Chapter 854
Chapter 854
Feng Yunyao turned her head to look at Di Jiushang who was still hitting the barrier, suppressed the gloom in her eyes, pulled the corners of her lower lips and said, "Ah Jiu, you said that you lived to seal the God of Wrath, but I also have a demon spirit And Wu Ling, demon spirit and Wu Ling can be combined to refine everything. This is not my mission. Ajiu, I have been on the verge of death many times, and I have been able to save the day. I believe I can survive this time. You wait for me first OK."

At this moment, God of Wrath emerged from the crack. It had eighteen arms, and each arm had a claw like a dragon's claw. Its body twisted and deformed constantly, and its head was hidden in a cloud of black fog. Can't see what it looks like.

"This seat has finally come out. Dead Phoenix will see how you seal this seat. From now on, no one in this world will be able to seal this seat. This seat is the master of this world, hahaha..."

"If you want to be the master of heaven and earth, you must have your fate." The cold and indifferent voice pulled the angry god out of his complacency, "Just because you, a yellow-haired girl, want to seal this seat? You are overthinking your capabilities, and it happens that this seat smokes first Your Jingyuan has such a high level of cultivation at such a young age, I believe your Jingyuan will be very delicious."

When Nushen spoke, there was also the sound of saliva, An couldn't bear it anymore, and now it just wanted to eat enough.

Although the food outside is not as delicious as this girl, it is also better than ordinary people, and its power will quickly become stronger after eating them.

As for the seven-color glazed phoenix, it belongs to a half-god, it cannot be ingested, it can be killed, and there must be no future troubles.

"Permanent seal is better than killing directly." Sealing now does not mean that there will be no way for Fushen to come out in the future, only death is permanent.

Feng Yunyao took the enlarged Hunyuanling into her body, and then streaks of golden light erupted from her body. These golden lights were like ropes binding the angry god, and soon a golden sphere formed around Feng Yunyao and angry. God is in it.

"Damn it! What on earth are you using? Let go of this seat!" The God of Wrath tried his best to hold on but couldn't open it. What made him fear was the continuous loss of power in his body.

Feng Yunyao was also having a hard time. The stronger the Hunyuanling refining thing was, the more it would hurt its owner. Her face became paler and paler, and she could barely maintain her figure. She wobbled a few times and wanted to fall.

The surroundings were filled with roars of angry gods crying and shouting, and soon its shouts gradually weakened until there was no sound.

"Young Sovereign succeeded?" The High Priest looked at Feng Yunyao who was still sitting in the air in disbelief, but the Nushen fell silent. It was obvious that their Young Sovereign had won and killed Fushen.

"It was the Young Monarch who killed the God of Wrath, my God, the Young Monarch is too powerful." The others echoed.

Yuexi said excitedly: "Yao'er has succeeded, she has succeeded, father let me go."

"I hope." The old Holy Master still had worries in his heart, and he unlocked Yuexi's acupuncture points.

At this moment, the golden sphere covering Feng Yunyao and Nushen suddenly exploded, and the golden light suddenly filled the sky, and the huge force generated by the explosion directly knocked out the surrounding people.

Soon the golden light disappeared, and the God of Wrath was completely refined without leaving a trace, and the barrier also disappeared.

Feng Yunyao, who was hanging in the air, seemed to have no strength and slowly fell towards the ground.

"Yao'er!" Di Jiushang got up from the ground, rushed over, and caught the falling body.

The blood from Feng Yunyao's mouth kept gushing out, and there were many wounds on her body, and the red clothes had already been stained dark by the blood.

"Ah Jiu..."

"Don't talk, I'll heal your wounds." Di Jiushang sent spiritual power into her body fiercely.

Nan Fengjue and Yue Xi also ran over and passed their spiritual power to Feng Yunyao, but her body was like a bottomless black hole, no matter how much spiritual power entered it, it disappeared without a trace.

"It's useless, stop it, I'm arrogant after all, thinking that backlash will leave a few souls." Feng Yunyao can clearly feel that no matter how the spiritual power in her body keeps leaking out, her life is also dying. disappear.

She glanced at Yue Xi, who was crying uncontrollably beside her, and stretched out her blood-stained hand weakly, and Hun Yuan Ling lay in her palm.

"Mom, you and dad are still young, and you will have children in the future. When you have a child, pass it on to him."

Yuexi's eyes were already blurred with tears, she took Hunyuanling tremblingly, and cried in a hoarse voice: "Yao'er, mother doesn't want other children, mother only wants you."

She never thought that it was her daughter who died in the end. If she knew, what would she do if she knew...

Di Jiushang's eyes were scarlet and his lips were tightly pursed. He was still continuously transmitting his spiritual power into Feng Yunyao's body, trying to mend her wounds, but the wounds opened again just as soon as they closed.

"Ah Jiu." Feng Yunyao struggled to reach out her hand to caress his face, but she couldn't hold it back and fell down, "I have been sad for me for three years, and after three years, hide me in my heart and live a good life."

"Feng Yunyao, support me! I won't let you die!"

Di Jiushang desperately sent spiritual power into her body, and the blood flowed out of his mouth continuously, dripping onto Feng Yunyao's bloody clothes, merging together.

"After I seal it, you are allowed to be sad for three years. After three years, forget about me and live a good life."

"Okay, you only need to be sad for three years, and after three years, you have to hide it in your heart."

No wonder she agreed so happily, it turned out that she didn't promise him, but told him.

"Ah Jiu, you won't be allowed in the next life." People may have an afterlife, but the dragon clan is gone when it dies.

Feng Yunyao slowly closed her eyes, her body instantly turned into ashes, and the stars disappeared little by little.

A crystal bottle fell to the ground, and there were two little people in wedding clothes inside, as if they were paying homage...

(End of this chapter)

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