Chapter 1461 Who Are You Waiting For?

"What's wrong with you?" Li Qianjue was silent suddenly, and Jun Luoxi couldn't help but wonder.

She didn't seem to say anything she shouldn't have said, so why was he unhappy.

"Jun Moyan knows?" Knowing that these enemies might be her master's enemies?

Jun Luoxi shook his head, "He doesn't know anything, but he knows the other party's origin, Tianshengmen, should come from a different place from ours, just like their Lingxian Academy."

"Tianshengmen, that is one of the big forces that can stand side by side with Lingxian Academy, who is your master, to provoke such a dangerous force?" Xue frivolously frowned fiercely at this moment.

For Xue Qingkuang's extensive experience, Li Qianjue's eyes deepened a little. He increasingly found that his current influence was not enough, and he didn't know much about this continent.

It seemed that he had to make a decision quickly, otherwise, how would he protect the person in front of him.

Because he lowered his head, Jun Luoxi didn't see the deep meaning in his eyes, and what he silently decided to do at the moment.

"Master, do you know this power?" Jun Luoxi was a little delighted. Xue's family was in the city of Biluo, and the people they met there were all powerful people, and the people there came from all corners of the country.

Xue frivolously nodded, "I know a thing or two, Lingxian Academy is on the side of Xianling Continent, its status is as high as Fengyun Academy here, and Tianshengmen is a school for practitioners who do not enter the academy to learn from teachers. They are similar, but also different.”

As he said that, he found a place to sit down on his own, "If you go deeper, I don't know. I don't know much about the Fairy Continent, and the information we can know here is limited."

The reason why I know this is because some of them were recruited by Lingxian Academy, and when they came back, they brought some news from there. After spreading, it is impossible for them, the listeners, to know the specifics.

"It's not surprising that you said that Jun Moyan could see the origin of the other party. After all, they come from the same place."

Because Jun Luoxi was thinking, the air suddenly fell into silence, Xue Yunkuang blinked his eyes, "Luoxi, didn't your master tell you who the enemy is, you are still guessing here."

Jun Luoxi smiled wryly, "He didn't tell me, he even told me not to take revenge." At first Wutian wanted to take revenge on himself, but later he made up his mind to accept himself as a disciple, but he didn't want to take risks by himself, so he stopped talking if there were too many .

The three of them looked at each other, Xue Yunkuang said slowly: "You master, I really love you."

It's just that after my brother's apprenticeship, the person who finished the work died, which is too much.

"It sounds like I really want to not hurt the girl," Xue muttered frivolously.

"Then do you want revenge?" Xue Yunkuang looked expectant, imagining a scene in his mind, after Jun Luoxi had learned something, he went to Tianshengmen, majestic, and got rid of his master's enemies.

Without even thinking about it, Jun Luoxi replied, "Revenge is for sure, of course, the premise is that I have the strength." Otherwise, the strength is not good, and what revenge is talked about, I am afraid that the enemy will not even see him, and he will be killed by those little scumbags from Tianshengmen. to kill.

"This kind of hatred must be repaid, but if you want to get rid of the enemy, you must first understand the enemy. Girl, you should not be too hasty now." She can't come and go freely in the city of Biluo, let alone go to the fairy land.

At the invitation of Xia Jun Moyan, he hoped that Jun Luoxi could go there to study first. After all, the knowledge that Lingxian Academy can learn is by no means ordinary, it depends on whether she is willing or not.

(End of this chapter)

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