Chapter 2235 Not as good as a woman

The imperial city, the imperial palace.

In the dignified palace, apart from the patrolling guards, even the maids seldom move around.

Suddenly, a vortex appeared above a spacious venue, and a group of people came out of it. It seemed that there were still signs of continuing. Suddenly, an unknown person appeared in the palace, alarm, big alarm!
"Ah, who is it! Someone trespassed on the palace, kill him!"

Facing the rushing group of people, An Yi frowned, raised his sleeves and waved fiercely. The group of guards were immediately blown away by a fierce gust of wind, and their bodies and weapons hit the solid floor. With blood, I couldn't even stand up.

Then the people who rushed over didn't dare to act rashly, and their whereabouts could not help but raise doubts. If they read correctly just now, did this group of people use spiritual power?

Are they not from the underworld?Some people even broke in?what they want to do.

An Yi glanced coldly at this group of Netherlanders with complex complexions and low strength, and said in a disdainful tone, "I asked you Pluto to come see me!"

What, if you want to see Pluto, let him meet in person, the tone is too arrogant.

I don't know what came to mind, An Yi frowned, "Forget it, I'll see it myself, if you don't want to die, just stand still!"

As the voice fell, he had already fled towards the distance, and a dozen people saw him behind him, and immediately followed him.

"No, protect Pluto, there are assassins!"

The group of guards shouted and hurriedly chased away. The other party appeared too suddenly, and they didn't know what the purpose was, so we had better follow up.

At this end, Pluto and a group of ministers were going to court, the guards at the door were blown away, and a dozen people walked in, frightening the group of veterans.

With everything in my heart, I wondered if it was someone from the Lost Land who called in, it was too much.

An Yi glanced at Pluto above him, and cupped his hands, "An Yi, under the orders of my master, come to help."

Pluto's originally tense face suddenly became ecstatic, "Come here, give me a seat."

Then, he looked at An Yi with a smile, "Your Excellency came from a long way, thank you for your hard work."

All the ministers looked at each other, who is this person, why can't they feel any dark power from them, they are not from the underworld?
At this time, the group of guards rushed over, shouting to protect Hades, but the battle did not start, and they couldn't help being extremely embarrassed.

Pluto frowned, and stared at them in disgust. The group of people retreated quickly. If they were not enemies, then everything would be easy to talk about.

"Fortunately..." An Yi's face was flat, facing Pluto, he didn't show any respect, and he didn't need to look at his face to act.

"Ahem, don't be impatient, they are the helpers I invited, and their help is indispensable to deal with those barbarians." Now that I can't trust my own people, I can only find someone else.

As everyone knows, if you don't even trust your own people, how can you trust outsiders?They will help you with things that are not beneficial?
It's a pity, Pluto is desperate now, and Bai Yun's promise has moved his heart, so he decides to put all his eggs in one basket!
"Pluto, but they are not our people in the Nether Realm, this..." the minister showed a worried look on his face. Speaking of which, this is a battle among their own clansmen. Now that outsiders intervene, it will be bad if wolves are lured into the house.

When An Yi heard the words, the corners of his lips curled into a mocking arc, "So what? If you have the ability, you don't need Hades to go to great lengths to ask our master for help."

The implication is that I am useless, and I have to suspect that others have ulterior motives. Even if they have ulterior motives, it is the willingness to take the bait. They have not forced anyone to cooperate with them.

(End of this chapter)

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