Chapter 838 Who's Lying
Chapter 838 Who's Lying
Mo Qingxiao didn't know Feng Yunyao, but seeing her sitting on the top seat with the man in black with a strong aura, while his father could only sit on the bottom seat, he didn't need to think about it and knew that they were sent by the Holy Capital, and their identities were different. Low.

"This is Young Sovereign, and the other is Underworld Emperor." Patriarch Mo was annoyed at Feng Yunyao's actions, but he didn't dare to let his most proud son offend her, so he hurriedly introduced him.

Mo Qingxiao didn't expect that this pair of handsome men and beautiful women with noble aura would have such great backgrounds. However, Feng Yunyao is not surprising, a girl with only human cultivation, even if her cultivation grows fast, it has only been more than a year How much time can the cultivation base grow?

Why did this Underworld Emperor also come here?He has never seen it, but he has also heard of many deeds about Emperor Underworld. It can be said that no one in the entire three domains is his opponent.

Mo Qingxiao didn't dare to be disrespectful, and hastily bowed his hands in salute, "Junior, Mo Qingxiao pays homage to Ming..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt an invisible pressure of tens of thousands of catties on his head, and his legs thumped to kneel on the ground, and then spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Feng Yunyao looked at Di Jiushang who was sitting there calmly, and the corners of her lips curled slightly.

Then, with a serious face, he said: "A commoner, who gave you the courage not to kneel down when you see me."

Patriarch Mo wanted to defend himself, but he looked at the big hole next to him, and finally he clenched his fists and endured it.

I thought that the Holy City would send a respected elder, but the person who arrived turned out to be the Young Monarch. If it was the Young Monarch more than a year ago, he would not be afraid, but now her cultivation level is hard for even him to see. The speed can be said to be the fastest since ancient times. No wonder the old men in the holy capital were so excited and happy after they found her.

There is also the Underworld Emperor who makes the Three Regions fearful. In front of the two of them, even the entire Fox Clan will be destroyed in an instant.

Mo Qingxiao knelt down on the ground, pressing the ground with both hands to barely keep himself from falling down. His forehead was dripping with cold sweat. He thought it was a girl's film, but he didn't expect it to be a stubble.

With his cultivation base, he couldn't even detect who made the move just now, and that powerful force almost crushed his internal organs.

"Xiao'er has always been in admiration of His Majesty Emperor Ming. Now that he saw you, he forgot the etiquette in a moment of excitement. He also hoped that the young monarch and His Majesty would let Xiao'er go for the sake of the old minister's dedication to His Majesty the Holy Lord for many years." Mo Mo The patriarch hurriedly said.

Feng Yunyao sneered disdainfully, and said: "Mo Qingxiao, you haven't answered my question yet, you said whether there is any evidence for a private appointment with the third princess of Xueyu for life, if you dare to deceive, I will definitely make you regret coming to this world .”

Her voice was peaceful but with invisible domineering, Mo Qingxiao was terrified, but he had come to this point, he could not turn back, as long as he gritted his teeth and refused to admit it, let alone the young monarch of the sanctuary, even the holy lord Can't help him.

"Returning to Young Master, Qingxiao is indeed in love with the third princess of Xueyu. He wanted to ask his father to go to Xueyu to propose marriage, but Yin'er was persecuted by Mo Qingyan, a bastard. Although he is my brother, he killed his wife." I have to avenge my revenge, and I hope that the young monarch can make decisions for his subordinates."

Mo Qingyan laughed mockingly as if he had heard some big joke, "Killing his wife? Hehe, it's really revenge for killing his wife. Although you didn't kill Yin'er, you did it indirectly. I, Mo Qingyan No matter what the cost, I will smash your body into thousands of pieces to avenge Yin'er!"

The scene of Yin'er sacrificed the inner alchemy and disappeared into the fire magma that day is still fresh in his memory. In the past, he was immersed in pain, so why didn't he think of seeking revenge from Mo Qingxiao, but now he is biting back.

Mo Qingxiao ignored him, but took out a human-shaped crystal stone, "This is the treasure of Xueyu, only their saints can have it, Yin'er gave it to me, if Yin'er and I are not in love with each other , how could you give me such a gift?"

He had a respectful face, but his eyes couldn't hide the smugness.

Feng Yunyao raised her hand, and the human-shaped crystal fell into her hand, and there was almost a gap in the middle of the crystal.

Feng Yunyao touched the vacant position, and suddenly thought of something, and looked at Mo Qingxiao with a half-smile, "You only have this one? Do you have anything else?"

"I have a lot of crystals. There is only one crystal like this kind of treasure in the world." Mo Qingxiao said confidently. He had already investigated clearly. It means that there is only one piece of the world.

Feng Yunyao smiled lightly, then took out a crystal whistle from the Qiankun bag, this crystal whistle was given to her by Xue Yin'er.

She placed the crystal whistle in the vacant position of the human-shaped crystal, and it just fit in.

The moment the whistle was put in, there was a flash of golden text inside, and it disappeared quickly.

Everyone present, including Patriarch Mo, saw this scene. The crystal whistle and the crystal of human nature merged into one.

Feng Yunyao picked up the intact human-shaped crystal, and said: "This is what Yin'er gave me, when did it get into your hands?"

Looking at the Snow God Stone in her hand, Mo Qingyan was a little embarrassed. This girl, Yin'er, actually split the Snow God Stone into two. One stone heart was given to A Yao, and the stone support was given to him. Those who knew thought they had something to do with each other.

The Snow God Stone was given to him by Yin'er, and was later stolen by Mo Qingxiao. He never expected that A Yao actually had a heart of stone, and even he didn't know about it.

"No, it's impossible, how could it be like this?" Mo Qingxiao didn't expect Huifeng Yunyao to have another piece. Originally, he thought that there was a piece missing in the middle of the Snow God Stone, and it was designed that way on purpose, and there was even a stone heart.

Seeing this, the patriarch Mo's eyes moved slightly, and he hurriedly said: "Young Monarch, that crystal whistle is indeed yours, but it doesn't mean that the Snow God Stone is yours. Maybe the third princess lost it and was picked up by others. After all, the three princesses of the Snow Region lived in the human world, so it is not impossible for you to have a part of the Snow God Stone."

He deliberately emphasized this other person, specifically referring to Feng Yunyao.

When Mo Qingxiao heard what her father said, she immediately gained confidence, "Yes, yes, yes, I heard Yin'er said that the Snow God Stone originally had a heart of stone, and she accidentally lost it when she was in the human world. The Monarch picked it up, and I hope that the Young Monarch can return the Snow God Stone Heart to me."

It's just that as soon as he said this, a golden light directly knocked him out and hit the ground, and then the invisible pressure overwhelmingly suppressed him.

"Who gave you the guts to slander me and seek death?" Feng Yunyao pressed down with her hands, and Mo Qingxiao was pressed to the ground as soon as she lifted herself up, vomiting blood, and didn't even have a chance to intercede for herself .

Patriarch Mo's face changed greatly, and he said angrily: "Young Monarch, if you want the Snow God Stone, Xiao'er will offer it with both hands, why do you have to do this, and ask the Young Monarch to let the old minister's son go."

(End of this chapter)

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