Chapter 1470
None of them could have imagined that, as the master of Yinsha, she was drinking tea in the restaurant openly at this moment, listening to everyone chatting.

Jingfeng sat across from him, glancing at Jun Luoxi from time to time. He never thought that a woman who was once weak and turned into a wild girl by her master could form such a large force in such a short period of time.

Perhaps, the master's vision is the best. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he would have thought it was a fake.

"Is there something on my face, looking at me like that?" Jingfeng was so dazzled that he didn't even know that Jun Luoxi turned his head to look at himself.

He coughed in embarrassment, "No, I just suddenly thought of the master."

Li Qianjue?Yeah, haven't seen him for two years.

"What is he doing recently, do you know?" Wherever he was before, he would definitely come after him in a short time, but this time, he didn't see anyone for two full years.

Not only can't see anyone, but there is very little news about him, but every month, Jingfeng will convey different gifts from Li Qianjue to Jun Luoxi, including clothes, shoes, gadgets, rain or shine.

"Master is retreating." Jingfeng thought for a while, and could only answer this sentence. The master has already said it, so he can't say it.

It was this sentence again, Jun Luoxi waved his hand, "Remember to tell me when he leaves the seclusion" Who can retreat for such a long time, without thinking about it, he must be doing other things.

Since he didn't want him to know, then she didn't ask, as long as she knew, the relationship between them would not be weakened because of this.

At this time, several pharmacists came to the door, raised their heads and looked at her, and she signaled Jingfeng, and he immediately sat on both sides of her with Xiaobai on the left and right.

Banners were also placed on the gate of Yunxiao Pavilion at this time, and Jun Luoxi of the alchemist union cooperated with the elders of the union for the third-to-last day of the free clinic.

Outside the door, seeing the banner opened, the people in the queue suddenly became excited.

"It's started, the free clinic has started."

"Everyone, don't squeeze, anyone who doesn't line up or messes up, will be disqualified from the free clinic, and the pharmacy under the union will refuse to sell him pills." Two restaurant waiters who maintained order shouted at the door, and everyone lined up honestly.

The free clinic was proposed by Jun Luoxi, not because she is so caring, but because free clinics often encounter some difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and the relief of these symptoms can improve their ability to refine medicine, see a doctor, prescribe the right medicine and then refine medicine It is also a way to improve, and it is more down-to-earth and progresses faster.

At first, everyone was not optimistic about it, but then people in the trade union scrambled to be able to come to the free clinic, and Jun Luoxi's reputation gradually spread in the city of Biluo.

Therefore, she was also given the title of Miraculous Doctor, and the patients healed by her hands were basically healed, not to mention the recovery was perfect, at least the situation had greatly improved.

"Master, why do you think this young lady set up the free clinic in our Yunxiao Pavilion?" A man asked his master very puzzled.

The man in the wheelchair, Yun Xiao, looked down at the downstairs with a calm expression.

"do not know."

The man was speechless immediately, so straightforward, why can't he guess when the master's habit of reticence will change.

"Master, she has excellent medical skills, and she also mentioned that she would show it to you, you." Before he finished speaking, Yun Xiao turned the wheelchair around and left.

"Okay, okay, can't I not mention it, I really don't understand you, master, don't you want to recover?" The man chased up helplessly, pushing the wheelchair.

"Do not want to."

Who doesn't want to stand up, he knows that the master is lying, but why does he not want to heal this leg.

(End of this chapter)

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