Chapter 1565 Phantom Sound Bone Qin
Isn't life the same, there are no obstacles at the beginning, but if you want to go further, you need to go through fighting, and if you win, you can return to mediocrity.

But you can also choose not to act and just stay mediocre, but this is someone else, not her Jun Luoxi, what she wants to do is to be the king who fought bloody battles and finally returned with glory!
Baili Wufeng was stunned for a moment, a string in his heart seemed to be touched, his mind was clear, he seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to understand.

"The girl said, I will definitely try it next time" Do whatever you want, without restraint, it seems to be more comfortable.

Jun Luoxi smiled and didn't speak. At this time, there were some small sounds around him, as if something had fallen into the water.

"What is that?" Baili Wufeng couldn't help wondering, when he took a closer look, he found that many fish gathered around the boat and followed the boat to swim forward.

Because of the crowd, some fish couldn't help jumping up, and the fish scales were illuminated very brightly under the moonlight, as if the stars were crushed and thrown down.

Surrounding the ship, tens of meters away are full of fish, all kinds of fish, they seem to regard this big ship as the same.

"How come there are so many fish?" Baili Wufeng was very shocked. It was the first time he saw this scene. There were fish on the bottom of the sea, but based on the instinct of avoiding danger, they were as close as possible to human ships. of.

Jun Luoxi is also quite puzzled. The reason for this phenomenon can be explained in her world. It is some kind of sound guide that simulates the sound of fish and can gather together. This ship should not have this function.

Wait, is it possible to use voice too?
"Could it be this guqin?" Jun Luoxi set her sights on the guqin lying quietly on the long table. To be honest, this guqin is the best one she has ever used.

Baili Wufeng shook his head, "This Guqin is called Huanyin Guqin. It is rumored that it can exert the power of summoning beasts. Could it be that you activated this ability just now?"

"The phantom sound bone qin? Are you talking about the magical artifact phantom sound bone qin? In addition to the power of summoning beasts, it also has the ability to control people's hearts. It is said that it is an artifact that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. It has long possessed spiritual consciousness. This one?"

Regarding the origin of the Huanyin Guqin, in the memory passed down to her by Wutian, the Huanyin Guqin is very powerful. In the hands of ordinary people, it is a first-class instrument. In the hands of capable people, it is Killing weapon.

"However, tens of thousands of years ago, it was said that it fell into the hands of a woman. Originally, she had a man who loved her. Later, the man failed her. She chased and killed her with the phantom sound bone qin, but she never wanted to be united by this heartbroken man. Others murdered her, Huanyin Guqin lost its owner, heartbroken, god-broken, and reduced to a thumping guqin ever since."

Thinking of something, Baili Wufeng was very excited, "But now it seems that its ability may be impressed by your melody. I think it is destined to you. At the end of the song, I heard a deep longing. Could it be that the girl is here?" Which old friend are you thinking about?"

He said he was an old man, but his tone was very meaningful. As someone who has been there, how could he not understand the meaning of these words.

"It's not an old friend, it's my man!" Jun Luoxi looked proud.

Baili Wufeng was taken aback by such a move, but he didn't expect Jun Luoxi to admit it so generously, unlike other women who were coy.

Suddenly, he was a little envious of the woman Jun Luoxi liked. Seeing her like this, the two of them really loved each other, and the other party didn't treat her badly just because of her bad looks.

(End of this chapter)

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