Chapter 1432
"It's him? Why is he here, fighting with someone?" Jun Luoxi wondered.

"No, there seems to be something wrong with him, do you want to go and see?"

Jun Luoxi shook her head, "Forget it, don't go" I don't care if someone is wrong, she has free time to care about others, she might as well go back and take a beauty sleep, the best time to rest is wasted by the clear water.

"Then what do I say he's in danger?"

"What danger can a person be in?" Jun Luoxi said lightly, and continued to walk forward.

"He may have lost his temper, so you don't want to go?" That person didn't look like a bad person, and it was his niece who didn't help him, which proved that he was very fair.

Bewildered, he paused, Jun Luoxi turned his head, seeing that he had helped him before, so he went to have a look.

Under the night, a man, oh no, to be precise, a handsome young man named Fengshen, swung his long sword, and all the trees within a hundred meters around were snapped in half.

And he himself kept making moves, as if there were enemies fighting him around, but the moves were chaotic, like a drunk person making random moves.

Those forces burst out of his body regardless, and he didn't even know that he was hurt. That's probably why the bloody smell in the air came from.

"Look, I didn't lie to you." The Black Demon Fire floated beside Jun Luoxi, and said quietly.

At this moment, a fierce attack hit Jun Luoxi and put it down. She frowned and raised her hand to defuse it. At this time, Jun Moyan also found someone nearby.

Immediately facing Jun Luoxi's side, he launched a stronger and more murderous attack.

Jun Luoxi frowned, and could only use her spiritual power to resist. At this moment, she saw Jun Moyan's appearance and couldn't help being surprised.

At this time, Jun Moyan has long lost his youthful and handsome appearance. Now his face is flushed, the blood vessels under his skin are swollen, and blood can still be seen flowing inside.

What is even more surprising is his eyes, which are blood-red and blood-red, and the red bloodshots can be seen clearly even under the hazy moonlight. No wonder the Black Demon Fire said that he was insane. .

However, there was something wrong, she couldn't tell, so she had to confront him.

After the fight, Jun Luoxi couldn't help but feel serious. This young man, despite his young age, is actually stronger than her!It takes a lot of talent to do that.

But fortunately, she has a character of getting more and more courageous as she gets frustrated, and Jun Moyan is a little bit out of his mind at the moment, so it's not too difficult to deal with it.

"Jun Moyan, wake up!"

Who is it, who is calling him, the voice is so gentle, who is it?

Jun Luoxi's voice made Jun Moyan's movements pause. Seeing this, she immediately used the power of the formation to trap him.

However, she still underestimated Jun Moyan, feeling that she was being restrained, and her instinctive feeling made him even angrier, and the force she used was even stronger, and she quickly broke through the formation.

"Jun Moyan, you lunatic!"

Seeing him fighting so frantically, Jun Luoxi couldn't help cursing, avoiding Jun Moyan's attack.

I really didn't expect this kid to be so powerful, I really can't see it, but yes, if he has no skills, how can he become the person in charge of recruiting students at Lingxian Academy this time.

To be called a junior uncle, his status in Lingxian Academy should not be low. After all, Ling Xiaoxiao is so arrogant and domineering, but she also obeys his words and obeys him.

Who, who is calling his name, is it mother, mother, go away!I will hurt you.

(End of this chapter)

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