Chapter 847
Chapter 847
People impersonating Fan Jing may be around them, and they can hide it from Yuexi and the others. Their cultivation base should be higher than them, but looking at the three domains, who else has a higher cultivation base than Nan Fengjue?
At this moment, someone flew over from a distance, but it was Mo Qingyan who came.

"Qingyan pays homage to the Holy Master, the old Holy Master." Mo Qingyan bowed to Yue Xi and the old Holy Master first.

"Get up." Yue Xixu helped her up and said, "Qing Yan, is there something strange in the clan now?"

Mo Qingyan hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Back to Holy Master, the people of the Fox clan have not only been unable to cultivate for some reason recently, but even their internal cultivation has been decreasing. When they heard that Holy Master and others came here, Qingyan came over and reported the matter to everyone." Second, I hope the Holy Master can help the Fox Clan."

His face was serious, which showed that the situation was very serious.

"The cultivation base of the people of the Fox clan has not increased but decreased? How could this be?" Yuexi frowned and said, "Even if the magic flame cave has no fire power, the cultivation base of the people of the Fox clan will not be able to cultivate at most, so how come it has decreased?"

Mo Qingyan sighed bitterly, and said, "I'm limited in my abilities, and I can't find out why, and even my cultivation is decreasing."

As soon as he said this, Feng Yunyao at the side injected a ray of spiritual power into his wrist and made a careful diagnosis.

After a while, she collected her spiritual power.

"Yao'er, how is it?" Yuexi asked after seeing this.

Feng Yunyao pondered for a while and said: "The fox is right, his cultivation base is constantly decreasing, and the current cultivation base is obviously much lower than before, even if it is still decreasing."

Mo Qingyan's face darkened, and he looked at his palm, "Is there a way to stop this phenomenon? Once our fox clan loses its cultivation, it will be difficult to maintain our lifespan, and even our human form will be difficult to maintain."

"No, unless the God of Wrath is killed or completely sealed, its aura has already left the barrier. Even if we put a barrier here, we still cannot stop it from absorbing the cultivation of outsiders." Feng Yunyao looked at The light gray smoke that enveloped the Fox Clan said in a deep voice.

Now it is the fox family, and other places are behind it, until it completely comes out of the seal, once it appears, it will be the end of the day.

Everyone present knew the seriousness of the consequences, and couldn't help looking at Di Jiushang.

Now he is the only one who sacrificed himself and completely sealed the God of Wrath with his body. Only in this way can the common people in the world be preserved.

But they are not qualified to ask others to sacrifice themselves to seal the God of Wrath, everyone wants to live, if they would, maybe they would, but this is also their own wish.

For a while, everyone fell silent.

Under the gaze of others, Di Jiushang remained expressionless, neither sad nor angry, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

He stretched out his hand to grab Feng Yunyao's hand, just glanced at her, and didn't say anything.

Feng Yunyao took out a bottle of elixir and handed it to Mo Qingyan, "This is a bottle of hardening elixir, which can temporarily stabilize the spiritual power in your body without losing it."

Mo Qingyan took it, opened the stopper, looked at it, poured out one pill and ate it, put the rest into a Qiankun bag, tried to use his spiritual power, and heaved a sigh of relief, saying: "I feel spiritual power now. The strength is no longer diminished, and Ayao's medicine is really good."

"Fox, you go back first, and report in time if there is anything unusual," Feng Yunyao said.

"it is good."

After Mo Qingyan left, Feng Yunyao and Nan Fengjue said: "Father, you go to the border of Nantian to guard first, if you guess correctly, the God of Wrath will come out soon."

Judging by the situation, I'm afraid it won't take long.

"Okay, what about you and Xiaoshang?" Nan Fengjue glanced at Di Jiushang, but hesitated to say anything.

Feng Yunyao clenched Emperor Jiushang's hand, and said, "Ah Jiu and I have something to deal with, and we will go to the southern border to find you soon."

Afterwards, everyone left the Demon Flame Cave, and Nan Fengjue led the others to the border of the southern sky.

After they left, Feng Yunyao looked at Di Jiushang in confusion, "Ah Jiu, why do you say that Mo Qingyan has a problem?"

Just now Di Jiushang pulled her hand and secretly told her that there was something wrong with Mo Qingyan, but she really didn't find anything wrong.

"He has the aura of God of Wrath on him." Seeing that she was stunned, Di Jiushang explained, "I was sealed in the same place as God of Wrath, and I have been familiar with it for so many years. You can't feel it, but I Yes, even if it uses a special method to hide its breath, I can still detect it."

Feng Yunyao couldn't help but tighten her lips, "You mean the fox has taken refuge in God of Wrath? How is this possible."

Based on her understanding of Mo Qingyan, it is impossible for him to do such a heinous thing to destroy the world, even for Xue Yin'er...

At this time, she suddenly thought of something, and quickly took out the crystal bead from the Qiankun bag.

Seeing that the crystal bead turned black at the speed of the naked eye, Di Jiushang hurriedly knocked the bead out of her hand.

The bead fell to the ground and quickly returned to transparent crystal.

"So it's Xue Yin'er." Feng Yunyao stared at the crystal beads on the ground and clenched her fists.

Di Jiushang took her hand and looked at it, and seeing that she was not injured, he said: "If I guessed correctly, the strand of Xue Yin'er's soul we saw in the lower realm was the one who deliberately led us into the Crystal Palace to let us We found this bead."

"What is this?" The moment she held the bead just now, she felt that the cultivation in her body was quickly sucked away by it, Feng Yunyao didn't dare to touch it again.

Di Jiushang squatted down to look at it, and frowned a little more, "This is the magic heart stone. If it doesn't absorb spiritual power, it will show up once it starts to absorb spiritual power, just like ordinary crystals."

It was also his carelessness, he didn't realize that this bead turned out to be the magic heart stone, there was no vision of this thing before, it was Mo Qingyan who came over and began to absorb Yao'er's spiritual power, it can be seen that Mo Qingyan touched it just now.

Thinking of this, anger appeared on Di Jiushang's indifferent handsome face.

"Why did Xue Yin'er become the God of Wrath? What exactly does she want to do?" Feng Yunyao took the Snow God Stone and examined it.

The Snow God Stone is also Xue Yin'er's. There is a problem with that bead, is there a problem with this brand, and when did Mo Qingyan be controlled by Xue Yin'er?
Di Jiushang took the Snow God Stone from her hand, "Leave this thing to me for safekeeping. As for when Xue Yin'er became the person of the God of Wrath, I don't know. Let's go to Mo Qingyan now. If we don't hurry up If you control Mo Qingyan, I'm afraid the entire fox clan will be over."

"it is good."

The two headed straight for the Fox Clan. The faces of the members of the Fox Clan were covered with blue and black, which showed that they had been seriously affected. The profound strength in their bodies had almost reached zero, and even the silhouettes of foxes in human form could be seen on the street.

Entering the residence of the head of the Fox Clan, Feng Yunyao and Di Jiushang hid their figures, because they had been here last time, and they found the place where Mo Qingyan lived smoothly.

When Mo Qingyan came back from the outside, he entered the dark room for training. There were actually two foxes hanging in the dark room, both of which were Firefox.

Firefox belongs to the nobles of the fox family, one has eight tails, and the other has seven tails.

The patriarch of the fox clan, that is, Mo Qingyan's father is a fire fox with eight tails, and Mo Qingyu is a fire fox with seven tails. One of these two foxes is the patriarch of the fox clan, and the other is Mo Qingyu.

The spiritual power on their bodies had been sucked dry, and they could only maintain the figure of the fox, hanging there as if they were dead.

'Mo Qingyan' walked in with graceful steps, and soon 'Mo Qingyan' fainted, and a snow-colored figure emerged from him.

With silver snow-colored hair, snow-colored clothes, and bare feet, she looks like an elf in the forest, it is Xue Yin'er.

She knelt down and stroked Mo Qingyan's cheek, with a look of love on her face, "Qingyan, I didn't want to hurt you, who let you know about me, sleep for a while, wait for God to come out, I will I will return my physical body to you, let God reshape a physical body for me, and we can live together, and we will be the most honorable apart from God in this world."

Feng Yunyao listened to what she said, and looked at Di Jiushang thoughtfully.

It seems that Xue Yin'er is not controlled by God of Wrath, she has been God of Wrath from beginning to end.

Afterwards, Xue Yin'er sat cross-legged on the ground, luck forced a pill out of her mouth.

This elixir is exactly the Guling Pill that Feng Yunyao gave her. This thing is a treasure for ordinary people, but it is poison for people like her who have been infected with evil spirits.

I have to say that Feng Yunyao really has some skills, but she has already opened the magic heart stone, and I believe it will not be long before all the spiritual power in Feng Yunyao's body is absorbed by the magic heart stone.

With all of Feng Yunyao's spiritual power, even if Emperor Jiushang uses himself to seal, he will not be able to seal the god, and then the god will be completely free.

Xue Yin'er's charming face no longer had the innocence of the past, only evil remained.

At this moment, suddenly, she was directly sent flying by a powerful force, and then a golden rope tied her up, and the rope stretched and contracted tighter.

Xue Yin'er looked at the two people who appeared in front of her, and shouted angrily: "Despicable and shameless, you dare to attack me!"

She didn't realize that there were two people hiding here, Feng Yunyao and Di Jiushang who were still feared by the gods.

Feng Yunyao snorted sarcastically: "In terms of despicableness, we can't compare to you, Xue Yin'er, you are really good at hiding, even I was deceived by you."

When I was in the human world, I never thought that the girl who was innocent like a piece of paper turned out to be a demon.

"Let go of me! Feng Yunyao, if you don't let me go, I will let you die now!" Xue Yin'er thought of the magic heart stone on her body, raised her blood-stained mouth, and showed an evil smile.

But when she saw the magic heart stone that Di Jiushang took out, her smile disappeared instantly, showing an incredulous look, "Why is the magic heart stone in your hands?"

The magic heart stone is useful to Feng Yunyao and the others, but it is useless to Di Jiushang, because he belongs to the son of Liuli God among the five gods, and this kind of thing can't absorb his power at all.

Feng Yunyao tightened the soul lock rope for a few minutes, and heard Xue Yin'er's miserable cry. This thing was given to her by Yue Xi when she entered the Qiankun Valley last time. Not to mention the evil spirits are really easy to use.

(End of this chapter)

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