice stone was removed, revealing the scene inside. An ice coffin.

Feng Yunyao looked at the person lying inside in disbelief, and after a while, she said excitedly, "Worriless?"

(End of this chapter)

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