Chapter 1496 Take You to Revenge
"Not everything you said is right. I want to explain your affairs, but I am going to take you with me on this matter." A sly look appeared in Jun Luoxi's eyes.


Brother and sister Fu Chou looked at each other, with incredible smiles in their eyes, "Boss, don't you want it?"

"That's right, a lot of time has passed. You have been doing things for me all these years, and you have no time to deal with your own affairs. This matter has been dragged on for a long time, and it is best to solve it now."

Fu Sha swallowed, "Boss, you mean to take us to revenge, you lead the team?"

"Why, is there a problem?" Fu Sha and the others were the first group of subordinates to follow her, so this feeling was naturally unusual, and of course she would choose to treat it with heart.

"No problem, of course no problem, great, when are you leaving?" Fu Sha looked excited, as if this was such an exciting event.

However, this is indeed something to be happy about. They have waited for this day, they have been looking forward to this day for too long, and the enemy's life is a torture to them.

"Is it that impatient?" When did this girl become so impatient.

"Of course I've been waiting for this day for too long." After a pause, he immediately explained, "Boss, that's not what I meant."

Boss must not misunderstand, it's not that she is eager for revenge.

Jun Luoxi grinned, "I know, you guys are going to prepare, and I didn't ask you any questions about your enemies before. Where are your enemies now, have you investigated everything?"

"The enemy's home, that place, we will never forget it!" Fu Qiu's eyes showed a fierce light.

In the past, Jun Luoxi let them hide their names and keep a low profile, just to let the enemy think that they were depressed, but actually let them plan secretly to strengthen themselves, so they always kept their hatred in their hearts.

"Very good! Where is that place?"

"Master, you should have heard of the six giants, right?" Fu Chou's eyes gradually calmed down, the forbearance of these years allowed him to quickly control his emotions.

Jun Luoxi paused, "Are you referring to the six giants, the Jin Mansion, etc.?"

"Yes, it's them" That's why they were sold to this place, just to keep them away and make them unable to come back to pay their vengeance.

At the same time, they sent killers to hunt them down, and they gave up after losing the news of their love.

"Interesting, if the enemy is too weak, it doesn't seem to be challenging" Now their abilities are completely sufficient to deal with one of the six giants.

"Let's go, get ready, and set out for the six giants!"

Fu Qiu brothers and sisters looked at each other, their eyes were full of excitement, the enemy had been at ease for long enough, it was time for them to pay the due price.

"Master, Miss Lulu is here." While they were still chatting, Fu Man came to inform that she had brought her out from the Wanhua Building, and when she arrived at the Junzi Building, she quickly displayed her abilities.

Ganlu, in the past two years, she has been developing her power, and she is improving her strength and refining ability. The two get together less and leave more. When she comes back today, someone must have informed her. I didn't expect her to be in Wangyue City. .

"Tell her to wait for me in the living room, I'll go there right away" This is the place to discuss things with Fu Sha and the others. Although Gan Lu is her own person, she often goes in and out, which seems a bit imprecise.

"Let's go" called Shang Fusha, and Jun Luoxi walked out.

On the opposite side of the living room, Jun Luoxi saw Ganlu looking around at a glance, and looked at the door from time to time.

This is her good sister. Seeing Ganlu, a smile appeared on her face immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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