Chapter 2257

Clear Shui immediately touched his nose in embarrassment, "Ahem, why did you go behind the door?"

There was so much noise that a hugging man covered his head with one hand, and slapped the dust off his body with the other, "I've always been here!" He kept knocking on the door, but where is it behind the door?

"Huh? The water is clear, why is it you?" Huo Yu quickly glanced at the two fainted people at the door, pulled them in, and quickly closed the door, his movements were clean and neat, without any muddling.

"Am I surprised?" Indeed, I should be surprised, after all, the two of them are now hostile.

Huo Yu nodded, her eyes fell on Jun Luoxi, her shocked expression was even more incredible, "You, you, why are you here?" Shit, the underworld is so restless now, she ran here alone what to do.

"You are." Looking at the fire feather in front of him, Jun Luoxi felt a sense of familiarity, but for a while, he couldn't remember where he saw it.

"Huo Yu, me, you asked me before if I knew Shui Qingqing, so you really know him." He thought it was the same name and surname, but he didn't expect such a coincidence.

As soon as these words came out, Shui Qingqing immediately became narcissistic, "Hey, Xixi, I didn't expect you to say my name every day, I'm so touched." As he said, he cast another look of discharge.

She reached out and pushed him aside, "Go aside, I don't have time to take care of you" After that, she looked at Huo Yu.

"I remembered, you are a disciple of Fengyun College." She had only seen it in the past three years, and her memory was a little fuzzy.

Huo Yu nodded again and again, "You remember, oh yes, why did you come here, the water is clear, you really are, what is going on here now, you dare to bring your friends here."

Jun Luoxi couldn't help but smile, "I'm here to look for you." This Huoyu is not much different from the one she saw three years ago, and she is still quite considerate.

"Looking for us? You?" Huo Yu was a little belated, and a series of messages came into his mind, until he nodded when he saw the water clear, he turned to look at Jun Luoxi.

The study of the Patriarch of the Huo Family.

Huo Family Patriarch Huo Huo, he seemed to be discussing something with an old man, and then let him leave, walking around the house by himself, looking very irritable.

"Father, you haven't rested yet at this late hour?"

Hearing a familiar voice suddenly, Huo Huo looked back, and his face suddenly became gloomy, "You can't stay in the room well, what are you doing here, who let you out?"

Even the formation restriction set by the old man can't lock him, this kid is a bit capable.

"I let it go," Shui Qing said, and swaggered out from behind Huo Yu, smiling and cupping his hands at Huo Yu, "My nephew has seen Uncle Huo."

Although the four major families compete with each other, they are not inseparable from each other. What's more, he has not forgotten the purpose of his visit today, so naturally he has to say hello.

"What are you doing here, kid? Are you afraid that I will arrest you?" Huo Huo stared coldly at Shui Qing, if Pluto knew that this guy appeared, he would have to try his best to arrest him.

Moreover, if someone with a heart looks at it, they will definitely suspect that they are plotting something.

"Master Huo, don't worry, except for you father and son, no one knows that we have been to Huo's house." Jun Luoxi's cold voice sounded, and a figure appeared from behind Shui Qingche.

At this time, as soon as Huo Huo sensed it, he found that an extremely powerful formation was set up here, and the guards at the door had no idea that they had fallen into the formation.

"You are the commander of the Lost Land?" Is this the reincarnation of the Underworld Emperor in the rumors?Sure enough, he was so courageous that he dared to come to Huo's house at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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