Chapter 2274 Don't Kill You

"It's a matter of course, it's a matter of course." Jun Luoxi's expression turned cold.

Pluto, however, acted as if he had pinched the opponent's vitals, and became proud, "That's right, if I announce to the world that I will abdicate and give way to the new, you will be less infamous. This is not a bad deal."

To become a king, who doesn't want to be less criticized and stained, he believes that this is a good condition, and the other party will definitely agree.

"Thank you old man, do you think I have the status of the reincarnation of the Underworld Emperor, so I still need you to be a wolf with a big tail here?"

She led the troops to attack and occupy the imperial city, so what, how many people wished that Pluto had done what he did, and at this moment, how many people were waiting to see his jokes.

Even if she is not open about her teaching, it doesn't matter, the people of the underworld only need to know how she treats the people in the future, such a small matter will be forgotten.

As if he had figured out the reason, Pluto's face suddenly became stiff, and he stood up in a daze, laughing loudly.

"I didn't expect that I would get to where I am today. I didn't expect that I lost to a woman, but to a little girl with yellow hair. It's ridiculous and exasperating!"

He rolled down the stairs and lay three or five steps away from Jun Luoxi. At this moment, he didn't have the temperament of being the king of Hades, he was completely like a lost dog.

Seeing her like this, none of the people present sympathized with him. He deserved what happened to him now!
"I kill you!"

Suddenly, Pluto pulled out a long sword from the ring, straightened up like a carp, and slashed at Jun Luoxi.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and wanted to rush over to protect the lord, but in the next second, Jun Luoxi's actions stunned them in place, and they saw her stretch out two fingers to catch the long sword that was coming.

That's right, just two fingers, as if holding chopsticks is so easy.

"You!" Pluto wanted to pull back the long sword, but found that it was motionless, and his face was shocked, and then there was fear, she, she is so powerful, how strong is her strength?

"Kill me, you may not have a chance to remake it." When the words fell, the long sword in her hand was pinched by her fingers and broke.

And Pluto, who was backlashed by a powerful force, fell not far away, spitting blood.

Master, this is the real master, who can take the opponent's attack without changing his face, and seriously injure the enemy without everyone being aware of it.

Pluto's face was full of space, he was scared, and now he was really scared.

"You, please spare me, I dare not come again, I will give you the position you want, please spare my life" To live, he must live on at all costs.

If you are not alive, there is no chance to come back.

But he will regret it very much later, he might as well die.

Jun Luoxi smiled faintly, "Okay, I won't kill you, but, capital punishment is inevitable, but living punishment is inevitable. Since you want to live, how can you do it without paying a price?"

As soon as these words came out, Pluto immediately panicked, "What do you want to do?"

"you guess."

Shui Qing raised his eyebrows, "Of course I'm crippling you!" If a person lives without threats, he must be useless.

"no, do not want!"

However, it was his turn to refuse?
Shui Qingche walked over, took Pluto directly, and instantly shattered his dantian, and screams resounded in the hall.

"Kill me, it's better to kill me!" Because of the pain, Pluto crawled on the ground like a dead dog, his hair was messed up, and he seemed to be ten years old.

(End of this chapter)

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