Chapter 2227 Premeditated
While talking, he pursed his lips and followed his line of sight to look far away. It seemed that several people were waving and waving on the city wall.

Letting go of his consciousness, he took a hard look, and it turned out to be his own daughter Fang Ruyun. Fang Wu was suddenly excited, "Ruyun!" Great, she's fine.

Xiongxiong's face gradually became calm, and he looked at A Luo with complicated eyes. The witch really had a way, and she even showed both kindness and power, which made people hard to guard against, and she was caught by accident.

But there is no choice, because this is already the best way to deal with it.

"You two, please."

Fang Wu pursed his lips, and strode forward. There was only one daughter. Even if it was for her, it didn't matter if he was charged with grief and infidelity. He just had to bear it.

As soon as he moved, Xiongxiong also followed his footsteps. The army of "Father, wait for me" was overwhelming, they had no room to defend, and they would definitely lose. Then his title of general was gone. Now, they only represent individuals.

The two great commanders have also left, and there is such a good treatment for going to the Lost Land. Listen, everyone treats them equally. If you miss this kind of benefit, you will be a fool!

"Don't be in a daze, pack your bags and go to the Lost Land, there will be no pills if you are late."

I don't know who said such a sentence, everyone immediately ran back to their camp, packed their things, and ran towards the lost place one by one.

The gate of the Lost City, which had been fighting non-stop before, opened the gate, and there were several teams in front, and a large box and a register were placed in front of each team.

After everyone registered their information, they could receive the elixir, and even those who were injured took it at the time. Witnessing the effect of this elixir was even more exciting.

So far, almost 90.00% of the people have surrendered, and the rest are devoted to Pluto. After all, it is unrealistic for everyone to surrender.

Of course, the news sent back was not that they were driven by profit, but that Shui Qing was bewitched by beauty and led the army to surrender.

Someone is quite depressed, why should he be charged with such a crime, but no one cares about his depressed mood, because everyone is busy expanding, after all, they will have to develop here for a period of time before sending troops to attack Pluto.

Of course, Pluto didn't dare to disturb their family members in various parts of the imperial city. They have something good or bad, which will only make people feel chilling.

Knowing all this, the court was furious, and everyone was shocked.

"Come here! Arrest the Shui family and wait for me! Wait to be dealt with!" Pluto, who was sitting on his seat, had a livid face, and the beads on his head were shaking, as if he was in a restless mood at the moment.

The four major families including the Shui family are located in various parts of the imperial palace, and the guards of the imperial city are also extremely fast. They quickly headed towards the Shui family, but discovered an astonishing fact.


Not long after, a person knelt at the entrance of the main hall, sweating profusely.

"Say!" Pluto yelled, and all the ministers couldn't help but feel their scalps go numb. It turned out to be such an ending that they had never imagined. Hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers surrendered.

"Shui, the Shui family has disappeared!"

Pluto, who was quite restless, couldn't be calm anymore at this moment, he stood up all of a sudden, "Tell me again!" He disappeared, how could this be possible, he was still in court this morning.

"Back to Pluto, it really disappeared, no one was there, not even the servants!"

In fact, as early as when Jun Luoxi asked Fei Fei to deliver the letter, they had already started preparations, and on the surface nothing happened.

But as soon as the plan is started today, that's when they will leave the building empty.

(End of this chapter)

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