Chapter 1663


"That's all we found. This woman appeared suddenly. We don't know whether she was here originally or appeared suddenly. It is possible that she changed her appearance on the way here."

Xuanyuan Qiming turned around, put down the bait, and slowly poured a cup of tea to drink.

"Your analysis makes sense, but what is the purpose of her coming to the palace?" She is still close to Qingqing, maybe because of her resemblance, it is impossible to find some clues from here.

"The subordinates feel that her purpose is definitely not simple!" It is definitely not a coincidence that she boldly appeared in the Minnan Palace with this appearance.

And the person who came to him impartially was Mrs. Qingqing, who looked very similar to her. It was impossible to make people think that she had no purpose, but she was too courageous, so she was not afraid that the prince would give her to her.

This subordinate raised his head and quickly glanced at his master, then immediately lowered his head.

"My lord, time is limited, this subordinate has only found so much, and I will check again later."

Xuanyuan Qiming raised his hand to stop it, "No need, there are only so many, and I don't think there will be any more."

"Then why don't you go down and try it out? If you keep such a person in the palace, your subordinates are worried that her motives are impure."

"No need, she's right under my nose, I don't believe she can turn the world upside down, but you go and find out who is the one who asked the dark realm to find someone, I want to find him, as soon as possible!"

The person who came to look for her must be related to her. Is this Luoxi a bait thrown by someone or is it a coincidence, no, he doesn't believe in coincidences in this world.

If it's bait, it doesn't matter. Xuanyuan Qiming doesn't know that Jun Luoxi is not only not a bait, she is also a fisherman.

"This subordinate will do it now, and this subordinate will leave!" This person came and left in a hurry just like when he came.

The corner of Xuanyuan Qiming's lips curved into a dangerous smile, "Isn't it Luo Xi? I'll see what tricks you can play."

Soon someone came to inform him that Qingqing had returned from a visit to her mother's house, accompanied by Jun Luoxi, and a plan floated in his heart.

"Ma'am, slow down, be careful of the steps." When I returned to the palace, those maidservants were waiting around again. In fact, when I went to Li's mansion, it was Qingqing's intention that they didn't accompany her around, mainly because she didn't want her parents to think she was putting on airs.

But she didn't know that it was because of this that she felt that she was easy to bully.

"What is the prince doing?" Qingqing asked casually.

"Of course this king is missing you." Accompanied by a sincere voice, Xuanyuan Qiming came from the opposite side and looked at Qingqing with a smile on his face.

It seemed that he was walking towards her affectionately, but Qingqing knew very well that he always only saw others through himself, because in his dream, he also called another woman's name.

"Thank you, my lord, for your concern. Qingqing left the mansion privately without my lord's permission. Please forgive me." Qing Qing was about to kneel down, but Xuanyuan Qiming held her up.

"What silly things, didn't this king say, as long as you want to go, you can go back at any time, and you don't have to deliberately tell this king that your complexion is not very good, and you have been wronged at the Li family?"

If it wasn't for Qingqing's face, that greedy family would have been kicked by him long ago.

"No, my concubine is in good health. Maybe it's because I didn't have a good rest last night. I haven't been back for a long time. I'm not very used to living here." Qingqing's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly explained.

Xuanyuan Qiming's eyes were already a little cold, and Jun Luoxi's eyes flashed, "My lord, you don't know that we met an arrogant little girl on the way back yesterday, yelling for us to go to jail, but Madame is pissed off!"

"Really?" Xuanyuan Qiming still looked suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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