Chapter 2268
"Wonderful, forgive him Pluto never thought we would do this trick, haha, I seem to know what expression he will have when this happens!"

Patriarch Jin seemed displeased with Pluto, and after hearing Jun Luoxi's plan, he had already started to groan.

"Calm down, you're so old, you're so impatient, you're not afraid of shame!" Patriarch Huo couldn't hide his excitement, but he couldn't help but yell at his good friend.

"Cut, they are all our own people, so what is there to be afraid of?" I have said it all, afraid of being ashamed?It doesn't exist, as long as he doesn't care about other people's eyes.

Just at this moment, the Black Demon Fire came back to inquire about the news.

"Master, I found it. There are ten of them living in the palace, but they are with the other guards under the pretext of Pluto's personal guards. If we want to do something, I promise we will do it without anyone noticing."

These days, it's fighting more and more vigorously. As a strange fire, it's too boring to hide in the master's body all the time. Only by fighting can it grow. The same goes for their strange fires.

Otherwise, before choosing a master, it also needed to avoid those who tried to catch it.

"Don't worry, I want some people to taste the taste of despair." Like Pluto, if he is not so desperate that he is unable to resist, the other party will still fight to the end.

Moreover, she is not only trying to deal with Pluto, but also wants to show it to others. She is not Pluto, her strength and authority cannot be provoked by others!
"Okay." Black Demon Fire was rather regretful.

"That's it. If you have time, the two of you will help me find out what other people say. I will prepare some medicines to suppress the awakening of the spirit gu these days, and then implement our plan."

If the matter here is settled, it is almost within her plan when things settle down, and she can go back to the Fairy Continent as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, we know what to do." In fact, they were controlled by the spirit voodoo, and their anger couldn't be calmed down. They would definitely not be as good as Pluto intended. If someone takes the lead, I believe many people will respond.

Just like that, Jun Luoxi and Shui Qingche left the palace, Pluto didn't even know that the person he wanted to arrest the most and hated the most went to his back garden and left.

"Your Majesty, is it really okay for us to do this? What if, what if Pluto wins in the end?" In the early morning, two thin men dressed in men's clothes quietly left the palace, looking for a lonely woman. corner walk.

"Shh, keep your voice down! Win what you win, the two big families have surrendered, I heard that the flames of war have already reached Jinhuocheng, Jinhuocheng is broken, and the enemy is approaching the city, and it will be difficult to leave at that time."

Hearing this, the little girl stopped talking, but when the two walked a few steps forward, they were stunned in place.

"Pluto" God, how could he come here?
"You also betrayed me!" Damn it, everyone wants to escape, so is it certain that he will lose?

The maid and concubine knelt on the ground at once, "Pluto, forgive me, my concubine will never dare again, please forgive me!" Why are they so unlucky, I knew they would have been hiding here, maybe the enemy would not kill them.

"Hmph! If you betray me, you will only die!" Spare me?impossible!
Hades waved his hand, and the guard's sword appeared in his hand. With a wave of the long sword, two heads immediately rolled to his feet.

"It's dealt with!" I wanted to find a clean place to breathe fresh air, but I didn't expect to encounter such a terrible thing, it was really not what he wanted, and I was irritated!

The palace looked calm on the surface, but secretly, it was obvious that people were panicking, but no one dared to show it.

(End of this chapter)

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