Chapter 2055 Didn't I Tell You
After finishing speaking, Xiao Hei quietly slipped out, while Jun Luoxi continued eating and chatting with Xuan Qing and the others. It was a rare gathering at the moment, and it was not good for her to leave halfway, as she would still participate in the competition.

"Where will it go?" Xiao Hei grunted, and after carefully distinguishing Fatty's breath, he began to search for it.

And Li Qianjue is here.

"My lord, my subordinates have something important to report." In one of the strongholds where Li Qianjue formed a force, one of his subordinates walked in and knelt down on one knee, very respectful.

"Say!" Li Qianjue was expressionless, the whole room was surrounded by a cold and solemn atmosphere, and the people standing guard around him also had indifferent and solemn expressions.

After the person cupped his hands, he said: "Return to the Lord, our power was investigated not long ago, and a branch was even broken into. There were no casualties, but the order of the deacon was taken away. This matter is of great importance. I have to report, please punish the Lord."

This incident happened only a few days ago, and they were able to find Li Qianjue immediately and report it. Judging from the branch's strongholds in various places, the efficiency is not bad.

"The deity has already known about this matter, and there are more." No wonder, when he was in Lingxian Academy, what the other party took out should have been taken from this branch.

"I can't do anything, I can't find out who did it, it's because my subordinates are incompetent." This person lowered his head. Since their establishment, they have rarely suffered such a big loss, and this time they really have a headache.

Li Qianjue's eyes flashed, and he waved his hands, "Get up, you are not to blame for this."

He was already mentally prepared to be punished, but when he heard Li Qianjue say that suddenly, he was dumbfounded, what, no punishment, he heard right.

"What's different about the other party?" After that meeting, those people didn't take the initiative to contact him, and naturally, he wouldn't go to them either.

The man paused for a moment, then recalled, "Yes, they are powerful, but they have no ill intentions towards us. By the way, they sent the token back two days ago."

As he said that, he held up the token in his hand. Now that the token has been leaked, it must be dealt with properly, in case someone uses this thing to do anything against them.

"Okay, strengthen your defenses in the future. As for these people, don't conflict with them. If you have something to report immediately, go directly to the guardians and go down." Li Qianjue waved his hand.

Since the opponent did not make a move, it is probably not an enemy. In this case, it is only necessary to be on guard.

"That's all I want to say, you can all perform your own duties." After finishing speaking, Li Qianjue got up and walked out. It seemed that he had to investigate the matter of God's Domain.

"Respectfully send off the Lord" The group of people watched Li Qianjue leave. After he left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, and their breath seemed to be slowly returning to normal. The place where he was, seemed to be cold even the air go down.

After leaving, Li Qianjue came to a secluded place, put his hands behind his back, stared straight ahead coldly, "Come out."

Those people in the dark, they looked at each other, is this calling them?

"I know you have been following, come out!"

"Ahem, what's the master's order?" Did he figure it out and believe what they said?This time I came here, I must have asked my subordinates, they didn't mess around last time.

"Who told you to come?" This group of people called him master, it is impossible for no reason, and it is impossible for God's Domain to be just a few of them, they must have accepted some kind of order.

They were stunned for a moment, and then cupped their hands, "The elders of the pavilion sent their subordinates here, so please tell me what the master has to say."

(End of this chapter)

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