Chapter 2250 He lost, impossible

The soldiers of Pluto cursed angrily. It felt like they were fighting hard, but when they turned around, they found that their companions gave them a fatal blow. Can you not be angry?

No matter how angry you are, there is nothing you can do. The people in Tiansheng Palace don't listen to their orders. If they want to leave, they can't be stopped!

Seeing this, everyone in the Lost Land was even more excited, and they stopped dealing with the people of Tiansheng Palace, and shot at them one after another. In this way, An Yi's men escaped faster.

Seeing An Yi leading the rest of the Tiansheng Palace disciples to evacuate from a distance, Jun Luoxi sneered, his face was cold, "Go back and tell your master, I've done this a few times, let him wash his neck and wait!"


They pretended not to hear, and they left immediately, and disappeared so quickly.

Without the people from Tiansheng Palace, Pluto and his subordinates would not be the opponents of this group of skeletons and monsters.

"Hold on, hold on to me!" the leading commander yelled, with a hideous face, but no one would agree to his shouting at this time.

"Wan Ke" hadn't finished speaking, but the skeleton behind him crushed his heart, and he couldn't die anymore.

The skeleton withdrew his hand, the bones were still extremely clean, he glanced at the corpse lying underneath, "Talking too much." What he wanted to express should be that the villain died of talking too much.

Jun Luoxi looked coldly at the group of people who were killed and couldn't escape, "I'll give you another chance, die or surrender!"

"Success, I am willing to surrender!" The 20 army, nearly half of them were killed or injured, and it would not make any sense for them to persevere. They originally thought that the 45 army could completely crush the opponent.

They didn't even think that they were here to die. Not to mention how depressed they were, they kept cursing the people in Tiansheng Palace for their lack of loyalty and leaving them behind.

But they forgot that the people from Tiansheng Palace were here to help, and if they didn't want to help, they would leave naturally.

There was a surrender, like being infected with a virus, everyone put down their weapons one after another, this situation is over, there is no point in struggling, Pluto is doomed to fail.

Jun Luoxi snapped her fingers, and the controlled skeletons then slowly retreated, and the ones she released from the Underworld Emperor's Order also returned.

At this point, the vigorous battle was completely over, and the dawn dawned from the sky, shining on everyone's faces, and everyone who was covered in blood was inexplicably relieved at this moment.

Fortunately, they are all lucky to be alive, and they can still live to see the sun.

Afterwards, they looked at each other, regardless of whether the person standing opposite was an enemy or not, from now on, they were all the same, and they would fight side by side in the future!

Thinking about it this way, the eyes they looked at each other became gentle, and one of them stretched out his fist to touch the other. The two originally belonged to different camps, so they might have killed each other's companion, brother.

But in the future, they can only look away and resolve all grievances, because this can no longer be calculated clearly.

The other two patted each other's shoulders and gave each other a hug. All of a sudden, they became warmer.

After all, they are all citizens of the Nether Realm, and they don't want to go to war, but if they can live in peace, they will agree with it, and believe that with the new leader, the future will be peaceful and stable.

Here, Pluto received the news, his face was ashen, and he sat on the dragon chair very decadently, and the air pressure around him became extremely low.

All the ministers in the main hall below stood, bent over and did not look up, for fear that if something went wrong, they would become a punching bag.

(End of this chapter)

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