Chapter 1759 It Was Really a Trap

Seeing everyone guarding here with low eyebrows, Jun Luoxi looked at Xuanyuan Qianqian's close maid with a troubled expression, "Sister maid, where is the latrine, my stomach feels a little uncomfortable."

The maid glared at Jun Luoxi, "It's at the end of the corner on the left, hurry up and come back!" There are so many things on the first day, really.

"Thank you, sister-in-law, I will be back soon." Jun Luoxi smiled slyly, clutching her stomach, and walked away quickly with a look of unbearable pain.

Of course, this was just an excuse for her. She came to a place where there was no one, took off her disguise, evaded the hidden guards, and left the palace.

She was looking forward to this day. She didn't expect it to come so soon. Mo Ya is really an ambitious woman.

One day passed, and Mo Ya's actions in the palace became extremely fast, and the second prince saw them making a move, so he was naturally unwilling to lag behind. As for Xuanyuan Qiming, he also made corresponding countermeasures.

On the other side, Xuanyuan Qiming came to one of the strongholds in the dark domain based on the information he received. This stronghold is backed by a cliff, and below the cliff is the sea, with surging waves.

In such a place where the stronghold is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is really good, and they can also prepare ships under the cliff, even if the enemy finds them, they can quickly evacuate if they are defeated.

"Your Majesty, this is the place. The subordinates will go and find out the truth first, and will report to you as soon as there is any news." Judging from the size, it is also known that this is a very important stronghold, and there are many people stationed there.

If "this king wants to come together" to enter, if it is found out, they will definitely scare the snake, and they will quickly transfer the unsatisfactory people. This is not the purpose of his personal visit today.

A murderous intent flashed across Xuanyuan Qiming's eyes, "Pass down the order, and once you meet someone from the Dark Realm, you will be killed!" It's fine for them to be good killers, but they dare to interfere in the affairs of their royal family.

If the hand is stretched too long, if it is not cut off, it will be a disaster to their royal family after all!
Under the dark night, with a cool breeze, dark clouds drifted past, blocking the few remaining moonlight. Xuanyuan Qiming and others followed the cover of the moonlight and quietly entered the villa.

"Who?" When they entered, they were immediately discovered. As a killer organization, they naturally had a set of early warning methods.

"Kill!" Xuanyuan Qiming gave an order, and the place immediately filled with a strong smell of blood.

The confidant came to him, "My lord, the dungeon is on the edge of the cliff" They just had to look to see if it was right.

Xuanyuan Qiming hummed, and with a flash, he quickly led his men to the dungeon on the edge of the cliff. The dungeon was built here, and it was not so easy for the enemy to escape.

The guards were removed by Xuanyuan Qiming and his men, and he entered the dungeon. In the cell not far away, a man with disheveled hair was bound by iron chains. Judging from his figure, he was a woman.

Xuanyuan Qiming, who was overjoyed, hurried over, but he was still cautious, and with a wave of aura, the face of that person was revealed, it was an extremely strange face.

"It's not her!"

As he said this, a group of people poured into the dungeon, led by the Great Elder, "Minnan King, we meet again. We haven't seen each other for a few years. You are still so beautiful. You are an infatuated species. It's a pity that your emperor brother is not you!" .”

If he was infatuated with his own daughter, he would be at ease, but unfortunately, nine out of ten emperors are ruthless.

Xuanyuan Qiming looked at the person with a blank face, and couldn't help but sneer, "This king is in his prime, and you, who are half buried in the loess, would be envious, this king can understand."

As soon as these words came out, the Great Elder was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, "Shut up, old man!"

(End of this chapter)

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