Chapter 831

Chapter 831

They seriously suspected that it was the young monarch's wishful thinking. What happened on the birthday of the god emperor had spread throughout the three domains intermittently. Badly entangled with the Emperor Hades.

How long did it take for their young monarch to melt that ice stone?To lie to ghosts, they don't believe that Emperor Underworld's heart is made of stone, how could he have feelings for people, it must be the Young Sovereign's own imagination.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, the high priest came out and explained: "Young Sovereign's words are absolutely true, Emperor Hades is indeed Young Sovereign's fiancé, this matter ends here, let's move on to another question."

The high priest said so, obviously it was true, they couldn't help but not believe it, they didn't expect the Young Sovereign to actually chase the hard-hearted Emperor Underworld, and couldn't help admiring Feng Yunyao even more.

In this way, the matter of choosing a husband will be overturned.

"Young Monarch Qizuo, I have an important matter to report. Not long ago, the Fox Clan killed the third princess of Xueyu. Now Xueyu insists on an explanation from the Fox Clan. The Fox Clan and Xueyu have already had a big fight. will fight."

The fox family is a big family in the holy domain, and the fox family in the snowy area cannot be ignored as the holy master.

Feng Yunyao vaguely guessed that the cause of this incident might have something to do with Mo Qingyan, "Is the third princess Xue Yin'er Xue Yin'er?"

"It seems to be this one. I heard that this third princess has been raised in the human world. She is the successor of the Saintess of the Snow Region, and her status is second only to the Lord of the Snow Region." Right Prime Minister said.

Killing someone's future saint, even if Xue Yu is indifferent to the world, it is intolerable. I really don't know what the Fox Clan thinks, what the good-natured murderer's third princess is doing.

Feng Yunyao knew that Xue Yin'er had been resurrected in the human world, but she didn't say anything but asked instead: "Who killed it?"

"I heard from Mo Qingxiao, the eldest son of the patriarch of the Fox Clan, that it was Mo Qingyan, the young master of the Fox Clan, who killed her. Mo Qingyan pushed Xue Yin'er into the Demon Flame Cave."

"It's nonsense, how could Mo Qingyan kill Xue Yin'er." Feng Yunyao felt as if she had heard a big joke.

Anyone in this world can kill Xue Yin'er, only the fox can't, that guy loves Yin'er to death, otherwise he wouldn't be holding a sword all day to drink away his worries.

Everyone didn't expect that she would be so sure that Mo Qingyan didn't kill anyone, and they were very puzzled, shouldn't their young monarch hate him to the bone after Mo Qingyan's divorce, and why they still blamed him.

"It's impossible for Young Master Mo to kill Xue Yin'er. There must be something wrong with it. What's more, Mo Qingxiao alone can't do it. This matter needs to be investigated carefully." The high priest denied.

At any rate, he and Mo Qingyan had lived and died together in Qiankun Valley, so they knew about this fox, not to mention that Mo Qingyan entered Qiankun Valley to find Xue Yin'er's whereabouts.

In fact, this war is very easy to persuade, Xue Yin'er is not dead, and now she may be living a loving life with Mo Qingyan, as long as she tells Xue Yu about this matter, but the young monarch clearly has no plans Speaking of this matter, he certainly cannot dismantle the Young Monarch.

Feng Yunyao moved Xiaobai out of the holy cauldron, "Xiaobai, go to the human world to find Mo Qingyan, and tell him about the dispute between Xueyu and the Fox Clan. As for whether you want to come back and see what he means?" .”

The easiest and best way is for Mo Qingyan to bring Xue Yin'er back. As long as the two of them come back, the war will end, but she always feels that the truth is not that simple.

"Okay, Master." Xiaobai had seen Xue Yin'er's location in the Universe Mirror, and knew her general whereabouts, so it was easy to find her.

"Take the Fire Qilin and the Lone Flood Dragon with you too."

"Okay." Just as it intended, with the Lonely Flood Dragon around, it wouldn't have to work so hard to turn into a real body to fly, how could it not bring free means of transportation, and with the fire unicorn, it wouldn't be lonely.

After Xiaobai left, Feng Yunyao looked at the High Priest and said, "High Priest, you send someone to the Fox Clan to find out the specific situation, and then send someone to the Snow Region, first stabilize the Fox Clan and the Snow Region so that they don't start a war for now. "

She is not clear about the abilities of Xueyu's courtiers, so it is more appropriate for the high priest to dispatch them.

"The old minister will arrange it immediately." The high priest then appointed several steady courtiers to lobby for appeasement separately.

The matter between Xue Yu and the Fox Clan has come to an end. I thought I was going to retreat from the court, but before I announced it, someone else stood up.

"Qizao Young Monarch, the lava in the Demon Flame Cave has been bursting out frequently recently, and the surrounding area has become more and more chaotic. The people nearby are panicking. The Holy Lord originally wanted to move the people around the Demon Flame Cave to other places. It’s just that there are quite a few people there who are unwilling to leave, I wonder if the young monarch has a better plan.”

Although these words are a bit difficult for Feng Yunyao, they are not intentionally targeted. Most of the people in the Demon Flame Cave belong to the fox clan. I don't want to leave my hometown.

"Demon Flame Cave?" Feng Yunyao lightly tapped the table with her fingers, thinking about the name thoughtfully.

According to Mo Qingyan, he was framed by Mo Qingxiao and thrown into the Demon Flame Cave, Xue Yin'er jumped in to save him, and used the inner alchemy to extinguish the fire in the Demon Flame Cave, and Mo Qingyan was rescued.

Could the vision of the magic flame hole be related to this?
"Tomorrow, I'll go over and check it out myself. If it's really necessary to move, I'll find a way to persuade the surrounding people to leave." She always felt that the Magic Flame Cave would not be that simple, so she might as well go and have a look. Recently, she has been thinking about how to solve the anger issue , but had no clue, so he just went to relax, and called Di Jiushang by the way.

"Young Monarch's place is too weird. You'd better not go there. Send someone over there to have a look." Zuo Xiang's words were full of worry. Young Monarch is their future Holy Lord. If something happens to her, it will shake the whole world. Sanctuary, her safety is the biggest concern of Sanctuary.

"It's okay, tomorrow I will let Emperor Hades go with him, nothing will happen with him."


This is like saying hello, that is Emperor Ming, an existence that is colder than an iceberg, even if he agrees to marry the Young Monarch, he will not let the Young Monarch order him around. After they get married, the power of the family will definitely fall to the Emperor Underworld In his hands, the Young Sovereign will become a poor little daughter-in-law who flatters her husband and follows Emperor Hades all day long...

The picture is not very good. For the majesty of the sanctuary, I still think it is best for the young monarch to find a husband who can handle it.

This matter came to an end, and then a few courtiers said some trivial things, nothing important, Feng Yunyao let the court go.

After the court, Feng Yunyao went to the sanctuary.

Looking at Feng Yunyao's leaving back, the high priest sighed helplessly.

This pair of mother and daughter always love to go to the Underworld recently, and those who don’t know think they are from the Underworld, but it seems that they are true, the Holy Master is the wife of the former Emperor Underworld, and the Young Monarch is the daughter of the former Emperor Underworld. The fiancee of the current Emperor Hades.

It seems that the sky is about to change, maybe soon the Three Domains will become one.

Thinking of the future, the high priest stroked his beard with satisfaction and satisfaction, hoping that he could see a prosperous world of unification.

(End of this chapter)

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