Chapter 1889

Li Qianjue, who smelled the smell of blood, quickly grabbed her hand, "Xi'er, you're hurt, damn it!" Just as he was about to apply medicine to Jun Luoxi, a burst of defeat hit him on the back.

"Hmph!" Jun Luoxi snorted coldly, and with a wave of the blood blade, he repelled the attack.

At the same time, Li Qianjue didn't turn his head back, and the attack that he didn't know when to gather in his hand was heading towards a certain direction.

In the dark, no one could be seen, but a muffled groan was vaguely heard. Obviously, Li Qianjue's attack had hit him.

The reason why he was deliberately unprepared was to make the other party take it lightly.

"Ah, damn it! Since you want to die so soon, I'll make it happen for you! I don't have time to play with you, it's a pity that you have such a good body" Liu Meng's voice became extremely regretful.

Even through the thin mist, one could still feel Liu Meng's malicious eyes. It was true that her purpose towards Li Qianjue was not pure.

As her voice fell, the killing atmosphere around her became stronger. At the same time, there were countless attacks from all directions. This is the power of the attack formation.

The formation gathers the surrounding spiritual energy to form an attack, strangling all living creatures in the formation. This is the same effect as the formation they used to deal with monsters when she met Yue Yulitian and the others before.

It's just that this one is stronger and more domineering.

He easily resisted the surrounding attacks, but these attacks were like flowing water, and they continued in a steady stream. If things went on like this, they might not be able to break the formation even if they exhausted their strength.

No, we must find a way.

That old witch treated her like this, not to mention that Liu Meng would not let her go, even she herself would not let her go!
"Xi'er, I resist, you break the formation, just kill the big formation." Li Qianjue's tone is full of trust and encouragement for Jun Luoxi, they can forcefully break the formation.

But doing so would seriously hurt their vitality, and Liu Meng must be waiting for them outside, so why not find out the eye of the formation and break through directly from the inside.

"Okay" Without hesitation or questioning, after Jun Luoxi nodded, he began to observe the surroundings with all his attention.

Formation is a cage formed by combining forces with unique techniques. There is nothing perfect in the world, even formations. There must be weak points, and the formation can be broken if it is found to be damaged.

Those wise eyes peeped around and analyzed bit by bit through the mist.

Finally, her gaze settled on a certain place.

"Absolutely, that's where it is!"

As soon as the voice fell, an attack was already concentrated in his hand, and a shocking force came out of his hand.


There was a sudden shaking of the ground, which attracted the attention of many people around. Jun Luoxi and Li Qianjue in the formation were almost unable to stand still, but the formation was not broken.

"Just rely on your strength, dreaming!" Liu Meng seemed a little surprised that Jun Luoxi could find the eyes of the formation, but seeing her actions, she couldn't help but sneer, how could they easily destroy the formation.

"Is it?"

Jun Luoxi smiled meaningfully, and even more majestic power surged out from his body, with the potential to destroy the world.

Looking at Liu Meng from the outside, her heart skipped a beat. She didn't want to hear it, but she still heard a voice.

"咔咒" sounded like breaking glass into the ears, and it became more and more intense.

The formation was actually broken, how could it be that the other party was just a little girl.

Realizing that the noise was coming from Liu Meng, many elders gathered immediately. Such a big movement must have activated the protective formation.

Almost every elder's courtyard in the school has an independent formation, which is used to defend against the enemy. Although the school's status is superior, it can be considered safe.

(End of this chapter)

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