Chapter 849

Chapter 849

"However, my soul body was also damaged to a certain extent in the Demon Flame Cave. Even if I reshaped my physical body, I couldn't control that physical body. I had no choice but to stay inside temporarily and wait for the opportunity. I just didn't expect Qingyan to kill Xue Xue. Yin'er's shattered soul pieces were all collected, and after her soul pieces entered that body, my soul body was nourished."

"After the fox overlapped the soul piece with you, you still haven't improved. Could it be pretending?" Feng Yunyao deliberately led her to continue.

"Of course not." Guimei said angrily, "If Xue Yin'er's soul body is intact, I can fuse with her and control that body, but it's a pity that her soul body was almost burned in the magic flame cave. , if you want to control the new body, you can only restore her soul body first, and the repair time may take hundreds of years or even longer, God can't wait, and neither can I."

Speaking of this, Guimei glanced at the Qiankun bag hanging on her waist, and said: "It may be God's blessing, and it is also a coincidence that I encountered life here. The piece that Xue Yin'er talked about before The Snow God Stone played a vital role. On the night of the full moon, Xue Yin'er's soul piece actually entered the Snow God Stone. The Snow God Stone can quickly repair Xue Yin'er's soul body. I took the opportunity to follow Xue Yin'er's soul. The piece was put into the Snow God Stone, but the incomplete Snow God Stone won't be of much use, but fortunately you have a heart of stone on your body, after the Snow God Stone is complete, the speed of repairing Xue Yin'er's soul body will be much faster."

"You've been on me all this time?" Feng Yunyao was very surprised, she didn't expect the ghost to stay in the Snow God Stone all the time, she didn't notice it.

Ghost seemed to see what she was thinking, and immediately laughed triumphantly, the laughter was sharp and piercing, "I didn't expect that, did you feel very confused, how could you not notice that you have two soul bodies on your body with your cultivation base, just I didn't even notice the glazed phoenix. In the human world, I deliberately released Xue Yin'er's soul body to lead you to find the magic heart stone. Aren't you very smart, but in the end you were still played around by me, hahaha... "

Di Jiushang is the only one who can fight against the gods. He can't even detect its existence. Of course, this is all because of the Snow God Stone, staying in the Snow God Stone. body exists.

However, what it released was the real Xue Yin'er's soul piece, otherwise it would not be able to deceive the two of them, it just left a trace of its consciousness on the soul piece to control her actions.

Seeing it laughing wildly, Feng Yunyao glanced at the silent Di Jiushang, and directly tightened the soul-locking rope, the painful ghost suddenly stopped laughing, and stared at her viciously, hateful woman, It will make dirty tricks.

"Didn't you stay in the Snow God Stone all the time, why did you put the Demon Heart Stone in the Ice Palace of the Human World?" Feng Yunyao said.

It was a temporary decision for her and Di Jiushang to go to the human world. The ghosts are always on her body, so I'm afraid she still has accomplices.

There was a flash of change in Gui Mei's eyes, and then he snorted: "The Demon Heart Stone is originally in the Ice Palace. It can only be said that it is God's blessing, and it is also your bad luck."

It's just that he didn't expect that the Demon Heart Stone would be discovered before it began to devour Feng Yunyao's cultivation.

"It seems that I don't want to let you suffer more, because I don't want to tell the truth." Feng Yunyao obviously didn't believe her words, the soul lock rope was tightened, and the huge golden light formed a hood in the sky, covering the ghost directly. Among them, the cover instantly shrunk, followed by ghostly screams.

"I, I said!"

Only then did Feng Yunyao withdraw her strength, and said in a cold voice, "Say it soon."

"It's Feng Wuyou." Gui Mei trembled in pain, secretly calling Feng Yunyao a female devil.

"Worriless?" Feng Yunyao was also taken aback, and then her face sank, "Ghost, do you think that I just punished you lightly?"

"No, no, listen to me." Ghost shook her head quickly. She wanted to fool her at first, but she didn't expect this woman to be fooled at all. , before you go to the ice palace, he put the magic heart stone in the ice palace, waiting for the two of you to take the bait."

The ghost glanced at Feng Yunyao, saw that her aura was getting colder, and hurriedly continued: "Actually, we are also trying our luck. Since you are going to the human world, you should go to the Ice Palace to find clues. After all, it is you who talked about it. My friends, Xue Yin'er hasn't recovered yet, you may go to the Ice Palace."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Feng Yunyao cautiously, and muttered, "I really guessed right, you really went to the Ice Palace."

Feng Yunyao fell silent, it was their negligence, they didn't realize that the God Emperor was in the Fox Clan, "Since the God Emperor belongs to you, how could his body be in the Demon Flame Cave?"

"It's not to confuse you, anyway, the soul and body can be resurrected in the future when they return to their place."

"Can it be resurrected?" Feng Yunyao asked in amazement, "Where are the soul bodies of other people?"

"Their souls were swallowed by me..." The ghost shut up quickly when he said this, annoyed, it was in pain and confused, and it could put everything under its coat.

Feng Yunyao hooked her lips, and said: "Is it possible to restore the souls of other people, and those people can be resurrected?"

Guimei wanted to say no, but under the watchful eyes of the two in front of him, she nodded reluctantly, "Yes, as long as the soul and body return to their place, they can be resurrected, but they are different from the god emperor, his cultivation is still there, The cultivation bases of other people have already been sucked dry by the gods, and even Gui Wei's cultivation bases are gone, so he can only practice again."

"Is their soul body in the soul body?"

"" Ghost admitted rather helplessly. If he didn't admit it, he would definitely be tortured by this female devil, so he might as well hurry up.

"Did you spit it out yourself, or did I take it out by myself."

"I'll do it myself." Gui Mei hurriedly said, she didn't want to die yet, as long as she waited until God came out, she could live.

The ghost spit out the soul bodies one by one, and Feng Yunyao took a spirit ring to put the soul bodies away.

"What about Xue Yin'er's?"

Ghost's face suddenly darkened, and she clenched her teeth and said, "You kill if you want, I can't release Xue Yin'er's soul."

Letting Xue Yin'er's soul body out, they will definitely crush it to ashes, since they are going to die, they will take Xue Yin'er together and see how she will face Mo Qingyan in the future.

Feng Yunyao didn't force her anymore, but tightened the soul lock again, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, but I won't make it easy for you either."

"Feng Yunyao, you bitch..." Ghostly yelled, wanting to scold but daring to scold, it doesn't matter if you scold Feng Yunyao, but the man next to her will definitely make her bear an even worse price.

I don't know when the god will come out. If the god can't break the seal, it will have to endure the pain of the soul-locking rope. At that time, if it doesn't die, it will lose half of its life. It has to be on guard, Feng Yunyao, a dead woman. It died together. After all, once the god came out, the two of them would be killed first. They couldn't deal with the god, so it was still easy to kill it.

Gui Mei thought about it, and said: "Don't you want to save Feng Wuyou, I have a way to wake him up."

(End of this chapter)

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