Chapter 1646 Someone Hidden

Zuofu, one person hurriedly walked into the mansion and went straight to the study.

"Come in" After knocking on the door, a cold voice sounded in the room.

"Subordinates refer to the master." This person saluted in the direction of the desk. There was a man sitting there with his head lowered. He didn't know what he was writing. When he heard the voice, he slowly got up.

"Get up and talk, how is the investigation?"

The man stood up and bent over, not daring to raise his head, "Report to Commander, we... didn't find it."

"What?!" The man frowned, his eyes were fierce, his hands subconsciously grabbed the neatly written paper on the table and crumpled it.

"You can't even find a woman, so what are you going to eat?" She has no relatives here, no backer, where can she go.

Being reprimanded, he trembled, they also want to find someone quickly, but the problem is that they can't find them, and they have already used all the skills they can use.

"Commander, according to what you said, the portraits have been issued, and we have also searched door-to-door in the vicinity, and searched all kinds of restaurants, including nearby forests, ruined temples and uninhabited thatched huts, etc. I have searched everywhere, but there is still no clue."

They even caught quite a few people with similar stature and suspicious appearance, but none of them were the ones they were looking for.

Zuoqiu's face was gloomy, "Are you sure?"

"Commander, we followed your instructions and searched carefully. We never let go of any clues, but found nothing. This subordinate has a guess."

He glanced at Zuoqiu cautiously, then quickly lowered his head.


"The subordinate suspects that someone hid her and did not let us find her, or that she is already dead but does not want to be found out, so you will always be afraid as the commander."

Zuoqiu froze for a moment, "Dead?" It was true that he wanted her to die, but when he thought of her death, there was always an inexplicable sense of guilt in his heart, but it was more of a rejoicing.

"I said before, if you are alive, you need to see people, if you die, you need to see corpses! Keep looking for me!"

He couldn't feel at ease without seeing her dead body. This woman was a ticking time bomb for a day, but he didn't expect her life to be so hard to come here across the ocean to find him.

"What are you doing in a daze, go down! Keep looking for me!" He slapped his palm on the desk, a little annoyed.

The person paused and cupped his hands, "Yes, Commander" and continued to search, but as far as a woman is concerned, why the Commander is so afraid of her, could it be that she has some tricks in her hands.

"Husband, what is it that makes you so angry?" A soft voice sounded from outside the door, followed by a lady carrying a plate of food with the help of a maid.

When Zuoqiu saw her, a deep smile suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he even walked towards her, "It's just a small matter, madam, don't worry about it, and stay here?"

"Subordinate resigns" the person hastily left.

"Husband, seeing that you are too worried to eat these days, I personally went to the kitchen to cook some of your favorite side dishes. Come, eat some."

While gently admonishing, she put the food on the table.

Zuoqiu's eyes flickered, and he took the bowl and chopsticks, "Ma'am is interested, if you don't tell me, I'm really hungry."

"I knew it," the woman said while sitting aside, looking at him tenderly.

"Ma'am, would you like to eat with me?" Zuoqiu looked at his wife with the same love on his face while holding the bowl and chopsticks. The commander of the Imperial City Guard.

(End of this chapter)

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