Chapter 41

Recalling the past, Gu Yunxian showed a wry smile.

She still remembered that night, she told him solemnly, "If you really care about someone, you will never hate him".But many years later, she, who used to care so much about him, finally hated him.

It turns out that nothing in this world is absolute.

Raising his head, facing Zhuang Lingyi's searching face.She smiled slightly: "You don't need to worry about this matter. You just need to know that His Majesty is not angry." Her voice was flat, "Don't mention this matter again in the future."

Zhuang Lingyi still had confusion in his eyes, but nodded in a measured manner and stopped asking.

Gu Yunxian looked at his clean and smooth nails, and pressed his lips tightly.

Last night, in front of the imperial concubine, she said frankly: "A king should be rewarded and punished clearly. How is it different from those treacherous people who vent their anger on innocent people?"

The key point in her words is the word "innocent".

The tragedy of the third princess is probably still a wound in his heart that cannot heal.She knew that he had always hated Lin Jieyu, angry that she had involved her innocent daughter in order to kill him, making her a mother in vain.

Therefore, as long as he can, he will not let others suffer from this disaster.

Even if the other party is just a humble eunuch.

At that time, he was in a rage and lost his mind.But if he really beat the eunuch to death, he will be upset when he thinks about it later.Therefore, the person who persuaded him at that juncture will not only not be punished, but most likely will win his favor.

What's more, what she said was something she had thought over and over again, and every word could guess his state of mind.

Judging from the current results, her painstaking planning was finally not in vain.

In the afternoon of the same day, Yu Shuyi took the initiative to come to Hanzhang Hall, saying that she would discuss with Yuan Guiji about arresting the murderer.

"Rou Wanyi was poisoned, Your Majesty's Long Yan was furious, and I was really worried. I don't know if Sister Gu can find out the real culprit, so that Rou Wanyi and the third prince can be treated fairly?" Yu Shuyi asked sincerely.

"Empress Shuyi is in charge of the power of the six palaces, and the ministers and concubines naturally only follow her lead." Gu Yunxian looked respectful, "This matter is all at the empress's command."

Yu Shuyi expected her to say this, so her smile did not change, and she continued: "My sister is so evasive, but it's your fault. Since His Majesty promised you to assist in the power of the Six Palaces, this matter was originally Your duty."

"What the empress said is that the concubine is naturally responsible for this matter." Gu Yunxian said neither humble nor overbearing, "However, the concubine is only assisting the Sixth Palace, and it is you, the empress, who make the decision."

After a pause, there was a slight smile on his lips, "Your Majesty understands this truth."

Yu Shuyi suppressed her smile slightly, "Sister, what do you mean?"

Gu Yunxian smiled but said nothing.

Seeing her expression, Yu Shuyi's eyes turned cold, and she sneered, "So this is your purpose."

She was still wondering, how could Gu Yunxian be so kind last night?He took the initiative to take the second place and gave up the opportunity to keep pace with her.

It turned out that it wasn't that she didn't want to be equal to her, but that she couldn't allow anyone to share power with her!
Taking the initiative to express his willingness to be the deputy, on the one hand, he will win His Majesty's favor, and on the other hand, he can throw this big trouble that is in front of him to her.When she can't figure out the murderer who poisoned Rou Wanyi, she will come forward to add insult to injury.With how much His Majesty loves her now, maybe he will really hand over the power of the Six Palaces to her alone.

What a big appetite!

"Your Majesty must be thinking right now that what the concubine did last night was all hypocrisy, in order to put her in danger," Gu Yunxian groaned with a smile, "Is it true or not?"

Yu Shuyi looked at her coldly.

When Gu Yunxian saw her rare eyes with five points of real emotion, he smiled slightly in his heart.

If Jing Fushu is the most tolerant among the people she knows, then this Shen Zhuyang is definitely the best at disguising.She is good at dancing with long sleeves, shrewd and capable, and treats everyone with a smile like a spring breeze.

She still remembered that the day after she married into the East Palace, she came to greet herself as Prince Liangdi, and when she knelt down to offer tea, the smile on her lips was extremely submissive.At that time, she almost thought she was a gentle and harmless person.

Now that this slippery woman has finally been forced out a little bit of truth, her subsequent words will be easy to say.

"Zhuyang." Gu Yunxian said in a manly voice, seeing Yu Shuyi's expression change as expected, "I still like to call you that."

"I've been thinking for a while now, how did this happen between us." Gu Yunxian said leisurely, "Actually, in detail, you and I spend the longest time together. We used to be in the East Palace, although we didn't have a good relationship. , but never had any major problems. I used to think that even if we couldn't be friends, at least we wouldn't become enemies."

"Of course, I also understand that in that position, many decisions are forced by the situation and cannot be controlled by myself." Gu Yunxian said softly, "So, even if you did something secretly before, I don't have to care. "

The voice dragged out meaningfully, "Of course, the premise is that you hope I don't care."

Yu Shuyi held a snow-blue porcelain cup in her right hand, a small one, squeezed in her palm, it felt cool.

"After lunch today, I ordered people to transfer the documents and records in Rouwanyi Palace, checked her daily diet, and questioned the female officer in charge of Yixiang Palace, but found nothing unusual. Later I heard that Yu Shuyi Your Majesty already did this early in the morning." Gu Yunxian said, "Now that you come to me, I'm afraid you understand in your heart that this matter is not so easy to investigate."

"Yue Niang has already lost her palace power because of this matter, Zhuyang, you definitely don't want to follow in her footsteps. However, who can stop His Majesty's thunderous fury?"

There was something in her words, Yu Shuyi met her eyes, and suddenly remembered that in the Yixiang Palace last night, when His Majesty was so furious, she saved the eunuch who was about to be killed with a simple sentence.

Seeing that she understood what he meant, Gu Yunxian smiled with satisfaction.

Sure enough, talking to smart people saves effort.

"In my heart, there is only one unshakable enemy." Gu Yunxian slowly got up, knelt down beside her, and held her right hand, "I hope, Zhuyang, you don't become the second one. "

Yu Shuyi raised her eyes slightly, those phoenix eyes were still so beautiful and attractive, but there was a layer of obscure and unspeakable emotions in them.

"Is this a threat?" She said lightly.

"No, this is a discussion." Gu Yunxian raised his eyebrows, "I know Zhu Yang is the most reasonable person, and you will definitely not let me down."

Yu Shuyi stood up silently, turned around and left.Gu Yunxian didn't stop her, picked up a cup of tea and took a sip slowly.

Yu Shuyi walked a few steps and suddenly stopped again.In front of her was a bead curtain made of sapphire, agate and colored glaze, which collided gently with the breeze, making a crisp and pleasant sound.Light smoke curled up from the gold-plated cauldron. Taking a deep breath, the air was filled with the fragrance of Du Ruozhilan.

"I understand what you mean." Gu Yunxian heard Yu Shuyi's calm voice, "I can promise you that I will not be your enemy. But you also have to remember your promise."

Gu Yunxian held the cup, and showed a determined smile amidst the wafting tea, "This is natural."

At the beginning of November in the third year of Yongjia, many major events took place in the former dynasty and the harem.

In the court, King Ning was suspected of colluding with Zhou Shitao, the left prime minister, to present a powerful horse and murder the king.Zhou Shitao, who was on the cusp of Cui Shuo's impeachment a while ago, was pushed to the front again.

However, although the officials continued to criticize Zhou Shitao, His Majesty trusted him very much and dismissed everyone's impeachment one by one.This overly partial attitude not only did not ease the situation, but aroused the dissatisfaction of the officials even more, and the bullets against Zhou Shitao did not decrease but increased.

Zhou Shitao originally asked for sick leave, and he would be back in a year or so.Now under such circumstances, I have to change my statement and directly request to return home.His Majesty repeatedly asked to stay, but his intention to go was already decided, so he had to agree.

On the third day after Zhou Shitao left, the emperor issued a decree, saying, "Ji Pei, the king of Ning, did not know the general principles. , magnanimously, I specially ordered him to go to Zhaoling to guard the tomb of the first emperor for three years, in order to atone for his sins."

When the ministers heard this news, they knew that King Ning had nothing to hope for in his life.The so-called guarding the mausoleum is just a trick used in the past dynasties to punish those clan children who have made mistakes.It was said to be three years, but if the emperor didn't speak for a day, he couldn't come back for a day.I think King Ning will spend the rest of his life in the cold wind of Zhaoling.

The turmoil of the royal horse's surprise drive seems to have come to an end, but it is not difficult for those who are interested to find out that there are still many doubts that have not been clarified.Whether there is a mastermind behind King Ning, and if so, who is the mastermind, and why His Majesty didn't pursue it to the end, these questions are still a mystery.

The previous dynasty was turbulent and treacherous, and the harem was not far behind.The third son of the emperor was poisoned in his meal, and Rou Wanyi almost died after eating it by mistake.His Majesty was furious because of this, and reprimanded Yu Shuyi and Ming Chongyi who were in charge of the harem, and cut Ming Chongyi's right to assist the Six Palaces, and handed it over to Yuan Guiji.

After Yuan Guiji took over, she and Yu Shuyi thoroughly investigated the matter.However, after searching and searching, they couldn't find any clues, as if the poison had entered the third son's bowl out of thin air.

Helpless, the two had no choice but to kneel together in the Dazheng Palace and kowtow to the emperor to plead guilty: "The concubine is incompetent and has failed His Majesty's entrustment."

The emperor waved his hand to signal them to get up: "Yun Niang, you don't need to blame yourself. You weren't in charge of the palace before, and you took over when things happened. It's normal if you can't find clues for a while." His eyes turned to Yu Shuyi, "Besides, The harem was so slack a while ago, even if there were clues, they would have already been destroyed."

Yu Shuyi was speechless and could only bow her head in silence.

"Zhuyang, step back." The emperor looked at the fold in his hand and said calmly.

Yu Shuyi got up and saluted, and seeing Gu Yunxian's kind face, she felt unpredictable.

She knew that if Gu Yunxian hadn't come together with her to plead guilty to His Majesty, he would not have forgiven her so easily.He was reluctant to punish her for the so-called taboo, so even she was pardoned.

She really didn't know if she should be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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