Chapter 2167 Her former subordinates

Jun Luoxi's expression was serious, and there was sadness and sadness in her eyes. Affected by that memory, she couldn't control her emotions at the moment. She was her, but she was not her, but the memory felt the same.

Without waiting for Shuiqing to answer, she continued, "I'm going to the forbidden area."

"What, go to the forbidden area, now? No way?" Shui Qing frowned, the miasma in the forbidden area was too serious, and with Xixi's current strength, it would be very dangerous to step in.

And they can't accompany them, it's not right, it's not right.

"That's right, my lord, your current strength is still a bit weak. I asked you to come to the Nether Realm this time because I found a place with plenty of power and prepared for you to practice hard."

Mr. Mu had a disapproving expression on his face. He discussed with the clear-water grandfather that the reason why she had to come to the Nether Realm was that only here was there to cultivate the power of the underworld, and there was no outside world.

She will reunify the underworld and become the well-deserved emperor of the underworld. Without the power of the underworld, everyone cannot be convinced, and without the power of the underworld, it is impossible to summon and control the skeleton soldiers.

Jun Luoxi smiled gently, "I appreciate Senior Mu's kindness, but I have to go to the forbidden area." There are her sincere subordinates there. After she left, the resentment could not dissipate, so it became a miasma.

She is an unqualified king, an unqualified boss, now knowing that they have struggled for so many years, she can't wait to see them for a moment, the most important point is that the skeletons that ran out of the forbidden area, the clear water has not been checked yet who did it.

She can't let them escape, at least, she can't let them become someone's sharp knife.

"Xi Xi, then I'll go with you." Knowing that she had made a decision and rarely changed it, Shui Qing had no choice but to settle for the next best thing.

Jun Luoxi shook his head, "No, it's fine to have Xiaobai with me, you have more important things to do."

"Well, what do you want us to do?" As expected of someone with a mission, he has already started to issue orders now.

Jun Luoxi smiled evilly, "Didn't Pluto ask you to hand over your military power? Give it to him if he wants it. Oh yes, I heard that there is also a lost place in the underworld, and Pluto has always wanted to attack it."

Seeing her wicked smile, Shui Qingche felt goosebumps all over her body, and couldn't help shaking, "Xi Xi, what do you want?"

"Of course I'm helping others, what else can I do?" The expression on his face made him look as innocent as possible.

As she spoke, she hooked her hands at the three of them and gave some instructions. When she raised her head, all three of them looked at her with admiration, "After this is done, I think Pluto will definitely be pissed off!"

Shui Qing shook her head, "No, maybe she won't die of anger, but just go crazy because of unwillingness."

Mr. Mu added, "It's very likely that he has lost his mind."

In response to Jun Luoxi's order, Shui Qingche and others happily went to work. It was a relaxed and stress-free life.

And she, after a few days of rushing, came to the forbidden area with Xiaobai. Covered by dark power, coupled with her restrained aura, she approached the forbidden area without disturbing the guardians.

She used to be very close to the forbidden place before, but she left later, and now she came back again, seeing that the towering ancient tree was contrary to the devastation she remembered at that time, a merciless sigh of time welled up in her heart.

Thousands of years have passed, and vegetation has grown here again. The Nether Realm has been passed down from generation to generation, and the war of the year has been forgotten, and life is still peaceful.

She really doesn't want these people to feel and experience the pain their ancestors experienced back then, and she can't allow such things to happen, reincarnation, fate?God damn fate, she will not let the tragedy happen again.

(End of this chapter)

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