Chapter 2255 Young Master Fire

"It's a reason. There can be thousands of reasons. Don't worry about it. Let's go." Jun Luoxi patted Shuiqing's shoulder, and the whole person was very leisurely. With a light tap of his foot, he swept forward.

Because of the upcoming war, the common people in the city closed their doors to rest early and did not come out to move around, or they did not want to be arrested as spies. Moreover, under the current situation, no one was in the mood to come out and chat.

"Okay, you win."

The figures of the two were quite fast, like a black light, so fast that people could not catch them. The soldiers patrolling the street only felt a gust of cool wind blowing, but did not perceive anything unusual.

At this time, Huo's house, in a courtyard.

"Let me out, I want to see my father, I have something to say!" In a room, a person kept knocking and slamming on the door. However, the seemingly vulnerable wooden door was actually set up with a formation. No matter how it hits, it doesn't move at all.

There were two guards standing at the door dedicated to their duties. They looked at each other with a hint of helplessness in their eyes.

"Young master, you don't need to make any more effort. If you can't get out, the prohibition formation was set up by the patriarch. Even if it is the patriarch, he can't do anything about it. You'd better save your energy."

Even if he didn't want to save his energy, their ears were almost callused when they heard the yelling, but it was really torture if they couldn't block the sound.

"Then I won't go out, you go and tell your father that I really have something important to tell him, go quickly." The man inside kept urging, but the two people at the door were still like a piece of wood, motionless .

In the end, he was discouraged, and he knelt down helplessly at the door, "Then tell me about the current situation."

He stopped, and the two guards breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they don't yell, it's fine to chat, um, chatting is good, at least it won't be boring.

"What does the young master want to know?"

"The most exciting news at the moment, such as where the people from the Lost Land have gone, what plans Pluto has, and the attitude of our Huo family." In the words, there is no lack of worry about the Huo family.

One of the guards said, "Well, the people from the Lost Land have already attacked outside our Golden Fire City, and the Pluto asked us to resist to the death!" The tone was full of emotion.

When the city is broken, they don't know what will happen to them. They have all heard that the people in the Lost Land are extremely ferocious, one against ten, incredibly powerful, and there are strange hidden weapons to help.

They are strong, but they may not be opponents. What is annoying is that Pluto knows that he is invincible and wants them to die. Damn it.

"What? We're outside the city, why so fast?" Young Master Huo was also surprised, he was imprisoned for less than half a month, and the other party came in so quickly, the people in the underworld are so weak what?
"Yeah, but they just arrived today, we haven't played against each other yet, maybe our strength is higher than theirs." These words seem to be self-comforting.

When Jun Luoxi and Shui Qingche sneaked into Huo's house, they heard this conversation.

Originally, I deliberately found a secluded place to enter, but I didn't expect to come to the territory of the young master of the Huo family. I don't know whether to say it is good luck, or memorize it.

"Hey! This kid was actually locked up. It's interesting." Shui Qingqing had a playful smile on his face, and it was hard to see whether it was gloating or sympathy.

"Are you familiar?" Jun Luoxi only remembered when he asked, he seldom mentioned the matter of the Huo family and the Jin family to himself, and the young masters of the aristocratic families seemed to have no contacts, and she had never seen them either.

"Reluctantly, this kid's talent is mediocre, he lives in seclusion, but he is very resourceful. I don't have much contact with him."

(End of this chapter)

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