Chapter 2271 He Has Chips
After saying this coldly, Baiyun lifted his feet and walked away, without any intention of staying, as if Huofeng was just a passerby, and he had no right to let him stay for a while.

Just walking past Huofeng without giving her alms from the corner of the eye.

It wasn't until he left that Huo Feng realized it later, and her face suddenly became distorted in anger, "It's so, damn it!" Staring at Bai Yun's back, she looked unwilling.

As the princess of Tiansheng Palace, coupled with her beauty and figure, she is not sought after anywhere, and now it is the first time to meet such a cold reception, it is a great shame.

"Princess, he is the Young Palace Master, calm down, calm down." The implication is that he is not someone they can offend, and he will be the most authoritative person in the entire Tiansheng Palace in the future.

Taking a deep breath, Huofeng forced a slight smile, "Of course I know that, if you have talent and strength, you will inevitably reject people thousands of miles away, but I am not in a hurry, and it will be long in Japan in the future."

It's all in Tiansheng Palace today, can she still have a chance?Men are always cold on the surface, but they don't know how hot they are on the inside. She pursues and fights fiercely, not afraid of missing a chance.

From Huofeng's eyes, there was a look of determination to win.

At this time, the realm of the underworld.

"Report, Pluto, something is wrong, something is going to happen!" When he was about to go down to court, the messenger yelled, holding the special pass given to him by Pluto, and ran all the way into the hall.

Seeing this, Pluto's heart skipped a beat, but he still put on a calm expression on the surface, "I'm flustered, what's the matter, speak quickly!" Could something be wrong.

"Reporting to Pluto, there is news from the front line that Golden Fire City has fallen, they, they have all returned to the Lost Land!"

Although it was expected, but it did not come so soon, Pluto's face was ashen, extremely gloomy, with one hand tightly holding the armrest, as if he wanted to crush the enemy's head to death.

Everyone's eyes immediately fell on the heads of the Jinhuo family, and the meaning of the eyes was unclear.

The Huo patriarch showed an angry expression, "Impossible! There must be a mistake in the news. My gold and fire families are loyal to Pluto and swear to fight the enemy to the death. It must be a rumor, a rumor!"

"That's right, Pluto, you must investigate this matter thoroughly, and don't fall into the enemy's tricks!" Patriarch Jin also looked like he was jumping, and they absolutely couldn't admit it at this time.

Pluto had no expression on his face, "Of course I know, if we investigate this matter again, we must get the most accurate information, next court!"

Before everyone saluted, he had already lifted his feet and left.

"I'm waiting to send you off to Pluto."


"Pluto, what can we do? Jinhuo City has really fallen, and the Jinhuo family insisted on taking this step regardless of the safety of their patriarch!" Pluto's most caring subordinate had a solemn and cold face.

"I didn't expect that since they are not benevolent, don't blame me for being cruel." Pluto sneered evilly.

"Golden Fire City surrendered, and their strength has increased again. With the strength of our imperial city's garrison, it is difficult to compete with them. Pluto, we need to think of countermeasures!"

What to do, are they really helpless now, the Pluto lineage that has ruled the underworld for tens of thousands of years, is about to disappear?
"What are you afraid of, don't forget, I still have a bargaining chip, if I want the Netherworld, don't even think about it!"

The eyes of his subordinates brightened, "Pluto, what do you mean?" There are also the patriarchs of the Jinhuo family in the imperial city, and there are countless disciples under their banners. They control the two of them, and they are not afraid that others will not obey orders.

At that time, even if they come to the city, they can let their big families kill each other. Even if the throne falls into her hands in the end, it will definitely be a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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