Chapter 2246 You scold me
Just because these people are on Baiyun's side, they are her enemies. Naturally, there is no need for mercy when dealing with enemies, because innocent mercy will only kill herself, not to mention that she never admits that she is a good person.

All the skeletons nodded in unison, pulled out the long sword stuck on their body, and rushed towards the people of Tiansheng Palace.


This group of people was speechless immediately, they were just here to help, why staring at them to kill?The real conflict is your own people, okay? The topic is a bit off. Hey!

However, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight. Who let them get involved? They had to fight, otherwise they would die.

Seeing this scene, An Yi's face was not only livid, but also directly angry.

When the soldiers on Pluto’s side saw it, they were inexplicably gloating. It’s good not to stare at them and kill them. The pressure is low, and they might be able to save a life. It’s just that they are also curious, how did this group of people offend Jun Luoxi? By her.

Originally, the people in Tiansheng Palace disdained Pluto and the group, and they had always been superior, so that they were being stared at and killed at the moment, and the other party didn't have any sense of allies, and no one helped them share it.

In addition to the selfishness of the dead fellows, it is also because they themselves do not know how to behave. No matter how strong the two teams are, if they are not united, their combat effectiveness will not last.

"Jun Luoxi, stop!" An Yi couldn't help roaring, he couldn't bear it, even if the master blamed him, he would definitely kill this woman to avenge his dead subordinates!
No one has ever dared to provoke them like this and ignore them.

"Stop if you tell me to stop? Then why don't you stop? If you admit defeat now and take your people away, I can consider letting you go temporarily." Jun Luoxi stood in midair, condescending, very disdainful.

I'm scared now, why did I go early.

An Yi gritted his teeth, and the teeth rattled. He clenched his fists fiercely and squeezed the long sword. The whole person swept towards her like a whirlwind.

Just when he was three meters away from Jun Luoxi, Fatty in human form stood in front of him, "You fight me!"

To deal with that group of people, it is better to find a strong opponent and fight for real. Since the old man of the Xianyao tribe was killed last time, he has not encountered a strong opponent. Today is a rare opportunity.

"Get out of the way!" Facing the sudden appearance of Fatty, An Yi didn't take it seriously. At this moment, his mind was filled with killing intent towards Jun Luoxi.

"Master, I won't let you!" He looked like a bandit occupying the road, with his hands on his hips, and his chubby face was full of provocation, but in the eyes of others, it seemed like an ignorant child having a temper tantrum .

An Yi frowned fiercely, it's okay, it seems that this kid's identity is not simple, it's not bad that if he is caught, Jun Luoxi will be in chaos, and he will attack Feifei without even thinking about it.

However, the expected thing didn't happen, Feifei took the move easily, and was quite disdainful, "Your people from Tiansheng Palace are just as strong as the Xianyao people."

What, their Tiansheng Palace is not as good as the outdated guy of the Xianyao tribe, it's abominable!
Annoyed, An Yi made another move. This time, he realized that the strength of the young boy in front of him should not be underestimated.

"Aren't you a human?" It turned out to be a mythical beast, and he was still so young. What was his real body?
The transformed beast is like a child who grew up in human form. Compared with the real body, fighting in human form is much worse, but he took over [-]% of his power without changing his face, which is not easy!
(End of this chapter)

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