Chapter 1459

When they looked at Li Qianjue at this time, they realized that there was a tiny stubble on his chin, and there were bloodshot eyes in his eyes. Since he concealed it very well, they couldn't see it unless they looked carefully.

Seeing this, Jun Luoxi felt distressed for a while.

This man has always paid attention to his image, but now, he has left all of this behind. The root cause is because of herself, and the eyes she looks at Li Qianjue are full of apology and distress.

She is feeling sorry for her man.

Xue frivolously frowned slightly, and he held and loosened the hand hanging by his side. This time, it seemed that he was a little too impulsive. He could feel that the opponent's blood was very weak in the fight just now.

"Okay, this time it's me."

"Xi'er, keep eating, you're not full yet." Li Qianjue didn't look at Xue frivolously, but brought the remaining half of the steaming porridge to Jun Luoxi.

It's not that he doesn't accept Xue Qingkuang's apology, it's just that he knows that Xue Qingkuang is Jun Luoxi's master, after all he is his elder, and now he is the one stepping down for the other party.

Xue's frivolous eyes flickered, and she had a little more affection for Li Qianjue. A man who doesn't care about everything is a good man, and a point is added, but if he wants to fully agree with him, that's another matter.

Jun Luoxi finished eating the porridge under Li Qianjue's loving eyes, then looked at Xue frivolously, "Uncle, didn't you go traveling, why are you with my master?"

"I told you, don't call me Shishu, just call me Yun Kuang. As for me, I am indeed here to travel, but when I get here, ahem, I'm ashamed." He rubbed his hands as he spoke.

Xue frivolously raised her eyebrows, "This kid, he almost sold himself to repay his debts by washing dishes in your gentleman's building."

"It's not so exaggerated. I just recruited guests for two days and waited for you. Wait, Junzilou is yours?" He heard it right, right?

Jun Luoxi nodded, "You know?"

"My brother didn't tell me. If I knew it earlier, I would have reported that I was your uncle, and I could eat and drink for free, but don't tell me, the food in the store is really delicious." .

Xue frivolously looked disgusted, and even sent him a letter asking him to scoop up people when he had no money. How can this guy eat? Is he a pig? He can eat all the entanglements on his body.

Jun Luoxi can't laugh or cry, this Xueyunkuang is really a living treasure.

"By the way, girl, who hurt you and where, go and kill them as a teacher!" Bullying his disciples, this must be settled carefully.

"People are not here, and I prefer to take revenge myself, so I don't bother you to do it, Master." Tianshengmen probably came from the same place as Lingxian Academy, which is very far away, so revenge has to go there.

What's more, there is an injustice and a debtor, and it was those two people who attacked her, and one of them is dead, so the matter is over.

"Who is it that can injure you? Aren't you very powerful? Is the other party stronger than you?" Xue Yunkuang was very curious. From his brother, he knew that Jun Luoxi had a lot of powerful cards .

As far as his family is concerned, he is not sure that he can beat her.

Jun Luoxi narrowed her eyes, "The strength is far above me" is not only above her, but completely defeated her. If she hadn't got all kinds of trump cards such as fat and black magic fire, she might be defeated in the first round. KO'd.

"When did such a powerful person appear in Wangyue City, and how did you provoke them? If you were told to keep a low profile, you must not listen." Xue frivolously said angrily.

This kid just doesn't know how to keep a low profile.

Jun Luoxi was speechless, "Master, it's not my problem, it's because they want to rob me."

"Steal things? Shameless, what does it look like? You draw it for me. If I want to see him, I have to beat him until he doesn't even know his parents, and then kill him!" If you want to grab something, you are very good at courting death.

(End of this chapter)

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