Chapter 2213

Jun Luoxi's face darkened, "Pacify my lost land? A joke! There is no basis for empty talk. How can you say that we have arrested someone? Even if we have captured someone, let him go if you let him go. Why, because your face is bigger than a basin? "

"You, you..." Fang Wu blushed with anger for a moment, and couldn't say a word in a daze.

His face is a bit round, but at first glance, it looks like a washbasin, which is appropriate.

"That's right, if you have the guts to show evidence, besides, why should the person in our hands give it to you, hmph!"

Why do you have to hand over the captives captured by your ability? If you have the ability, come and grab them.

Hearing everyone's shameless answers, Fang Wu was so angry that his head was about to explode. A trace of shameless eyes flashed in Shui Qingqing's eyes, and his face suddenly became gloomy, "You have seen that man before."

"Let my daughter go, I am willing to be your hostage!" Fang Wu took a deep breath and said, he is such a precious daughter, if something goes wrong, how can he explain to his wife?
Unexpectedly, he had just finished speaking when a group of people shouted.

"Military division is not good, don't fall into the other party's tricks!"

"Yes, to become a prisoner, I am willing to go!"

"Let me go!" Xiongxiong's eyes narrowed, his expression serious.

Jun Luoxi recognizes him, and his subordinates have reported that he is the deputy commander.

Fang Wu shook his head quickly, "No, I'll go!" They are the most important in the entire barracks, how can they become hostages of the other party, won't this disturb the morale of the army, absolutely not.

"Catch me and hand over my daughter!" Fang Wu said with a look of death.

Jun Luoxi shook her head helplessly, "I said, you didn't even ask us if we would agree or not, but you were in a hurry to show that if this person is on my territory, then you can't let him go." She probably knows who it is now.

The corner of Shui Qingche's mouth twitched, "Let her come out to see us. If she has something wrong, don't blame me for being rude." The implication is that I am happy that Jun Luoxi, this person is very important, and she cannot die.

Hearing this, she thought for a while and said: "This person, he must be fine, we don't like to kill prisoners in Lost Land, come here, bring him out for me."

Ah Luo and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. Their lords really arrested someone, who was arrested, and when and why they all didn't know.

Not long after, a person was carried over, yes, he was resisted by a skeleton, and he was thrown at Jun Luoxi's feet casually.

"Cough cough."

"Ruyun!" Seeing Fang Wu, he couldn't help shouting, sure enough, he was caught by them, damn it!

Looking down at the disheveled Fang Ruyun in front of her, Jun Luoxi almost couldn't recognize her. She was like a crazy woman, but she didn't have the attitude of a high-ranking daughter.

"Don't tell me when you arrest someone" Why didn't she know that her own skeleton also had this habit?Could it be that his subordinates in his previous life were ruffian soldiers?

Because these skeletons have self-awareness, Jun Luoxi didn't want to hinder their cultivation, so he isolated a place for them, but they actually caught someone back.

The skeleton scratched her bald head, "She talks nonsense, don't kill, torture first" Jun Luoxi understood what she said, and Fang Ruyun didn't know how wrong words made the skeletons unhappy, so she was arrested .

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dad!"

"Hey, dad will save you." Seeing his daughter like this, his heart ached to death.

Glancing at the skeleton, the corners of Jun Luoxi's mouth twitched slightly, "Why did you torture her?" Seeing this, she was indeed tortured enough, her hands were soaked white, her dress was dirty, pitiful, pitiful .

(End of this chapter)

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