Chapter 1812
After giving Jun Luoxi a warning look, he walked away.

Wang Ercong frowned, "This little girl is a vengeful master, Luoxi, you have to be careful." This Xiao Xianxian can be regarded as an outstanding disciple in the academy, and is highly valued in the academy.

"It's okay, you can't wrong yourself because others hold grudges." She is a person with clear grievances and grievances, and she is not a bully, she can only be bullied, so what's the point of living aggrieved like that.

"It's true, but Luoxi, this matter really has nothing to do with you?" After getting along for a night, Wang Er knew that Jun Luoxi was a master who didn't suffer.

"Elder, don't worry, I'm still very principled in my work. Didn't I say that their boat caught the kelp flower? The kelp flower grows in the crevices of the reef. It must be that their boat hit the reef and didn't pay attention."

If such a big ship bumps into a reef, if it just cuts through a small opening, there will be little movement, and it will be difficult to find if you don't pay attention.

If they had verified what she said at that time, they might have discovered the problem long ago, and they wouldn't have waited until now.

Wang Er suddenly realized, "So that's how it is."

At this time, the Eighth Elder walked up from the bottom of the cabin with a gloomy expression, and it seemed that the situation had not been resolved. Xiao Xianxian followed behind, with the same bad expression.

"How's it going?" After all, they had worked together before, Wang Er still asked with concern.

Elder Eight rubbed the space between his brows, "The Spirit Gathering Formation has been destroyed. We don't have professional formation masters, and we can't speed up the ship even if we fix the loopholes. We can only change the ship."

Soon, under the command of the Eighth Elder, everyone boarded another emergency boat, which was twice the size of Jun Luoxi's boat, after all, they had a lot of people.

But this kind of emergency boat has a very small spirit gathering array and lacks power. If you want to speed up, you have to use spiritual power to speed up, that is, manual rowing.

Everyone who used to be aloof will not be proud of themselves. Compared with Jun Luoxi's boat with only two people, their boat looks very narrow.

This is tantamount to saying that there are not enough rooms, and many disciples have to squat on the deck. It would be nice to be able to put down the tents later.

"Ahem, it's good to find out early, otherwise it will be bad if you encounter danger." Wang Er comforted Elder Ba when he saw that Elder Ba's face was not looking well.

"Yes." The Eighth Elder kept looking at Jun Luoxi, as if he was waiting for something.
Jun Luoxi rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "If the Eighth Elder doesn't dislike him, then let's take a boat with us."

"If that's the case, then I'll disturb you." The Eighth Elder was also unambiguous, and flew to the deck, and the others were very envious when they saw it.

Xiao Xianxian was very unhappy waiting for Jun Luo to drop, and couldn't help muttering, "It's about the same speed, I don't know where she has a sense of superiority."

About the same speed?

After listening to Jun Luoxia, he smiled playfully, "Eighth Elder, you have to stand firm, we are going to speed up."

"Speed ​​up?" There were only a few of them on the boat, how could they speed up? Could it be that the three of them were going to row the boat by themselves?The Eighth Elder's expression was tangled.

Suddenly, the boat shook.

But some disciples from the academy around Xiao Xianxian screamed, "Sea beasts, they are surrounded by sea beasts!"

At first glance, there are sea beasts around Jun Luo's boat, and they are still large ones. There is one on the front, back, left, and right sides, and they look very weird.

You have today too, hum!
Xiao Xianxian cast a mocking smile at Jun Luoxia, wanting to please the Eighth Elder, now even the sea beast couldn't stand it anymore.

Ignoring Xiao Xianxian's face, Jun Luoxia didn't even give her half of the corner of the eye, but snapped his fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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