Chapter 1959 Who Is He?

"I can't drag it any longer!" Ouyang Hao's face was condensed, his hands had condensed powerful strength, Liang Feng and the others stood with their feet apart, like horned dragons rooted in the ground, unable to shake them a bit.

After regaining her senses, Yulian also immediately gathered her strength. At this time, if she didn't work together, no one would survive.

Desperately resisting the suction, everyone fell under Ouyang Hao's 'let', and all threw out their condensed attack power.

The power exploded in front of the space gap, and the buzzing sound made people's ears ring for a moment, as if they were deaf.

But the space gap didn't disappear as they expected, but twisted strangely, expanding bit by bit, but the suction force disappeared.

Instead, more ghost power spewed out.

When the dark power was vented, a terrible idea suddenly appeared in Yulian's mind. The anger made her unable to control her behavior anymore, and she slapped Jun Luoxi on the back.

Unexpectedly, at this time, she would suddenly attack her. Jun Luoxi was photographed and rushed forward, bumping into that Mingli.

"Luoxi!" On the opposite side, Jun Moyan's eyes were shattered, and he used his attack power to break up the dark power that was stuck to Jun Luoxi. attempt to function.

"Xi'er" At the same time, Li Qianjue rushed directly towards Jun Luoxi, with that attitude of no hesitation, never thought that he would be eroded by the dark force.

Also unexpected was the Black Demon Flame. When Li Qianjue moved, it immediately turned into a flame force to protect him.

It knew very well that if something happened to Li Qianjue, Jun Luoxi would definitely blame himself.

"Ahem, I'm fine, you all don't come here, hurry up, eliminate this crack in space." Jun Luoxi's face was tangled, Mingli would not hurt her, as for the evil spirit mixed with it, it seemed to be the same, at most it gave her the feeling of anesthesia That's all.

The tangled look on her face seemed to others to be that the force of the soul had entered her body, and she was in unbearable pain.

Everyone saw Mingli's overbearing just now, those who were thrown into the air immediately got up and continued to attack, while Jun Luoxi stood still when Mingli entered her body.

If she is too happy, it is inevitable that people will suspect her. Now, it is up to them.

"Boom boom boom!" The space crack became bigger, and their strength failed to destroy the passage, but widened it instead.

Everyone didn't dare to make other movements for a while, and instead used their strength to protect themselves, for fear that the dark energy would enter their bodies.

Jun Luoxi frowned fiercely, it seemed that things had become difficult.

After thinking about it, she stuck the blood blade on the ground, and used the blood blade to mobilize strength to resist, "Quick, now is the time!" The blood blade is inextricably linked to the underworld, so it should work, I hope it will be useful .

Just to be on the safe side, Jun Luoxi grabbed another concentrated formation, trying to trap the ghost power erupting from the space crack, just like how he trapped the skeleton before.

If it doesn't work, it's better to buy time for everyone to leave.

Even a lot of ants can kill an elephant. So many concentrated formations form a huge inverted circle of light, trapping the space crack firmly in it.

Jun Luoxi let out a foul breath, and sat down on the ground, "My god, it works."

She thought that she had at least entered the realm of the underworld and was not afraid of the power of the underworld, but she didn't dare to take it too seriously when she encountered it now.

"Luo Xi, are you alright?" Jun Moyan, Liang Feng and others came to her side immediately, asking with concern, but didn't notice that she was already leaning against Li Qianjue's arms at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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