Chapter 1940 This is not a good idea

"Shut up!" Hearing Liang Feng's voice suddenly, everyone thumped subconsciously, thinking that there was an enemy attack.

Liang Feng, who was yelled at by his companions, looked aggrieved, "Youlan Valley is so big, we can't be so unlucky, we met a skeleton on the first day." After more than a month of experience, they planned to use the remaining ten days to come probe the situation.

Jun Luoxi raised the corners of her lips slightly, "You crow mouth!"

"What?" Before he could understand Jun Luoxi's words, the surrounding vegetation shook suddenly, and dozens of skeletons immediately surrounded them, and the empty eye sockets were flickering with fire.

Treacherous eyes fell on them, and everyone's scalps felt numb. Except for Jun Luoxi and Li Qiang, it was almost the first time they encountered skeletons.

It doesn't matter if people die, they are used to looking at corpses for a long time, but in front of them are half-rotten skeletons, emitting a faint stench, which makes the scalp numb.

"The khaki color is darker than the one just now. These skeletons are stronger. Be careful, everyone. Their weakness lies in their heads." As the leader of the team, Ouyang Hao immediately issued an order.

It seems that he knows a lot, and he also knows something about the underworld.

Jun Luoxi opened his mouth, but did not speak.

Almost at the moment when Ouyang Hao opened his mouth, those skeletons attacked. They didn't feel any pain, and they used almost all their strength in every move. With the willingness of Ming Li, the fighting power was really extremely violent.

"What's going on, the skeletons have become stronger, and they are absorbing the strength of their companions!" Soon, the situation that Jun Luoxi encountered before was repeated.

About thirty skeletons turned into ten at this time, but the aura had more than doubled, and the khaki-yellow flames in the eyes were gradually turning pale green little by little.

"Hiss!" Liang Feng gasped, his eyes widened. They had heard that the skeletons in the underworld would absorb the strength of their companions to grow. Even if they could, they had to be above the level of blue skeletons.

Because the cyan skeleton already has an independent consciousness, and can even practice exercises, but even so, it takes time to refine the absorbed power, just like Xiaobai before.

But this is really weird to the extreme, could it be a mutation?
Although their strength has become stronger, they are all people of extraordinary strength, and their heads were quickly smashed, and three rice-grain-sized beads floating in the mid-air.

After pausing for a while and actually drifting towards the valley, Jun Luoxi frowned and grabbed the bead, "There must be some inside, being absorbed by them will only increase the strength."

Ouyang Hao and the others nodded, "It makes sense, but how can this thing be destroyed?" It's really strange that their strength couldn't be dispersed.

Originally, it was possible, but the power of these soul stones is mixed with spiritual power and dark power, so naturally it is not so easy to break up.

"I have fire, I'm a pharmacist" Jun Luoxi said without blushing, she can break it up, but it's better to use it for cultivation.

Everyone thought about it, and didn't refuse. Even if she didn't have the ability to destroy it, it would be better to trap this force, so as not to strengthen the power of other skeletons at that time, and they might not be able to fight by then.

"Brother, do you want to continue walking in?"

Ouyang Hao pursed his lips, and glanced at Jun Luoxi and Li Qianjue who seemed to be walking in the mountains and rivers, "Continue."

At the current level, they can still resist. If they can't do anything, they must withdraw in time.

Jun Luoxi knew that Ouyang Hao and the others were going to move forward, and they didn't stop, but his face was very serious. These skeletons are too weird, maybe if they want to find the answer, they can only ask that person.

(End of this chapter)

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